Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 673: : Zhong Tankai

   2:30, seeing the time is almost up, Su Qingyue got into Dongshan's car and went to the cafe that had an appointment with Zhong Tankai.

   They are going to talk there. Su Qing understood what Zhong Tankai meant. He just wanted to get a share of the pie. Of course he could consider it, but he had to let Zhong understand who was the dominant player.

   He thought, the car drove onto the ring road and left the windows open. He liked this natural wind better. The temperature in Pingjing today has dropped a lot, reaching eleven degrees. However, judging from the pedestrians on the road, everyone still has a summer feeling, as if they have not escaped from the heat.

   took his gaze back. The cafe they agreed on this time was a relatively central location, near Su Qingyue's home, so he was not too anxious when the car stopped. He certainly understands that Zhong Tankai has great energy and is a knife, but after investing in Zhengshang Network, Zhong Tankai has suffered heavy losses, so the LP behind the fund puts him under great pressure.

   Now that he wants to participate in Yuedao, he once again enters the game field. This should be his most important choice. Su Qingyue felt that instead of this, it was better to hold the knife by himself. After all, the funds were innocent, and Zhong Tankai had so many connections and relationships. As long as it is not leading and the terms are well grasped, there should be no risk.

   The problem now is to see his appetite, if he insists on wanting to dominate, then there is no more to talk about.

  Su Qingyue felt that this time he had to let Zhong Tankai understand that cooperation was okay, but he was not easy to mess with. In Yuedao, in his own place, he Zhong Tankai is just a supporting role, don't vainly try to rebel against the guest.

   Su Qingyue thought, this time the car drove off the ring road. He quickly turned to Xueyuan Road, turned left at the third ring road, and stopped in an alley opposite the Pingjing Film Studio. Su Qing went down and saw the agreed cafe with a very small door and a wrought iron signboard that said: Coffee.

   There are no floor-to-ceiling windows. It is the kind of old-fashioned residential house with four-frame wooden windows. He saw Zhong Tankai inside, and the two beckoned through the window.

   When Su Qingyue entered the door, Zhong Tankai got up, smiled and asked him: "How about it, is it easy to find it?" He said, pointing to the seat and said, "Please sit down."

   They greeted, Su Qingyue sat down.

   Su Qingyue noticed that this cafe was small, with only six or seven tables, all of which were made of iron. The bookshelves inside are full of various books, as if they are all new. There are two tables of people, both of whom should be engaged in art. Some of them should be actors. They seem to be discussing the script. Zhong Tankai pointed around and said: "This is driven by a friend of mine."

   Su Qingyue nodded.

He also introduced: "It was originally a bookstore, but later found that the bookstore was not dry, so I simply added coffee. Although it was unintentional, I found that books can increase coffee sales and atmosphere. After five or six years of work, it has been good. Many people in the circle come here to talk about things."

   "Then it should sell well, right?" Su Qingyue asked.

"It used to be OK, but now it's not particularly good. I think this thing is mainly to be a circle," Zhong Tankai said: "But there is no circle that is good every day. Sometimes it's not good, but it doesn't work. , I can't stop it." He smiled and sighed with emotion.

   They ordered coffee.

   However, Su Qingyue did not listen to him, so he ordered a cup of English black tea. Although not so delicious, he still prefers the taste of tea. After Zhong Tankai’s cup of cappuccino came up, he kept putting sugar in it, adding several spoonfuls of it. It was the first time Su Qingyue saw such a person who can eat sugar.

   Then, they talked.

   Zhong Tan Kai quickly got into the topic and asked: "Mr. Su, have you thought about it clearly?"

Listening to him, seeing how he was holding the winning ticket, Su Qing smiled more and understood that to negotiate, you must first suppress and then raise, suppress Zhong Tankai's arrogance, and then say, "Mr. Zhong, let me talk about it first, first of all. I am very grateful for your previous reminder. I think you are right, so we specifically asked relevant departments to investigate. Yuedao has nothing to do with the platform you mentioned."

   He said so, Zhong Tankai smiled and nodded.

Su Qingyue continued: "In addition, I, Su Qingyue, did not participate in the operation and management of the platform, and the platform had done a very complete process before. However, because of your reminder, we are still under the guidance of relevant departments. Made a more standardized legal process."

   He said that when he noticed that Zhong Tankai's expression had changed, the latter immediately followed: "Mr. Su, don't get me wrong, I'm just a suggestion."

   "I know." Su Qingyue nodded slightly.

   He knew in his heart that the turbulence in Zhong Tankai's heart might instantly weaken the threat he had originally thought.

But Su Qingyue felt that this was not enough, and added: “In addition, we have recently joined forces with relevant anti-money laundering departments to build an information sharing project.” He said, starting to make a final summary: “It should be said, It was under your suggestion that Yuedao clarified itself and the platform also clarified the legal issues. In the future, if someone maliciously slanders us, we will definitely pursue it."

