Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 583: : Warning from Xiao Yu

Less than six o'clock, Su Qingyue arrived and chose a position by the window to sit down. Because he didn't like coffee very much, he ordered himself a cup of English black tea. Looking at the road outside the window, there are gradually more cars, and it is estimated that Xiao Yu may be a little late. He thought, after a while, the waiter brought him tea.

After taking a sip, I couldn't tell the feeling. He admits that there are different cultures and different tastes, which is nothing. It's just that this black tea is really not suitable for you. At this time, Xiao Yu came in from outside, wearing a white professional suit. The cut short before found that he hadn't grown up yet.

I told the waiter a hazelnut latte, then came over to sit down, smiled and called Yue Ge, then turned around and asked the waiter: "Can you smoke here?"

"Yes." The waiter smiled and brought the ashtray.

Seeing she took out a box of thin white cigarettes from her bag, Su Qing was a little surprised, remembering that Xiao Yu didn't smoke, and asked casually: "When did you start smoking? It wasn't like that when I saw you last time."

"Actually, it started very early." Xiao Yu said, "It's just that I was not addicted to cigarettes at that time, and I was afraid of you saying that when I saw you, so..." She said, her face flushed suddenly, and said, "Brother Yue, why don't you Like it, I can kill it."

"No, you smoke yours." Su Qingyue said.

He can understand a person's feeling of being oppressed by life and work, Zhou Yang is the kind of person who will never be considerate of his subordinates. Xiao Yu has to face too much work pressure every day, and there is no goal to strive for, and there is nowhere to release a lot of pain. In the face of life's depression and changes, if only smoke can satisfy all the vents, then it is also a blessing. Su Qingyue thought of Ouyang again.

He thought, after drinking the lipstick tea, he still found it awful.

At this time Xiao Yu said, "Have you read all the news?"

"Well, Zhou Yang is very angry, right?" Su Qingyue said.

"Yes! He is so angry." Xiao Yu said: "I have never seen him so angry, and I feel completely irrational. If he and Jiang Zhengshang were there at that time, I think Zhou Yang would rush forward at all costs." She said, shrugging again: "But our evidence is really insufficient."

"He is going to continue fighting?" Su Qingyue asked.

"Yes, we have appealed." Xiao Yu said: "We must use all our strength to win this lawsuit." He said: "Because this is not only related to the Falcon itself, but also the capital market and Zhou Yang himself. So in the next lawsuit, he will do his best no matter what."

She said so, and Su Qingyue nodded.

At this time coffee comes up.

Xiao Yu skillfully pinched out the smoke. He took the cup, blew it twice, and took a sip.

He raised his head and said to Su Qingyue: "Brother Yue, next time you entertain customers for coffee, you can come to his house. Because their Blue Mountain should be regarded as the most authentic in Xiguan Village, comparable to what I drank in the embassy area. The rest of my colleagues have drunk it, and they responded very well."

She said, Su Qingyue nodded.

With the rapid development of Pingjing's economy, there will be more and more places that meet international tastes. If it's just your own words, let's forget it. He smiled and thought, just about to ask Xiao Yu what he was looking for. The latter said: "Brother Yue, Jiang Zhengshang called me after four o'clock."

"Oh? Is something wrong?" Su Qing asked more curiously.

"Yes." Xiao Yu nodded, his face turned very bad: "He asked me to tell you, so I can do it for myself."

After she spoke, Su Qingyue was surprised. Not because of the incident itself, after all, Zhou Ziyou had already told him. What he was really shocked was Jiang Zhengshang's arrogance, even if the media and his company's internal communication were not counted, he even dared to speak directly to Xiao Yu.

"I heard." Su Qingyue nodded.

"You know?"

"Yes, he puts news everywhere, I must know." Su Qingyue said.

Xiao Yu cursed bitterly, and said to himself: "It's too rampant!" Then he looked up at Su Qingyue and said: "And he also said that some of him is asking to fix you. Yuedao will be very troublesome in the future. ."

Su Qingyue just thought Jiang Zhengshang was crazy to such a threat.

He is now thinking about how to not hurt Xiao Yu. He hasn't thought about it now. So just said: "Come on, then the old and new accounts will be calculated together, and there will be a settlement."

"Brother Yue, you shouldn't put all your energy on him." Xiao Yu continued: "I told you before, I have a lot of information about him..." She said, and then: "I think you haven't looked for it. I, after thinking about it, let me find you."

Hearing what he said, Su Qingyue sighed secretly, he understood what Xiao Yu meant. After thinking for a moment, he didn't hide anything, and said honestly: "Actually, I want to find you too, but I didn't think about how to arrange you."

"I don't need you to arrange it." Xiao Yu said hurriedly.

"This is what I have to do." Su Qingyue said: "Although you go to study movies, I can arrange it through Li Ming, even including you back from school, I have thought about it. But now you are facing more than this, but Zhou Yang. How did you face Zhou Yang, why didn't you show it before? How to face Jiang Zhengshang? How to face the media?"

"Brother Yue! I'm not afraid!" Xiao Yu said, biting his lip.

Su Qing waved his hand and said, "Don't tell me you are not afraid. I want to ensure that you will not have any problems and that your future will be good." He said, after thinking about it, he took another sip of coffee and continued: "Zhou Yang Such a calculating person, you believe me, he promised you nothing equal to nothing."

"I know this." Xiao Yu said, lighting a cigarette.

Su Qingyue said again: "Don't worry, let me think about it." He said, thinking for a moment, and then said: "It's really impossible, I'll go talk to him." He said, smiling, and said: "It happened to be the last time I proposed a proposal. I haven't found it yet. I'll talk about it this time.

"Okay, Brother Yue. I listen to you." Xiao Yu said this and laughed.

After they drank again, Su Qingyue drank his black tea, and Xiao Yu asked him if he wanted to try Blue Mountain.

Su Qingyue nodded, and then ordered a cup of Blue Mountain.

Following him and Xiao Yu said: "If you want to study movies, you may need to give up all your previous experience in the game industry. Our previous experience may not be useful in that circle. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" he Then he said: "So my suggestion is that you have to choose well, not blindly."

"I know, I discussed this with Yuanyuan." Xiao Yu said with a smile: "She also persuaded me that this is a very painful road. But I decided, Brother Yue." She said firmly: " I thought for a long time, not because of Zhou Yang, but because of myself. This is indeed my goal."

"It's best if you want to understand." Su Qingyue nodded.

They talked again, and coffee came after a while.

Su Qingyue only took a sip, and felt that his lips and teeth were scented, and it was indeed fragrance and smooth. The taste of the mouth is not only bitter, but also acid, sweet and mellow. He took another sip and chatted with Xiao Yu. Looking out the window, there are more and more cars on the road.

After a while, Xiao Yu looked at his watch and finally said, "Brother Yue, I will leave today."

"Okay." Su Qingyue nodded, and then asked: "Remember what I said, don't be blind, wait for my news."

"I understand." Xiao Yu nodded, got up and left.

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