Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 574: : Face and Space

   October 7th.

   On the last day of the National Day holiday, Su Qingyue got up less than seven o'clock. I took a hot bath and changed into casual sportswear. Looking back at Amu on the bed, she was still asleep, as if she couldn't notice him getting up. Covered with a slightly thicker quilt. The temperature in Pingjing dropped very quickly. It was just October, and sooner or later, there was a chill.

   glanced out the window, it was already seven o'clock, the sky hadn't been brightened by the sun, and the cold blue light still enveloped the city. Su Qingyue leaned down, kissed Ami lightly, and listened to her dazedly: "wear a little more." Then he left the bedroom.

   Amo’s mother was cooking breakfast, Su Qingyue explained, saying that he had no time, and left in a hurry. During this period, because Amu's parents are there, their lives have become more orderly. The originally messy home has become neat and tidy.

   This reminds Su Qing more and more that half of the domestic GDP is contributed by the elderly. Although I will have my own life and entertainment, I will spend more time working hard to serve my children... This is completely different from abroad.

   went out, Dongshan was already downstairs. Get in the car and walk in the direction of the focus. Today he made an appointment with his brothers from the project team of "That Little Fairy Qi" to go picnic in the countryside together.

   Originally, he promised Tanaka to have dinner before November, but because Su Qingyue followed the idea of ​​being in Tokyo and discussed an adjustment plan with Dongfang Jun, the time was adjusted. In addition, all the company's contracts and reimbursements also required Su Qing to go over and sign on a business trip for such a long time.

   Regarding this point, Su Qingyue had discussed with Chen Ting and Du Nanxiang before, hoping to devolve some signatures to the vice president or even director level according to the amount and division of labor, but Du Nanxiang disagreed. After all, it is a new company, and many rules and cognitions have not been perfected yet, so Su Qingyue was overwhelmed with this kind of affairs as soon as he came back.

   As he thought, the car continued to drive forward. When it was the last day of the holiday, Pingjing had obviously more cars. The college road is blocked again. At this time the sun has risen, shining the North Fourth Ring Road into a golden color. He sat in the car and looked out. The university town, like this city, is growing rapidly.

   Two days ago, he took the time to listen to the progress report of "That Little Immortality". Generally speaking, Tanaka did a good job, but they felt that something was wrong. Every time Tanaka talks to him recently, I feel hesitant to talk. Wang Xinjie is also very weird and seems to have something to say. Even Ning Cheng had become less venomous.

   don't understand what makes them twitchy. Su Qingyue couldn't help it, and asked Tian Zhong: "Do you have anything to say?"

   The latter was startled, obviously there was something to say, but when he came, he said, "Nothing, I'll talk about it later."

   I don't understand what's wrong with them, except for this incident this time, it is Jiang Zhengshang. What is strange is that he did not act because of the initiative. It stands to reason that with his character, he can't say that he resists immediately, at least he will stand up for the first time. But in the end, it didn't. He even shouted a few words to maintain the order of the industry and posted a statement on the official website.

Some media commented: "Jiang Zhengshang rarely resisted. I don't know whether he really felt that the proposal was not directed at him, or he really recognized the content of the proposal. In the future, if Jiang Zhengshang wins the lawsuit, it will be fine. If he loses, then this This proposal is undoubtedly a slap in the face."

Some people commented on the whole incident: "Zhou Yang and Su Qingyue expressed the initiative itself with the proposal, and Jiang Zhengshang responded that there was nothing wrong with his attitude towards the proposal. He was right not to speak against Su Qingyue, because If you say that, there is a suspicion that there is a problem with the network."

   is not just the media.

   There are also industry forums, and there are constant discussions. Many people don't understand why Jiang Zhengshang is doing this. One account said: "It is impossible for him to respond. But with Jiang Zhengshang's character that must be reported, he may just think that the time is not ripe and revenge will still come."

   Looking at these comments, Su Qingyue actually doesn't care.

   But recently, a lot of words about him have been heard from Hualuo's circle. It was said that Chen Feng had found him at the time, but he agreed with the front foot, and then joined Zhou Yang to send the news. I didn't see it before, I didn't expect to be so forgetful.

   I don’t know the comments here, how many people believe it, and how many people don’t. After all, he came from Hualuo. The evaluation of him in this circle represents the consensus of the original circle in a certain sense. Of course, this includes Chen Feng.

   As for Jiang Zhengshang's revenge, he didn't care at all.

   For him, soldiers come to block water and earth, and strength is everything.

   was thinking, the car finally turned left at the traffic light, and the focus came.

   Everyone is here, Tian Zhongzheng and Wang Xinjie are smoking in the square, talking about something.

Walking over, Wang Xinjie happened to pinch out the cigarettes, and when he saw him coming, he smiled and said, "Boss, I got some crabs from my hometown today. They were steamed in the morning. You must love them." He said with a smile, "I bought some more. Box octave, boss, I must drink more this time. It feels like we haven't been together for a long time."

   "I can do it, look at everyone." Su Qing laughed.

   As they said, they walked into the car.

   Looking at the car, except for a few old people in the previous three-nation group, most of the rest were strange faces. I suddenly remembered that I just came to the focus. The first time everyone went to play was to Beidaihe. At that time, the car was so lively. He sat down in the field. Today, because it was a gathering of the project team for "That Little Fairy Qi", the Three Kingdoms team was not there.

   The car started at this time and drove out of the parking lot in the yard.

   This time they still chose to go to the reservoir for barbecue, because when choosing a dinner place, Tanaka said that many new employees feel tired from being in the office and want to get close to nature. I blocked the tiring mountain climbing and other activities, and finally chose a picnic.

   I watched the cars stop and go on the road. Fortunately, on the last day of the holiday, there were not many cars out of town.

   After a while, Su Qingyue and Tianzhong said: "Teacher Tian, ​​did you not go home for the holidays?"

   "No, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can't buy tickets. It's too much trouble to go back. Why not stay here?" he said.

   Su Qingyue replied: "Then you can buy a car, and it will be much easier to go home."

   He said, I don't know why, and suddenly he felt that Tanaka's face went stiff.

   Following Wang Xinjie, he suddenly turned back from the front and said, "You also need money to buy a car, so you have to wait for it to get better."

   "Getting okay?" Su Qingyue was startled, and originally wanted to say: "Although the previous bonus is not as much as the year-end bonus, there is still no problem with buying a scooter."

   But seeing Tian Zhong frown, Wang Xinjie retracted his head.

   don't know what's going on with them.

   Su Qingyue is vigorous and resolute, and it is still the case at work now. But in life, he listened to the advice Chen Feng gave him. Being a leader can't be too aggressive, at least you have to give your brothers face and space in your life, not to mention that Mr. Hotan didn't have time to be alone before.

   Su Qingyue decided to wait for the place to have a drink and chat with him.

   The car continued to drive forward at this time.

   They arrived at the place less than eleven.

   Everyone got out of the car and set up the stall, took out all the prepared materials, and started the picnic on the last day of the holiday.


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