"Mr. Su, listen to me, I don't mean any threat to you or Yue Dao." Zhong Tankai waved his hand quickly, trying to prove his innocence: "President Su, I am a businessman, you and me You can talk about anything. I didn’t mean to hurt you. This reminder is just a reminder. I hope you don’t get me wrong.”

   He had a hurried explanation.

   Su Qing understood that he was a little scared, fearing that the so-called threat would create unnecessary contradictions and arouse strong dissatisfaction. In the end, cooperation could not be achieved. Now Su Qingyue feels that it’s almost the same, and emphasizes it again: “Of course I know you are a businessman, but Mr. Zhong, the businessman also has the rules of a businessman. We can’t block people and money when we do things. I won’t block you, and you shouldn’t block it. I."

   "Of course, of course." Zhong Tankai was nodded repeatedly by Su Qingyue.

Su Qingyue said at this time: "Yue Dao is my final say. I don’t want anyone to threaten me to achieve any of his goals. You can talk about business matters, but this is my rule. If you I didn’t know before, it’s okay, but I hope you will know in the future."

"I understand, but President Su, I reiterate that I am not a threat, I am just a reminder." Zhong Tankai said again, his attitude has become very sincere: "President Su, I know that we sometimes have conflicts, but we are in conflict. In terms of interests. In terms of character, we have no problem. At least you don’t hate me, and I don’t hate you. I think nothing can hinder our communication."

   realized that Zhong Tankai finally took the initiative to lower his posture, because he did not want to talk about the collapse.

   Su Qingyue felt that he could almost return to the subject, suppressed it almost, and could start to give some hope.

   The next moment, he nodded and said, "I think so too."

   Zhong Tan Kai immediately followed, and said, "Mr. Su, you are a generous person. I thought of this before then. I said, we can still cooperate, and you will definitely agree to me."

   "I can indeed promise you." Su Qingyue said.

   Zhong Tan Kai listened, followed him, and said, "But... I have a request."

   "Of course, I can understand this." Zhong Tankai nodded.

   Su Qingyue said again: "You can participate, but everything has to be arranged by me."

"No problem. President Su eats meat and can give us soup." After receiving Su Qingyue's reply, Zhong Tankai agreed very quickly, without stumbling at all, laughed, and sighed: "Su is always a smart man. I did not misunderstand you back then. You not only have vision, but also have determination. People like you will become elites no matter what industry they are in."

   understand that Zhong Tan Kai has thoroughly understood.

   Su Qingyue smiled and nodded. He believed that the investor and the investee, there is actually no such thing as Party A or Party B. The fundamental principle of all this is that whoever has the strength takes the initiative and whoever is Party A. As the saying goes, the power is not the power and the power is the fundamental.

   Now that he has no other ideas, Su Qingyue nodded, and then talked to him about some specific cooperation issues. As Su Qingyue initially expected, the cooperation talks smoothly without any contradiction. Zhong Tankai accepted all the binding conditions proposed by Su Qingyue.

   The last two people clinked glasses with tea instead of wine.

   Su Qingyue smiled and said, "I hope we can cooperate happily."

Zhong Tankai took a sip of coffee and said with emotion: "Mr. Su, I am not only impressed with you, but also moved." He explained: "Because I found that you are a kind person, and this is in the business circle. Rarely." He said, and then said: "To thank you, I want to tell you my thoughts about Yuedao. It is a suggestion, and it is also my personal return to Mr. Su."

   Unexpectedly, Zhong Tankai's accent showed rare sincerity, Su Qingyue immediately nodded and said, "You said it."

   "President Su, I ask you, why are you listed?" Zhong Tankai spoke.

   Knowing that there is still something behind him, Su Qingyue did not rush to answer. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Then Zhong Tankai said again: "Of course you will say that it is to realize your ideals, but President Su, I have to say to you that realizing your ideals is just your own idea." He said, turning the conversation, and then said: " But once your performance fluctuates, the greed of capital will show its head."

   He said, Su Qingyue nodded.

   "Mr. Su, investors will not pay for your ideals. The money given to you is for you to use and generate income, not to put it into your own pocket." Zhong Tankai said.

"I know this."

"You talk to institutions and investors about some illusory ideals. Dreams are not enough." Zhong Tankai concluded and continued: "According to the current development momentum of Yuedao, I think you can get a lot of money. Yes, but how do you use this money?" Zhong Tankai asked again.

   Su Qing more startled.

   He understood that Zhong Tankai raised a seemingly simple question, but it is actually very complicated.

   Spending money is not an easy task. At this point, Tan Kai got the point.

   He thought. At this time, Zhong Tankai said: "Su, so I give you a suggestion, you listen to it."

   Su Qing became more serious and replied: "You said it."


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