Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 616: : Yuanjia Road is narrow

   Chapter 617

   is still the usual time to get up. When Su Qingyue opened his eyes, the wall clock on the wall showed at seven thirty.

  He sat up, opened the curtains first, and the early morning sunlight came in.

  He felt that he was in a good state, and he was not worried because of being blocked. All my mind is solving the problem.

   and Zhou Ziyou went down to dinner, ordered a burger, and drank a bowl of borscht. The more Su Qing ate, He Lili also came down. As the three of them were eating, Su Qingyue suddenly became curious, and asked He Lili: "Lily, what time did you see when you watched the show last night?"

   "A little more." He Lili smiled back.

   "No, some stations have subtitled versions." She explained.

  Su Qingyue was startled and nodded.

  At this time, Cui Chengyou called and said that he would start together at 8:35. "The first media agency is very close to us. You can walk over it later," he said.

  After eating, he went upstairs and took a shower.

   changed into formal clothes, went downstairs to the lobby with Zhou Ziyou and He Lili.

Seeing that Cui Chengyou was already downstairs, he beckoned a little. The latter walked over and called the chairman, and said, "They go to work almost at half past nine. We might be able to meet their editor-in-chief if we go early." Said, and said: "I tried to make an appointment yesterday, but the other party disagrees." He said, and explained: "It's up to us."

   "I understand." Su Qingyue nodded.

  A few people walked out of the hotel.

  Cui Chengyou is still in a suit today, and his shoes are polished brightly. They were walking on the street, and Cui Chengyou introduced: "Gamecity, the top three media in our place. They not only have the Internet, but also the paper media, and cooperate with them." He said, and finally concluded: "It is very important. ."

  Listening to him, Su Qingyue nodded.

  He found that South Korean game media has a very broad vision in terms of the choice of communication channels and is never complacent. I was thinking about how to talk if I saw each other in the past, and what to do if I didn't see each other. Cui Chengyou explained at this time: "But you may have to endure some unfriendliness later, because he may be another Li Huandou. We are very exclusive in our bones."

"I can understand." Su Qing smiled and understood Cui Chengyou's thoughts. He was worried that he could not bear this kind of shock, and he added: "It's okay, my heart is very big. The important thing is to solve the problem." He laughed, patted Cui Chengyou on the shoulder, and said, "Even if the advertisement is overweight, we should talk to such a big company."

   "Of course." Cui Chengyou nodded, pointing to the front.

  Su Qingyue realized. He thought it was a big place, but he didn't expect it to be just a three-story villa. The area should be a bit larger than that of Yuedao in Korea. They are standing at the door, and there are constant employees hurriedly walking in, but there is no president of them.

  After a while, they simply walked in. Choi Seung-woo handed over his business card and spoke Korean to the front desk. After a while, the front desk called and said something to Choi Seungyou. Although Su Qingyue didn't understand what it meant, he could clearly notice that the attitude of the little girl at the front desk had changed.

  After a while, Su Qingyue asked Cui Chengyou what was going on.

Cui Chengyou blushed and said hesitantly: "I told him, if President Sun is not there, can you meet the advertising director? Our investment this year is very large. As a result, he called and the other party refused to see us." He says. He also emphasized: "It's not that I'm not here, but that I'm not seeing us."

  He said so, and Su Qing became more aware of this deep hostility. Generally speaking, the other party just doesn't want to meet and will tell the front desk that he is not there. But there is no cover here, so I can't say it. With such an attitude, even if you persuade the other party yourself, I am afraid it will be very unstable in the future.

   was thinking, Choi Seung-woo seemed to have met an acquaintance and stopped him. Su Qingyue looked over and saw him talking to the man. The man had a flat face and a domineering look, clearly reprimanding Cui Chengyou. But Cui Chengyou still smiled and said something to him.

  Finally they are over and the man leaves.

  Su Qingyue asked him to be straightforward, and Choi Seung-woo explained that this person was their colleague who quit together from Hanjin Network, but they went to Gamecity, while Choi Seung-woo and Park Nam-sung went to Nicesoft.

He said, and said: "What he said to me, even without Li Huandou, we would not be able to succeed. Because Huaxia would not be possible, I chose the wrong way." After speaking, he said angrily in a rough language in Korean. Then he said: "When I was in Nicesoft, this kid always treated me respectfully. Now he thinks he is the president."

   "Some people are like this, brother, don't worry." Zhou Ziyou comforted Cui Chengyou from the side: "We work harder, and one day they will not be able to climb high."


  Cui Seungwoo nodded.

  Wait for the president again, they finally decided to leave.

  They went to two more in the morning, but the effect was very bad, and there was no one to see. Su Qingyue intuitively believes that such hardening is not a solution. He and Zhou Ziyou comforted Cui Chengyou and told that everything was normal. The latter smiled and said to Su Qingyue: "Don't worry about me. I must do this. I won't back down halfway."

  They talked and ate, and went to another channel company in the afternoon.

Cui Chengyou said, "They are Nicesoft's channel supplements, and they are also the directors of the Institute. As far as I know, their president and Chairman Li are from Sanjin Club. Those who come out of them occupy In all corners of the IT and gaming industries, the network resources are very powerful."

  Sanjinsha, Su Ching-yue, although they only know that they are Korea’s early Internet service companies. But when it comes to the people and connections from Sanjinshe, Su Qing understands that this is like talking about the truth of Hualuo people. Vaguely feel that there will not be any results here.

  Sure enough, when they arrived at this place called Pingshan Technology Company, they were immediately treated unfriendly. The front desk of the other party directly said to Cui Chengyou: "Our chairman said that he will not see you, nor will the people of this company. You don't need to contact, just go back. UU read www.uukanshu.com"

  The next moment, he and Choi Seung-woo looked at each other.

  Determined to still see this person, but there was a burst of laughter beside them.

  Su Qingyue was familiar, turned his head and found that it was Li Huandou and Jin Mingzhe, frowning slightly. At this time, the two of them walked out of the company and spoke a lot of Korean that Su Qing couldn't understand with a very contemptuous and mocking attitude. Then Li Huandou looked at Su Qingyue and sneered.

   "Flip directly, don't care about my feelings." Su Qingyue said to Cui Chengyou.

  The latter thought for a while and then said: “He said that if "Little Demon Fairy" can be tested in South Korea and the number of people online at the same time exceeds 20,000, even if he loses."

   "Are you asking him what the price was for losing?" Su Qingyue said.

  Cui Chengyou translated later.

Li Huandou immediately laughed and said, "I lost, I will apologize to you in the newspaper, how about calling every company that blocked you?" He said, vowing again: "But if you lose, you will get out. Korea! How is it?" he said fiercely at last.

  Su Qingyue looked at him, and said coldly: "Then it's settled."

  (End of this chapter)

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