Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 567: : Retreat

Watch the tea ceremony teacher make tea for them in a kimono. Her husband boiled water and took out a little sandalwood from the incense box to light it. While boiling water on the wind stove, the tea ceremony teacher left the table again and went to the water house to get busy. Although it is known that the tea ceremony here originated from China, Su Qingyue did not know the specific details.

At this time, Fu Sichang took the lead and preached: "Mr. Antoko, we have long heard of the name Win Associated Press. We have a lot of your works." He said: "This time Dong Chou told me. After seeing you, I feel very good. But because of time constraints, I had to arrange the meeting place here."

Listening to Zheng Wei's translation, An Bed Rongren nodded. After speaking a few words in Japanese, Su Qing looked at her facial expressions and realized that it should be all polite remarks. Then Zheng Wei said again: "Mr. Antoo said that he is also very happy to meet you. Yinglian Press has always been very optimistic about the Greater China market, and has long hoped that everyone can cooperate."

It feels that Anchuang Rongren said a lot, but Zheng Wei actually translated only such a few sentences. The more Su Qing remembered, the efficiency of Japanese was relatively low. At this time the tea ceremony teacher came back and sat down again. Anchuang said a lot of words, and finally only one or two sentences were translated. One sentence is to say thank you to the tea ceremony teacher, and the other is to say: "Welcome everyone to taste the Japanese tea ceremony. If you are interested in the future, you can come often."

He said that the tea ceremony teacher invites everyone to eat snacks first.

An Bed Rongren said: "Refreshment can prevent us from hurting our stomachs by drinking tea."

Then the water on the stove boiled, and the tea ceremony teacher continued.

Su Qingyue found that An Bed Rongren was very courteous, and these courtesy were integrated into his bones. Respond to the words of both parties like a series of stress procedures. In comparison, Zheng Wei is a bit worse. Although I can keep up, I can see the slightest clumsiness.

As for Zhou Yang, he is always himself.

Su Qingyue found that he could not see Zhou Yang clearly, only that he was worthy of the nickname computer. At this time, Fu Sichang said: "Mr. Antoko, your animation is popular all over the world, and the surrounding culture is doing very well. We hope that in the days to come, we can learn development experience from the Yinglian News Agency."

"We learn from each other." Antoko said: "I have always firmly believed that the Greater China market will grow into the largest market in Asia in the future, and even an important market in the world. Yinglian Press has long hoped to enter this market and expand our products. And the surrounding area, I also need your help."

"Mr. Anchuang can say directly if necessary, and we can make progress together." Fu Sichang smiled back.

An Bed nodded seriously and said, "Then thank you Mr. Fu first." He said, bowing seriously.

The tea is ready at this time.

The tea ceremony teacher offered tea to them one by one, and An Bed took it over. Su Qingyue noticed that he and Zheng Wei both held the bowl with their left hand and held the bowl with five fingers on their right. He said a Japanese thank you, then turned around the tea bowl, and tasted very lightly, very slowly.

After drinking, I said some thanks to the tea ceremony teacher.

Su Qingyue and the others also continued.

Zhou Yang is very proficient, and he doesn't seem to be missing.

Then they chatted around.

Fu Sichang asked curiously: "Mr. Antoko thinks that an important part of animation peripheral products should be?"

"In addition to the product itself, I think the most important thing should be the protection of intellectual property rights." He said, Zheng Wei helped translate: "Because the development of animation products depends on strict legal protection. I think that if this industry is to be developed in the future, Such related work can be started in advance."

An Bed Rongren said, Su Qingyue found that he was not only polite and courteous, but also very skillful in speaking. He did not talk about the issue of piracy, and very cleverly said the essence of this matter-that is, intellectual property rights. As Mr. Fu listened, he couldn't help but nod his head: "Although we have just started, we attach great importance to this aspect of work, and relevant laws and regulations are also being improved."

"For the healthy development of the industry, the law is one aspect." Zhou Yang interrupted at this time and said: "On the other hand, we are also raising the awareness of the entire industry on the protection of intellectual property rights." He said, introducing Su Qingyue to An Bed. Said: "Mr. Su has done a very good job in this area."

He said, An Bed looked at Su Qingyue.

The two chatted a few words. After hearing "Little Devil", the other party immediately nodded and said that he had heard it, and said: "The performance of the exhibition is very good. Jay Chou took me to see it this afternoon. It captures the delicateness of the female game, and the exquisite story and emotional Enough, it can be adapted into anime." He said, looking at his business card: "Mr. Su's full name is?"

"Yuedao Network." Su Qingyue replied.

"Okay, I remembered it." He smiled, and Zheng Wei translated: "We often contact."

Several people were drinking tea and chatting.

It was mainly Mr. Fu talking with Anchuang, Su Qingyue and Zhou Yang listened. Some things were spoken by them, and Su Qingyue also had some reflections of his own. He realized that, as Mr. Fu said just now, in fact, they are still far away from major international factories.

This requires the joint efforts of practitioners and the entire society to enhance awareness. This is a long process and requires the coordination of multiple links to make the entire environment better.

He thought about drinking tea again.

Before eleven o'clock, the tea was almost ready.

The conversations between the two sides were all point-to-point, and did not go very deep.

Everyone respected each other's time and raised them almost at the same time, inviting each other to visit next time. Then Secretary Su Qingyue, Zhou Yang and Fu Sichang sent Anchuang Rongren away. When I walked to the door, a few all-inclusive company employees came back.

Everyone nodded when they saw them.

Faintly feeling a little uneasy, the more Su Qing did not understand the meaning of this retreat. UU reading www. Even if uukanshu.com is temporary, shouldn't it be daytime? I don't think clearly, I always feel that Zhou Yang is still thinking about something. It's already past eleven o'clock after looking at his watch, thinking of saying hello to Fu Sichang and leaving. But as soon as I saw the latter, Zhou Yang said: "Mr. Fu, there is an executive lounge on the second floor. Let's drink a little bar nearby? Let's talk? I think I have a lot of experience today."

With a word of him, Su Qing was stunned for a moment.

Originally wanted to say that I had something, but Fu Sichang followed: "Qingyue, then let's be together?"

As they said, Su Qing couldn't refute Fu Si's long face, so he had to smile and walk into the lounge.

I thought to myself, no matter what I said today, Zhou Yang would not be able to succeed.

Then they ordered a few glasses of Japanese whiskey, and a few people clinked glasses to thank the industry department led by Fu Sichang.

Zhou Yang followed: "Mr. Fu, I think you just talked about the protection of intellectual property rights. I think this matter is very important. It is not only important for the animation industry, but also for the game industry and the Internet industry. Keep up with the law. At the same time, we also need to improve the public awareness of practitioners and society..."

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