Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 609: : Stepping forward from the beginning

   Since that day, they have taken action. Not only Bian Yawen's house inspection, and Cui Chengyou's estimated staff size, but also all the work plans that require preliminary preparations were almost completed before Su Qingyue's departure.

   During this period, he also researched the entire South Korean market, reconfirming the demand, and at the same time, he has a deeper understanding of the differences between the two markets.

   On the first day of January, when everyone was out for entertainment, Su Qingyue and Cui Chengyou were still working intensively. They confirmed the team at the beginning of the company's establishment. Several people, Choi Seung-woo, decided to hire them from the previous company and join Yuedao in Korea.

   On the 3rd of January, Bian Yawen found an office building, which was also located on the bank of the Han River. The opposite bank and both sides were full of scowling competitors. At first, An Zhenxi learned that he was renting a house here, and he also worriedly suggested: "There are competitors in the same industry everywhere. Wouldn't the pressure be great?"

Su Qingyue replied: "I'm here, so I'm afraid of this?" He said, and then again: "And I firmly believe that with our approach to the team and insist on the employee first attitude, their employees will see what we are. Such a company. They compete with us for the market, and we compete with them for employees."

   "You are right." An Zhenxi said, and Cui Chengyou translated.

   They paid the rent and raised their wine glasses in the untidy building.

Su Qingyue said: "Brothers, now we are considered to have a family. From now on I have a family in Korea, and you have your own family in China. I thank you brothers for joining, in the days to come, You are Yuedao’s family, let us work together to pursue dreams and advance toward reality."

   After another word, everyone broke into fierce applause.

   After completing the preliminary work, on January 4th Su Qingyue and his party decided to return.

   They bought the plane on the afternoon of the 4th and checked out at 11:35 noon, ready to leave. But as soon as I came downstairs, I saw Choi Seung-woo, An Jung-seok, and Park Nan-sung and others greeted him, and they all bowed and said something in Korean that he didn't understand.

   followed Cui Chengyou's translation: "They are saying that the chairman is good."

  Su Qingyue laughed instantly, seeing them in suits and ties, and realizing that they are a highly hierarchical society. This is actually a way for everyone to swear that they formally join Yue Dao.

   Su Qingyue shook hands with them one by one, and then shared two Mpvs with everyone to the airport.

In the car, Park Nam Sung said a few words, and Choi Seung Woo immediately translated: "Nam Sung told me, now when I think back to when you first came, and now you are the president, he feels like he is dreaming." He said, and said again. : "He feels that President Su's speed allows him to see the speed of China."

   "It is our habit to do what we say." Su Qing laughed more and more.

   They were talking and soon the airport arrived.

The crowd sent them inside, and finally bowed to Su Qingyue at the security checkpoint, and said in bad Chinese: "The chairman has a safe journey." After that, there were some people who were at the same security checkpoint next to him. Looking back at Su Qingyue and everyone, they were surprised. The expression, some people even talked: "What's the matter?"

   has no interest in paying attention to what the people say.

   They walked straight in.

   While waiting for the plane, the phone rang suddenly. He looked down and found that it was Li Huandou.

As soon as I picked it up, there was a bad Chinese translation sound. After Li Huandou murmured a lot, the man said: "Mr. Su, hello, I am Mr. Li's translator. Mr. Li asked me to tell you. After repeated thinking, he felt that the two parties could negotiate again on the agency price of "Little Devil"."

   "Please tell him, the negotiation is unnecessary." Su Qingyue replied.

Li Huandou’s voice came again on the other end of the phone, and the interpreter said again: “Mr. Su, Chairman Li asked me to explain that he also just learned that the people below did not handle the matter properly. He was very angry. For this, he has already reprimanded them. I hope you can change your mind, and hope that both parties can make money for the purpose of..."

"The twisted melon is not sweet. Let's end our cooperation with Nicesoft." He simply interrupted the conversation, and said: "But please thank Mr. Li for me. He made me know a lot of elites. There is still room for the Korean market, so we have decided to establish Korea Yuedao."

   Soon after the translation was completed there, Li Huandou suddenly roared.

   followed the other party's translation and said: "Without our Nicesoft, you could not have succeeded! This is South Korea!"

Su Qingyue smiled at this time and replied: "Tell Li Huandou, please tell me that on this earth, anyone who leaves will be transferred. Korea is not just called Nicesoft. In the future, we will meet again when we have the opportunity to let him. Remember, I called President Su when I met me. Also, please tell President Li that a real man will not hurt others with his mouth..."

   He hung up the phone without saying a word.

   Start boarding at this time.

