Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 571: : See also An Bed

   This is the last day of the exhibition.

   Before entering the museum, the heavy rain came unexpectedly all morning. It was originally a cool early autumn, but the temperature was instantly poured even lower. Ah Mu couldn't help but tighten his shoulders. The huge gunpla in the square stared into the sky, as if wanting to run wildly at any time, toward the world of freedom.

   and Amou rushed into the hall, and were immediately surrounded by the sound of music and human voices from various booths. The rain outside can no longer be heard, even the thunder is very small. Looking back at the pale sky, a few lightning bolts opened the sky.

go inside.

   In order to promote its own football game, EA also specially invited big-name stars who played for Premier League clubs and players from La Liga clubs. Their performance on stage attracted a wave of shouts from the players, and even Su Qingyue couldn't help but stop. I have to admit that this method is simple, rude and effective...

   "I feel more lively than yesterday." Because the exhibition hall was very noisy, Amu had to say loudly. She kept stopping, took pictures, and then turned around and started to sigh with Su Qingyue: "So shocking!"

   "Indeed." Su Qingyue thinks the same way.

  Walking in, he also feels that there are more people in the whole exhibition today. The area of ​​online games feels that the space is bigger, and every booth is desperately attracting players. I can see that the team extending from the China Pavilion actually ranks ahead of several other Korean game companies.

  People from other game companies also looked inside. Su Qingyue walked in, just as Liu Hao came out, and the two met. The latter shook hands with him: "Brother, you're so cruel! You are cruel! You don't want to do it, you can kill it." He laughed, and looked inside: "Now "Little Devil" is paying attention. The degree is enough, brother is mighty."


   After all, this is not the effect he wanted, so when Liu Hao said this, he was still a little embarrassed. In the end, he could only diverge from the topic: "You seven color is also good. Not only is the agent of NiceSoft games, but the self-developed games are also very effective."

"Quickly pull it down, can you still have "Little Devil"?" Liu Hao smiled, took his hand and said: "You can, you are very close to the official, they all said that the official used your mouth to speak. Let me know in advance what will happen in the future..."

   "Really not, let me explain to you if I find time."

   Liu Hao said again: "Of course I believe you. But if this is the case, then you have to be careful. Jiang is a man who must report it, and he will not let it go."

   "Understood." Su Qingyue nodded, very happy to have Liu Hao as a friend.

   separated from him and walked inside.

   The line of "Little Devil" is very long. The staff of Yuedao smiled to maintain order, and from time to time gave players a glass of water in need. Not far away, Su Qingyue noticed a familiar figure on the experience stage, playing a game. From time to time, he yelled loudly, obviously in admiration.

   There is a man following him by his side. Su Qingyue recognized them at a glance. They had only seen them last night, and the president of the Ying Associated Press An Bed Rongren and his translator Zheng Wei. He was playing and fascinated, and someone urged him behind him, so he reluctantly left. Looking up and seeing Su Qingyue, he immediately laughed and said a few words.

"Mr. Su is good." Because the words on the bed were a bit intermittent, his interpreter also said: "Mr. A bed has been in line here several times. He thinks your story is very attractive, far beyond what he had imagined before. Looks like. I didn't expect you guys to be so good, he is very happy."

   "Thank you for saying that." Su Qingyue laughed: "This is not the final version. We will improve the whole story in the future to make the world rich and vivid, and truly virtual as reality."

   He said, Zheng Wei helped him translate.

  An bed nodded and said something to Zheng Wei.

The latter immediately helped him translate: "The story system established by Mr. Su through the Internet is very beautiful, especially to show the whole world completely." He said: "In the future, we need to contact more, and we have many stories in the Win Associated Press. ."

   did not expect that he would mention this, so the two people reconfirmed the contact information they received yesterday. Rongren looked more serious this time, and then shook hands with Su Qingyue and left with Zheng Wei.

  Su Qingyue returned to the booth again to accompany the other staff to maintain order.

   A Mou took a picture on the side.

At this time, a media reporter saw him and immediately ran over, stretched the recording pen in front of him, and asked: "Mr. Su, can you talk about the proposal?" It was a female reporter, and it should have been hired by Jiang Zhengshang. Small media.

   Su Qingyue had a slight impression, remembering that they had looked for themselves, and smiled back: "Let’s go to the colleague in charge of our public relations department."

   "Mr. Su, is it just one question?" She said: "Because the industry is spreading, you participated in the proposal this time only because you have a personal grievance with Mr. Jiang. I want to ask if this is the case?"

   she asked, and the people around her immediately pricked their ears.

   Su Qingyue immediately realized that if he avoided it completely, he would have settled the matter. I had to smile and said: "It is the duty of every practitioner to safeguard intellectual property rights and promote the healthy development of the entire industry. How can personal grievances be involved here?" He said: "The starting point of the proposal is never personal. Individuals cannot represent the industry. I hope everyone can understand this."

   He said, turning his gaze to the other people in the audience.

   Those people froze for a moment, and they didn't know how to answer.

   Zhou Yang and Xiao Yu came at this time, and they all surrounded there again.

   "Can Jay Chou talk about the lawsuit between you and Mr. Jiang?" they said.

"We have a lot of evidence, but it is not appropriate to announce it today." Zhou Yang said with a smile, but his tone was very flat, and then said: "If you are interested, you can follow the follow-up." He said, accompanied by Xiao Yu, went to the booth. The booth of the in-house own company.

   The two passed by. He smiled and greeted Su Qingyue, as if he were a pair of old friends.

   Su Qing's stomach rushed to his chest, really wanting to punch him.

   Jiang Zhengshang also came at this time, and a group of reporters gathered around.

   Guan Er quickly stopped him and explained: "Today is the last day of the exhibition. If you have anything you can go back to China, let's talk about it."

   Another reporter wants to ask.

   Guan You stopped everyone's problems in time.

   also followed Chen Feng.

   Su Qingyue proactively greeted him again, and the latter also responded very politely, but he could feel the sense of distance. At this time, the bosses of the booths of various companies stood firmly, helping the staff to maintain order, and also received some important guests.

   Su Qingyue noticed that Jiang Zhengshang looked towards him...


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