Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 569: : Raw rice and cooked rice

Today is the last day of the video game show.

The blue sky and white clouds in Tokyo finally turned overcast. So when Su Qing opened his eyes, he thought it was early morning and the sun had not yet risen. It wasn't until I saw the wall clock that the hour hand had passed 8. I realized that the time was late. Still very tired and want to continue sleeping.

He didn't sleep well last night. I always feel that some details have been missed, and I am worried that Zhou Yang will not give up. After waking up three or four times at night, there were always nightmares haunting him, but he couldn't recall the specific details when he really woke up. In a daze, I saw Ah Mu also got up.

He just followed up.

Washing briefly, Ah Mou looked around the whole room, looked out the window again, stretched his waist, and said with emotion: "Oh...it feels like a week is so short. Brother Su, when you are not busy, let's travel around the world. Let’s travel, I really want to see everywhere and take pictures by the way."

"In fact, we can see the north and south poles, and travel in the polar regions." Su Qingyue said and laughed.

I still felt that such a thing was out of reach. Now I feel it is really necessary.

Thinking of this, I finished washing.

Two people went down to the restaurant for dinner, and many people have already come down. This time he still ordered natto and rice, followed by a few small pickles, and a fried fish steak for the main course. In the past few days, he has tried several combinations, but he still likes this one.

sit down.

After a while, A Mou carried a vegetable salad with a fish steak.

After eating breakfast, Ah Mou said emotionally: "In fact, I am a little reluctant to go back. There are so many delicious foods, I feel I haven't eaten enough." She said, "But I want to eat boiled bullfrogs. Let’s go back to the first thing, let’s eat that one."

"Yes, let Brother Guang invite us." Su Qingyue said, taking a bite of fish steak.

Speaking of this, Amou suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, Sister Xiaoxuan told me last night that when we go back, we will bring the baby some milk and diapers." She said, "Let's do it again tonight. Go buy a little?" She said, worrying again: "But I'm afraid of being overweight."

"Ziyou and Pengpeng should be no problem there." Su Qingyue said.

Ah Mou was relieved now.

They were chatting, when Chen Feng and Jiang Jiming walked into the restaurant. They picked up the meal at the dining table. Su Qingyue waved his hand and called the boss, "Sit here." He said, wanting to open a chair for Chen Feng. But when the latter saw him, he was startled at first, and then he refused.

Although he was smiling, Su Qingyue always felt a little strange on his face. It seems that I haven't had a good rest, or something else. In short, I can't tell what's going on, I just feel that it's different. Seeing him sitting down alone, Jiang Jiming passed by after a while.

There is a faint feeling of bad foreboding.

He still tried his best to suppress the worries in his heart, and chatted with Amu again. Before he knew it, he looked at Chen Feng again, always feeling that they were also looking at themselves, as if there was something wrong, a trace of loss and disappointment flashed in Chen Feng's eyes. At this moment, the phone rang suddenly, and when he glanced at the number, he found that it was Zhou Ziyou.

It is rare that he called himself so early, and Su Qingyue's inner worries finally could not be controlled. He picked it up and only gave a feed. Just as he was about to say something more, Zhou Ziyou's voice came from the receiver: "Boss, why don't you notify us of such a big matter?"


After being taken aback by him, he looked at the gazes of Chen Feng and Jiang Jiming on the opposite side.

Su Qingyue then recovered and asked: "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

"Boss, you went out last night to discuss the industry proposal with Zhou Yang." Zhou Ziyou said: "Now several media are asking me what's going on. I said that the proposal itself is fine. I want to ask about the details of the launch. Here I am. I don’t know anything, don’t you hurry up and ask you."

The cup was tightened in an instant, and I wish I could scold my mother.

Su Qingyue asked: "Is my name on the proposal?"

"Yes, let's Yuedao Network," Zhou Ziyou said: "Now it is said that because of you, several other companies are also willing to join in. You can check the headlines on the front page of Zhouyang's homepage." Zhou Ziyou said: " Boss, you have to tell me when you make this decision."

As he said, Su Qingyue was suddenly dumb.

Suddenly I understood what was going on with Chen Feng and Jiang Jiming's eyes.

I had never been so angry before, and slammed the spoon onto the plate. Ami looked up and asked him what's wrong.

Su Qingyue didn't know what to say for a while, at this moment Ah Mou's phone also rang.

After she picked it up, she only greeted a few times, and then said: "Really? Alright, I think it can. Then we can make a special topic, I told him, let him cooperate with us." She said Then, he giggled and looked at Su Qingyue.

Obviously, the person on the phone is a colleague or boss of Amu, and they may also be talking about the proposal.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yang came to this hand, and indeed the worry came.

Zhou Ziyou's phone hasn't been hung up yet, he is waiting for his reply on the phone.

For a long time, Su Qingyue wanted to reply: This is not what I agree with, so I told the media directly.

But when the words came to my lips, I still held back. He quickly realized that he couldn't say that, because the act of proposing was okay. If you deny this matter, you are likely to be said to oppose the protection of intellectual property rights.

And it was obvious that Zhou Yang was in it. He was risking that he didn't dare to tell the truth.

In fact, I really can't say.

He didn't get angry, he was silent for a long time, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

In the end he only said to the latter: "Wait for me to go back to the room."

Hanging up the phone, Amu looked at him and said, "Did you talk to Mr. Fu about the proposal last night?" She stared at him with wide-eyed eyes, and laughed: "I was hiding such a big thing from me. Our boss is looking for me now and wants me to interview you."

He said that Su Qingyue found himself really hard to argue.

Look at Chen Feng and Jiang Jiming on the opposite side, UU reading www. uukanshu.com remembered what he said to himself before.

Really losing his appetite, he pushed away the plate.

"What's the matter?" Amu asked when he realized that Su Qingyue's mood was wrong.

"You eat first." He said, "Go back to the room after eating."

After a while and Amou went back to the hotel, and as soon as they turned on the laptop, the QQ rang, and countless heads shook. He slammed the cup to the ground and yelled, "Zhou Yang, the bastard!"

Following Ah Mu asked in surprise: "What's the matter?"

Su Qingyue said to her: "I didn't agree to sign any proposal at all!"

He said, Amu was shocked.

Su Qingyue followed: "In front of Mr. Fu, from a commercial point of view, I have tactfully rejected it. They are all savvy people in the industry. Do you have to say to him, "Don't agree, get out?"

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