   Entered the cabin and settled down, the speaker first broadcasted in Korean for a while, followed by a Chinese broadcast, telling everyone that the plane is about to take off, please fasten your seat belts. Immediately following the plane onto the runway, after accelerating, it quickly left the ground. Looking at the land and sea below, it slowly became like a painting, and I remembered Li Huan's furious voice just now. What happened during the trip to South Korea was indeed completely unexpected.

   He thought, and Zhou Ziyou also said: "Boss, I really didn't expect it to be like this. We will establish Korea Yuedao. It feels like we are dreaming."

"But be vigilant." When he said this, Su Qingyue lowered his voice and explained: "The road behind is actually not easy to follow. Although Cui Chengyou and the others have no problem with their abilities, it may be another matter for real execution. So we still have a lot of work to do."

   "Understand." Zhou Ziyou nodded.

   As they talked, the plane continued to want to ascend, Su Qingyue instantly felt tired.

   Only then did he realize that his spirit was highly nervous during this period, so he simply closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Until the voice of the broadcast came: "Ladies and gentlemen: Welcome to Pyeonggyeong Airport, we will enter the port at Terminal 2. The time difference between Pyeonggyeong and Seoul is one hour, and now it is Pyeonggyeong time on January 4th. day…"

   Su Qingyue opened his eyes and stretched out.

   followed the plane and landed, they took their luggage and walked out, and they saw Yue Lindao who was picking them up from afar, beckoning to them. Several people walked over and immediately laughed and greeted. Su Qingyue said: "Mr. Yue, you can just call Dongshan, why bother you come in person."

   "It's not the same, Dongshanlai can't represent my heart." He smiled and said, "You must come yourself to do this."

   He said with a smile, patted Su Qingyue on the shoulder, and took the initiative to help everyone carry their luggage. Then he said: "Ziyou and Lily, this trip is also very hard."

"We didn't have any hard work, mainly the boss." Zhou Ziyou said with a smile: "If there is no boss, it is probably a futile effort this time." He said, "Mr. Yue, you didn't see it, the boss just used it." One meal has convinced these people."

"I have seen his strength, don't forget that I was persuaded by your boss," Yue Lindao said and laughed, he started the car, and said: "This kind of personality charm is indeed not something ordinary people can have. of."

   "Okay, stop boasting, and boasting that I am going to heaven." He said, although he was smiling, he was afraid of such praise in his heart. This is because people’s swelling and overconfidence are caused by this. He didn't want to let himself be like this, but he didn't continue to say more, after all, the highest state of emotional intelligence is not disappointing.

   He thought about chatting with them on other topics in the car, and soon got home.

   returned home, Amu hasn't come back yet, she is still in the unit.

   I thought I hadn't come back for more than ten days. I should cook her a meal tonight. The next moment he sent her a text message saying that he was cooking today.

   Then, he notified Brother Guang and Xiao Xuan, and then went to the supermarket by himself, still buying vegetables and ingredients according to the recipe.

   Less than five o'clock, Brother Guang came first. The two chatted, and he was shocked to hear that Su Qingyue founded Korea Yuedao. Feeling a little worried, he said, "Brother, you can be careful."

   understands that Guang Ge is worried that there will be problems with Korea Yuedao, which will cause other problems.

   Su Qingyue also said: "I understand this, but you can't be afraid of it because of this incident."

   They chatted and prepared dinner.

   After a while, Su Qingyue suddenly asked, "Is it tomorrow for the proposal?"


   "How are you preparing?" he asked.

"No problem, brother." When talking about this, Brother Guang laughed and said: "Xipan is really amazing. He has matched every link, and it is simple and effective, and the effect must be particularly good." He laughed Then, he said: "Qingyue, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, you introduced this brother, it's amazing."

   "Did you talk to everyone?" Su Qingyue asked.

"Yes, a few good friends came over, and Yan Xipan also called his best buddy over to do the camera," Guang Ge said: "This kid found the person called Huang Guangyi, and then Xiaoxuan will go all the way. You will hear and see all kinds of romantic stories, all about us, give her this kind of hint, and then break out..."

   Listening to him, Su Qing laughed more.

   This is really like Yan Xipan, he always likes to do continuous foreplay, and then burst out at the end.

   As they said, it was already 7:30 in the evening unknowingly, and A Mou and Song Xiaoxuan entered the house after a while.

   The two of them brought the food to the table, and everyone clinked glasses.

   Amo said at this time: "Brother Su, you are not at home this Chinese New Year. Sister Xiaoxuan accompanied me on Christmas and New Year's Day. You have to thank them very much."

   "Good, good." Su Qing laughed.

   Then they drank their glass of wine and chatted happily.

   Su Qingyue looked at Brother Guang, then at Song Xiaoxuan, to see how they looked in love. With a secret smile, Xiao Xuan sister still doesn't know what's going on tomorrow.

   Then he looked at Amou again, thinking that he should also be prepared.


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