Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 590: : Simple meals are delicious

"I know that he often speaks ill of you behind his back, and he has taken the initiative to attack you many times. I was very angry at the second-hand rose incident last time." Zhou Yang said, "Well, Xiao Yu is my assistant. This time it’s even more extreme. I dared to attack you semi-publicly with the media, and threaten to target you later."

Hearing what Zhou Yang said, it was obvious that he had done his homework before and understood a series of incidents between himself and Jiang Zhengshang. He definitely wanted to pull himself and his group together to deal with Jiang Zhengshang. Su Qingyue didn't speak, and pulled a slice of avocado from the dish with a fork, put it in his mouth and savored it.

Zhou Yang said at this time: "When he was walking around the Falcon, I didn't look down on him. He must be reported. There are many methods. Brother, you have to be more careful." He said, "You have to be willing, let's come together. You can handle it. Evidence, I can definitely win the lawsuit here."

After he spoke, Su Qingyue suddenly wanted to laugh. I think Zhou Yang is like a masked character in a vulgar movie. He ignored you in the first second, and he can be called a brother in the next second, respectfully. Turning your face is like turning a book, and it can be faceless and skinless. . Su Qingyue felt that he was not a good person, nor a bad person, but a self-righteous wise man.

After thinking for a moment, Su Qingyue finally put down his knife and fork, and said: "If you just file a lawsuit and I provide you with evidence, then to me, this matter doesn't make much sense." He said, looking at Zhou Yang. , And said: "I think if you want to do it, you must do it thoroughly, or not do it."

"Yes, I think so too, but brother, do you have a good way?" Zhou Yang asked in surprise.

"Dong Chou, I think you yoho, and the professional gaming website you invested in, are still putting ads on Zhengshang Network." Su Qingyue said: "This is a big problem. One is how the industry sees it, and the other is my opinion. I think if we cooperate, then I cannot accept it."

"Brother, I also have my difficulties. The companies are all operated independently. Except for Falcon, I rarely participate in the specific business of other companies." Zhou Yang explained, which sounds reasonable: "The company gets bigger, the company gets bigger. The bad thing. Brother..."

"Dong Zhou, I can understand you, but I don't agree." Su Qingyue said directly.

Zhou Yang was startled for a moment.

Su Qingyue said again: "You said your department has interests, don't I have any interests?" He said, "In your words, Jiang Zhengshang will be reported. If I give you evidence, there may be consequences later. He said, pointing to the salad on the plate: "Snake a snake and hit seven inches. If you don't hit it, it's all about it. It's better to kill it."

Zhou Yang raised his eyebrows, thought for a moment, and suddenly said, "Then what are you going to do?"

"It's very simple." Su Qingyue said: "Why don't we start a network-wide ban on Zhengshang.com. Start with your website and the two game websites you invested in. Let's remove the advertisements and news about Zhengshang." "He said, and then: "Secondly, we will unite with other media to block Jiang Zhengshang."

"This requires cost." Zhou Yang is keenly aware of the problem.

"Of course you have to buy knives and ropes to kill pigs." Su Qingyue said: "We can talk to everyone that the share left by Zhengshang Network will be half of our two families." He said, in fact, he originally wanted to go hunting by himself. Eagle Seven. But later I felt that this year is the year of power, and the advertising position must first keep up. This is only half of the people.

He said so, Zhou Yang remained silent.

After taking a sip of coffee, he obviously hesitated because of the cost involved. He originally thought that he could get evidence from Su Qingyue at no cost, but he didn't expect to pay a lot of cost this time. Putting down the coffee cup and continuing to eat, calculating the cost at a high speed in my heart.

At this time, Su Qingyue said again: "For Jiang Zhengshang, we cut off his water source and cut off his new users. There will be fierce conflicts within him. When this kind of conflict is successful, there will be nothing, but once Failure will detonate hidden contradictions."

Seeing Zhou Yang not speaking, Su Qingyue finally said: "If you simply sue him, there is nothing wrong with me here."

"Is your evidence reliable?" Zhou Yang finally spoke, returning to his stiff tone again, this time with a little more questioning meaning, and said: "Can you tell me?"

"Very reliable." Su Qingyue said.

"Where is the source?" Zhou Yang finally asked, he was confirming the authenticity, and the judgment was not worth it.

"His former ex-girlfriend, when he was doing this at the time, the ex-girlfriend kept a record and some related data, which are enough to prove that Jiang Zhengshang is a violent infringement in the engine." Su Qingyue said, and said: "As long as these are exposed, his position in the industry will plummet."

"Ex-girlfriend?" Zhou Yang frowned, "Xiao Yu? Still?"

"Yes, Xiao Yu." Su Qingyue nodded.

Suddenly, Zhou Yang seemed shocked, and his whole body froze for a long time. His complexion was very ugly, and it took him a long time to recover, and said, "Why didn't she come to me directly for such a big thing? Let us lose the first instance. It really is..." Zhou Yang said, shaking his head helplessly, but then explained to Su Qingyue: "I don't blame her, I can understand it. It's an ex-boyfriend anyway." He said and smiled, but he could still see that he was angry.

"She is worried that you will misunderstand, especially she is your assistant. In addition, there are internal discussions, media reactions, etc.. I am moved by emotion and understand the reason, so I can force her to agree..." Su Qingyue said.

"I won't say she did it, and I won't misunderstand her." Zhou Yang said, the whole person's attitude changed greatly, and then: "She really shouldn't keep it from me, but it's over. Brother, you say Right, do you have any ideas or requests?"

"This matter is related to Xiao Yu's reputation. I don't want to disclose any relevant information. This is what I promised her."

"Of course." Zhou Yang nodded and asked, "Did she bring this up? My boss didn't do a good job, and my assistant didn't take me as his own person." He smirked and complained.

Su Qingyue thought to herself, your character, it is impossible for someone to treat you as his own.

Then Su Qingyue said again: "There is another thing."

"Let's talk about it."

"After this incident, Xiao Yu will go to school in the United States, but in order not to cause any doubts, can you send her to school in the name of the company." He said, "You don't need to control the money. But the process must be formal. In addition, this is the case. The less things people know, the better... When your lawsuit is won, Xiao Yu will have already left."

"Money is easy to talk about." Zhou Yang laughed again at this time, UU reading www.uukānshu. Com but with an awkward stiffness.

After a while, they discussed the delivery of the evidence behind, Zhou Yang suddenly pointed to the pasta on the plate, and said: "The simple food here is really good. You can come here next time. President Su, choose a restaurant or There is a level."

He said that Su Qing smiled, knowing that this is a boring polite.

Zhou Yang returned to the topic of blocking Zhengshang Network at this time, saying: "I will run my own company's website tomorrow, as well as those sites I voted for. In addition, the remaining shares of other websites are based on what we said, half per person. ."

"No problem." Su Qingyue nodded and checked his watch.

Zhou Yang said very wittily: "Qingyue, the time is almost up, right? Didn't you have something to do this afternoon."

"Yes." Su Qingyue said.

Then they got up at the same time and walked out.

On Zhou Yang's plate, most of the pasta was left, and only half of the coffee was drunk.

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