Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 681: :Decide

   The way back is a bit blocked. Although it was almost eight o'clock, the car still stopped and went on the road.

   Maybe it's because there are too many things, maybe the day is getting shorter and shorter during the summer and autumn. In short, I feel that one day has passed.

   I didn't do anything in the afternoon, the sky was already dark, and there was no flaming red cloud in the distance. As far as the eye can see, the Hua Deng is in the beginning. Su Qingyue was playing with his mobile phone, thinking about Liu Qiang.

   This is indeed beyond his expectation. Shi Lei's explanation of people like Liu Qiang is one aspect. Su Qingyue thought it was more than this. He suddenly remembered what Wilde had said. Indulging in this matter is often not because of desire or lust, but because it can show his masculinity and relieve emptiness.

   This is the so-called inferiority and dignity in the bones. No matter how rich and successful Chen Ting is, Liu Qiang sees it as an accessory and must obey her.

   After a long time and the sense of worship is gone, I will go to other places to look for it. This kind of search itself is righteous and righteous, without considering the consequences, nor afraid.

   What is even more frightening is that Chen Ting once believed that, whether passively or actively, she also accepted this relationship objectively.

   Fortunately, Sister Ting finally walked out.

Painful realization.

   Now, Su Qing understands better, just how to deal with it. After all, he and Chen Ting have a marriage, although he is suspected of committing a crime, he should go in and go to jail. But Chen Ting should decide this matter, or at least let sister Ting know about it.

   In short, the evidence will not run away.

   But judging from the current situation, Liu Qiang is unable to support the wall with mud. His various actions really force others to tear their faces.

   What did you say to Chen Ting?

   He thought, the car finally accelerated and quickly went up to the fourth ring. After crossing the Jianxiang Bridge, it continued to move forward, and the exit was not far ahead. Su Qingyue feels that long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain. Such a scumbag is a time bomb next to Chen Ting. Tell the truth from facts!

   He thought, dialing out.

   After the long tone, Chen Ting's voice came out of the receiver and said, "Qingyue, what's the matter?" She was talking and laughing. It was obvious that she was in good condition and very happy.

   Su Qingyue followed: "Sister Ting, I'm very happy to hear the voice."

   "Yes, Mr. Qiu took me out for dinner and told me a joke." Chen Ting said with a smile, and then asked: "Qingyue, you can tell me what's the matter."

"I'm going to find you both." Su Qingyue said, "Brother Stone has already given me all the things. For the rest, sister Ting, please make up your mind. We are all outsiders. After all, this involves your family." Said, he hesitated for a while, and then said: "A lot of evidence is enough to prove that this person is not good. If you continue to live with him, it will be very dangerous."

   Su Qingyue tried his best to speak tactfully.

   Chen Ting paused on the phone, and for a moment, she did not respond.

  Su Qingyue thought she was tempted again.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ting said at the next moment: "Qingyue, since I came out from home again and returned to work in Yuedao, I want to understand. You don’t need to talk about this. Just when you come over, we will have dinner together. I will also take a look at those. Things, I also hope that I will be completely chilled, so that I can deal with him!"

   Hearing what she said, Su Qing knew the sadness more, but there was no way. Sometimes sadness came from it, but it was able to glow with greater strength. He thought, as soon as he hung up the phone, he found that Dongshan had driven down the exit and stopped at the intersection of Xueyuan Road and turned left.

   had to tell Dongshan to find Mr. Chen.

  Because they took the wrong road, they had to turn left and walk on Zhichun Road. After passing the traffic lights, they passed the Xiguancun Street originally called Baiyi Road and finally reached the vicinity of Suzhou Street.

   He got out of the car, and there was a restaurant in the northwest. As soon as he walked in, he saw Qiu Xinjun and Chen Ting sitting by the window.

   There was noisy and lively inside, Su Qingyue sat down and looked at the dishes on the table. Qiu Xinjun pointed and said: "This is very authentic, Shawan big plate chicken, many of our colleagues will come here to entertain customers. Knowing that you are coming, I ordered another hand meat, enough for the three of us to eat."

   "How did you two get together?" Su Qing asked more curiously.

