Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 659: : Hidden right and wrong

     doesn't know what unpleasantness happened again between them.

   However, Su Qingyue intuitively didn't believe Liu Qiang. Su Qingyue didn't think that Chen Ting was suspicious of what he called.

   Women may exaggerate some behaviors, but it is impossible to create something out of nothing.

   The so-called sixth sense in people’s mouths is not that mysterious. Many men in life lie to their wives and will be exposed by women immediately. Some people say that women are uniquely endowed in this regard. In fact, it is not the case. The fundamental reason is that the two people really love each other and get along for a long time. Various details go deep into the bones. Any kind of change can deceive others, but not the lovers around them. Unless, you lied to yourself...

   Thinking of sister Ting, such a wise and calm professional woman, who even uttered vulgar words, things are definitely not what Liu Qiang said.

   What's more, Liu Qiang is a drunkard who can't control his desires.

   He thought, walking back, and suddenly heard the sound of a cup breaking.

   Then, everyone looked at Du Nanxiang's office involuntarily. Su Qingyue couldn't help but glanced inward, and he found He Jiahua He was in her office.

   Then, hearing them seem to be arguing, He Jiahua was obviously caught off guard and said, "Are you crazy!?"

   Du Nanxiang replied: "No! You are not crazy! I am crazy! You are always such a rational person!"

   She said, walking out of the office.

   Everyone instantly retracted their gazes and bowed their heads to work.

   But Su Qingyue still felt a little dazed and stared at her.

  Du Nanxiang also immediately understood that Su Qingyue not only saw it, but also heard something. The next moment, she and Su Qingyue said, "I'm sorry, I hit the cup." She said, pointing to her hand, and then to the cup not far behind.

   Su Qingyue replied: "It's okay."

   He said so, but he looked over Du Nanxiang's shoulders, and saw He Jiahua frown, which was obviously very unhappy. But at this time, Du Nanxiang looked indifferent and walked into the house. At this time, He Jiahua was walking outside, and the two of them had a face-to-face meeting, and no one paid any attention to them. Even He Jiahua leaned on a cane, but she didn't let it go.

   don't understand, what happened to them.

   Su Qingyue didn't speak much either. At this time, He Jiahua took Su Qingyue's shoulders, walked in, and said again: "Qingyue, I'll tell you something." He said, smiling again: "Just right, you make me some tea, let's talk for a while. "It gives people the feeling of pretending to be relaxed.

   The next moment, he said again: "Okay."

   Immediately, he made tea with the ancient method for He Jiahua, and handed him the tea cup.

He Jiahua said: "Yes, Qingyue, what you said is really good today, even surpassing my imagination of you." He smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have found several funds, and we will work together. See you."

   "Thanks to you." Su Qingyue smiled back, always feeling that He Jiahua didn't specifically say this.

Sure enough, the next moment He Jiahua waved his hand and said: "Qingyue, I have a very important idea, I want to communicate with you. Or, I will ask you. Because this matter is still very important for the company's listing. "

   "Just say it."

"I think we are going to go public soon. The quality of the senior management team is very important." He said: "It turns out that I used Du Nanxiang because the company is developing. Nanxiang was still qualified for this kind of start-up company. To be honest, I don't have any. I think that Yuedao Network has developed so fast and will be listed so soon."

   When he said so, Su Qingyue was startled and vaguely realized that He Jiahua wanted to change CFO.

   Was it just because of this noise? Su Qing thinks that Du Nanxiang's performance has been remarkable for so long. I don't understand why he made such a decision suddenly, it feels like he has been thinking about it for a long time. So I followed the sentence: "Do you mean to change Nanxiang?"

"Yes. Once a company is listed, the requirements for financial personnel, especially CFOs, are different from those of startups. Previously, employees and related departments were faced. After the listing, there will be more shareholders, funds, and overseas investment in addition to these. In the face of such a complicated situation, we may need more professional and authoritative financial system professionals... From this perspective, Nanxiang may be a bit difficult."

   Hearing what he said, vowed.

Although Su Qingyue didn't want to change Du Nanxiang, he felt that this was He Jiahua after all. The next moment, he said: "It's not impossible, but I want to ask, do you have a clear candidate for this position? I need to be clear. Let’s take a look at the strength of the other party, and it’s best to see me. After everyone is familiar with it, the work can be carried out later."

"I have a personal choice here. There are two listed companies that he sent himself." He Jiahua said with a smile: "This person used to be at the University of Texas at Austin. Later, he followed me for some time. He has no ability to say, and absolutely Loyalty." He added, with an attitude that cannot be denied.

   Although Su Qingyue faintly felt that something was wrong, in the end he just said: "Okay, then you tell this person, let's make an appointment to meet. Everyone wants to get to know each other, what do you think?"

   "Of course." He Jiahua concluded briefly.

   Su Qingyue thought, the quarrel between the two of them just now might have something to do with this matter. Could it be that Du Nanxiang and He Jiahua had a huge contradiction?

   He thought, He Jiahua left.

   After a while, He Lili walked in and told him: "Boss, time is almost up, should we set off to the restaurant."

   He said, Su Qingyue nodded to look at her, smiled and said, "Okay, I get it."

   He Lili then left.

   In the evening, members of the General Manager’s Office went to the Zhongyi Hotel at the west gate of Pingjing University.

   This is a small restaurant, but in fact, there is no magic inside. They ordered wine and food there.

   Su Qingyue discovered that He Jiahua's attitude was very strange. He completely ignored Du Nanxiang, and Du Nanxiang didn't say a word to him, even looking at him directly. The two people became strangers to each other in an instant.

   During the toast later, no one clinked glasses with anyone. Faintly felt that this matter was very complicated, not as simple as I thought. What's more, if you want to change CFO, it is best to investigate clearly. Lest something really goes wrong, affecting the listing, or something else.

He thought, and received a message from Chen Ting: "Qingyue, I'm sorry today, I really didn't expect him to go to the company. Here, I apologize to you, I hope it will not affect the normal business of the company. UU reading www.uukanshu. com this morning, I am already making adjustments. I believe I will be able to go to work in a few days."

   Although this is a good thing, it always feels strange and solemn.

   is not at all like a booming company, not even like they were at that time.

   Su Qingyue thought, and gave her a message back: "Great, we are all waiting for you."

   He said, drinking with other people in the general manager.

When    was over, it was eleven ten ten on the watch.

   Su Qingyue asked Dongshan to send the other people away while walking home by himself.

  The light in the living room was dark when the door was opened.

   He understood that Amu must have fallen asleep.

So he went straight into the bedroom, and Amu saw him stretch his waist, and suddenly said, "You are so powerful today. Even all kinds of authoritative media have begun to report." She said, and then: "We all fry the pot. I think that tomorrow will be all news about you, which makes me excited." Ah Mou said and giggled.

   Su Qing thought, this matter should wait until the person He Jiahua wants to introduce.

  What I have to do is to always pay attention to the development of everything.



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