Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 676: :do not be afraid

Remember in one second【】

Pingjing was a bit cold at night. When Su Qingyue and Dongshan got off the car and walked to the hotel apartment, the wind blew him and he couldn't help but shiver.

At this moment, the bright moon is in the sky, looking down on the earth, the moonlight and the lights are entangled and entangled with each other.

He went around with Dongshan and was surprised to find that Liu Qiang and the few people he led were not there. Soon, Zhou Ziyou and Guan Pengpeng also arrived.

Su Qingyue called Chen Ting. After the latter picked it up, he said, "Sorry, Qingyue, I forgot to notify you when I was in a hurry." She said, "Mr Qiu and I are at the first intersection of the hotel to the west, going north. Go to the intersection of Zhichun Road. There is a Mala Tang called Haohao here."

"Okay, I see, come here right away." Su Qingyue said, and then: "Are you two okay?"

"It's okay. I was scared just now. Fortunately, President Qiu arrived in time and quickly took me away." She said on the phone and explained: "Mr Qiu saw that I didn't eat, so he brought me here and eat first. Order something."

"You haven't eaten yet?" Su Qingyue was also shocked.

"I wanted to buy some to go up there, but when I walked back, I saw him with someone." Chen Ting sighed.

As they said, Su Qingyue led everyone to the shop that Chen Ting said.

Soon, they got to the place.

This is a chain store, the light box at the door is red, and it says that it is open 24 hours a day.

When they went in, they found that it was a bit rudimentary.

However, at this point, there are still quite a few people. They found Chen Ting and Qiu Xinjun in the innermost room.

As soon as Su Qingyue entered, Qiu Xinjun laughed and explained: "Qingyue, this spicy tang is very good, regardless of the decoration. If you try it, the taste is very authentic. In fact, many people don’t know that the essence of tang is not in cooking, but in cooking. Soup. This is an old shop. Their current owner is the third generation. They all use aged soup for more than seven days. They make the seasoning first, wrap it in cloth, and cook it over and over again. So their home The taste is different from others..."

He said, welcoming everyone to sit down, and then said, "No matter what happens, you can’t lose your stomach. I told Mr. Chen just now that we’ll enjoy such a delicious delicacy. Liu Qiang and the others are outside, how long are they willing to stay? As long as we stay, we can't be led by them."

"Yes! Mr. Qiu is right." Dongshan said with a smile beside him.

"The main reason is that when you hide, and when he chases, you have an advantage in your heart." Qiu Xinjun said.

Su Qingyue found that he looked very mature in front of Chen Ting and couldn't help laughing.

Everyone ordered some beer and threw the skewers into the pot.

Chen Ting raised her wine glass and said seriously: "I'm really sorry. It's so late, please come and accompany me." She said, tears gleaming in her eyes, and then said: "Thank you, and thank you, Mr. Qiu, for so late. I'm so alarmed, thank you so much."

"What a big deal. At that time, I was fighting with my girlfriend, and I called them at night to startle them. Now thinking about the clearer eyes, it seems to be killing me. I tossed around for a while, and now it's time for me to serve you. What's more, who can have so much experience with me?" Qiu Xinjun laughed and said about his relationship with Su Qingyue.

Everyone burst into laughter, and then drank all the wine in one sip.

Qiu Xinjun and Zhou Ziyou talked about the entire cooperation. Basically, they have decided on the plan, and the contract should be signed soon.

The reason why the entire cooperation has been delayed for so long is mainly because the plan is getting bigger and bigger. In the beginning, everyone was just an ordinary cross-industry cooperation, but on a larger scale. However, as Yuedao’s reputation has grown, Mr. Qiu’s group attaches great importance to it, and the board of directors personally decides to increase cooperation.

Originally, Su Qingyue wanted to say a few words with Mr. Qiu, but considering that the main problem today is Chen Ting, it didn't start.

Su Qingyue thought that sister Ting was not a long-term solution, but now that Brother Stone has just started to act, they still need time.

As he was thinking about it, Guan Pengpeng said, "Mr. Su, do we want to change the hotel to Sister Ting again."

"No." Su Qingyue immediately denied his idea, and asked him: "If you move again, can the unit move?"

With that said, Guan Pengpeng immediately understood and nodded seriously.

At the next moment, Qiu Xinjun said again: "And he knows that he knows, he can't be like a coward. It's boring to be chased by others every day. It was originally his problem. Don't do it like sister Ting. People who know say they don't want to. Pay attention to him, people who don’t know don’t know what to pass!” He said, “Just live here. You have to let him know that Mr. Chen left home not because he was afraid of him, but because he hated him.”

He said so, and Su Qingyue also agreed and said again: "This way, this time, Sister Ting will get off work and try to find a male colleague to accompany him. You have also taken the initiative recently. Whoever is okay, wait for Sister Ting after get off work..." He said: "Especially my colleagues in the marketing department. Ziyou, are you duty-bound?"

"Boss, don't worry, this is what was planned." Ziyou said readily, "Guaranteed that Sister Ting won't be harmed in any way. That day, I called with Yu Chenglong, and Jackie became very angry when he heard it. He said that he would wait for him to come back from further studies. , Get him..."

"Our purpose is to solve problems, not to vent emotions..."

"If you have anything to do with Mr. Chen, you can also call me, who told me to be close." Qiu Xinjun said with a smile, and clinked with Zhou Ziyou for a drink.

"Mr Qiu, you don't need you." Chen Ting hurriedly waved.

Qiu Xinjun laughed and said, "It's okay, and we have a lot of colleagues nearby, some of them are brothers on the channel, very powerful." He said: "When you need it, please notify me. I can't, but still

^0^Remember in one second【】

There are brothers under my hands. "

He said, Su Qingyue nodded. From Jackie Chan, he has long known the personality and characteristics of channel personnel: boldness, righteousness, and a little bit of chivalry.

Followed everyone to drink, but Guan Pengpeng refused.

He smiled and said: "I won't drink anymore. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

"Why don't you drink it?" Zhou Ziyou looked surprised.

"Qingqing doesn't like my drinking and is worried about my body." Guan Pengpeng said, a little embarrassed.

Everyone suddenly laughed, saying that he was afraid of his wife.

However, Su Qingyue interjected in time: "It's a good thing to be afraid of your wife, and Pengpeng did not do anything wrong." He raised his glass to him and asked him to drink tea, and said, "Brother, you and Qingqing, really are We watched all the way. I really didn't expect you to be together at that time. It was not easy."

"Thank you, boss. There was a period of time, you know, don't say Qingqing, I don't know if I can live or not. So I enjoy this environment very much now, I have endless energy..."

"Hold on and cherish this relationship," he said.

One of them drank water and the other drank, but they all drank in one fell swoop.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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