"Qingqing had a high fever, so I asked Pengpeng to go back." Chen Ting explained: "I wanted to come down to eat at night, but I was really scared. It happened that Mr. Qiu asked me if I had eaten, so I said let's eat together. "

   "Okay." Su Qing laughed and ordered two bottles of beer.

   They clinked glasses and drank. Su Qingyue originally thought, after all, Qiu Xinjun is here. This matter involves Chen Ting's privacy. He should wait for Qiu Xinjun to leave and talk to Chen Ting alone. But I didn't expect Chen Ting to take the initiative to say: "Qingyue, there are no outsiders here, just say it."

   With a word of her, Su Qing was more startled.

After hesitating a little, Chen Ting said again: "It's okay, as I said just now, I also hope that I will be cold, so I can deal with him cruelly. Otherwise, I will always be soft-hearted, and sometimes I will always think. On those sweet days, I can’t do this. Just like Wu Yinping advised me, I should start a new life."

   She said so.

   Qiu Xinjun suddenly picked up his mobile phone and said: "I have something else here, I'll go make a call."

   Stop talking, get up and leave.

  Su Qingyue and Chen Ting looked at each other. The latter smiled and said with emotion: "Mr Qiu is really smart and kind."

   As she was talking, Su Qingyue handed her the bag, "I have arranged it in chronological order." He said, telling Chen Ting what Shi Lei had said to him. The latter listened and looked at the photo, his hands trembling, his eyes flushed, and his face was getting worse and worse. Su Qingyue felt that it was almost done, so she didn't say anything more, waiting for her mood to slow down.

"I thought he was such a person." Chen Ting said, sighing, "Thank you, Qingyue. I just can't get this cruel, and I always have illusions." She pointed to the photo: "But these can help me. Are you in a lawsuit?"

   "One more thing..." Su Qingyue spoke at this time.

"What's up?"

   "This incident can conquer him at once and beat him to prison, but it depends on you, Sister Ting." Su Qingyue said.

   "Prison?" Chen Ting listened, surprised, and said: "What's the matter?"

"He is involved in a **** case. We have tapes and other relevant evidence, and some people are willing to come forward to accuse him." Su Qingyue said: "But after all, it involves your privacy. We can't act casually." He said, but I just wanted to say: "This is a nuclear bomb after all. As long as we have it, Liu Qiang will not dare to threaten your property, especially equity matters. And such a person should be punished."

   Other words, wait for Chen Ting's words.

   For a long time, Chen Ting looked through the photos and then asked Su Qingyue for specific details.

   Su Qingyue said: "I'm a girl from out of town. I don't know the details very well, but we have tapes."

   "Qingyue, I originally wanted to deal with it peacefully." Chen Ting said.

   "I know." Su Qingyue nodded.

   "But I think it's impossible now." Chen Ting said, she wiped her tears and remained silent.

Su Qingyue’s cell phone rang suddenly. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com glanced down and found that it was Amou’s call. He picked it up. Before he could say what he was doing, he heard the latter sobbing: "Su Qingyue! Come back soon! Look at what you have caused, come back soon!"

   "What's wrong?" Su Qing was startled more and more suddenly when he didn't know what was going on at home.

A Mou sobbed and said, "Um... that Chen Ting's husband ran downstairs and brought a lot of people to make trouble. I was so scared that I didn't dare to go home. I was at Brother Guang's house." She sobbed and said: " Brother Guang is not here either, just me and Sister Xiaoxuan, with the baby. I don’t want my parents to know about this! No matter what you have now, you must come back to me!!"

   When Ah Mou said this, Su Qing clenched his fists more and more angry, and realized that he was still too high to see Liu Qiang's bottom line.

After    scolded a swear word, he said, "I'll be back soon!!"

After   , I got up and prepared to leave.

   Chen Ting asked what happened.

  Su Qingyue looked at her and said, "Liu Qiang is leading someone downstairs in my house. This is because I am crazy about money."

   When he said so, Chen Ting was shocked, and then stood up and said: "This bastard!" She blushed with anger at this point, packed her things, and said, "I'll go with you!"

   "Don't be so troublesome, just call the police..."


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