Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 708: : A soldier who surrenders without a fight

   Chapter 709

  Ten hours later...

  The press conference of the cooperation between Yuedao Network and Duka Interactive Entertainment was officially held. Because of the warm-up of the previous news, many local media in Nanyue are not invited to come, they all hope to get some exclusive things. The Internet is full of speculation. As soon as Chen Yimian arrived, he asked him: "What the **** is going on, is it true?"

  Su Qingyue nodded, and replied: "It's not just these, there is a package of cooperation plans behind."

   Ye Luo even called before the person arrived.

  Yesterday, even Ming Xin called in person to ask if there are any so-called second-generation products, and what Su Qingyue is thinking. He speaks Northwestern, with curiosity in his accent, but also with inquiries concerning his own interests.

  Su Qingyue, like answering other people, told Mingxin that not only this, but also a package plan.

Hearing him, Ming Xin could not help but utter a swear word, and then said: "Qingyue, I will tell you a little secret. After learning the news yesterday, the old manager called Feng Xiaojiang and asked if he could terminate the contract with you. , He will bear all the liquidated damages. As a result, Feng Xiaojiang deserves to be a rich second generation, and has no interest at all. The old pipe was so angry that he fell the cup directly."

  He said, laughing on the phone, feeling that Su Qingyue really has a hand.

  The more Su Qing could understand Feng Xiaojiang’s refusal to Guan Hongjian. There is not only temperament and personality, but also Feng Xiaojiang's vision. The cooperation between them is not a simple product contract, and liquidated damages are nothing to Feng Xiaojiang. But if the cooperation with myself is ruined, it will be the biggest loss and regret in life.

Thinking of this, Ming Xin smiled again: "They all say that Jiang is old and spicy. Now the old **** is too spicy. I saw him doing that, and I felt it was too much. Forget it, I don’t blame you for this. Be careful." After he said something, he asked again: "By the way, has Chen Feng called you?"

   "No." Su Qingyue said, and then added: "But he is my boss, he will understand me. I will not do anything to sorry him."

   "I guess you can't either." Mingxin said, and finally said: "Then wait for you to come back, let's have a meal together?"

   "No problem." Su Qingyue said.

  They said and hung up the phone.

  Su Qingyue understood why Mingxin made this call. It is nothing more than that they have to judge various changes, and there will be a highlight afterwards, that is Yuedao's Pre-IPO. Although the preliminary work has already started, because Su Qingyue is too busy, it has not yet officially started.

  In fact, it's not just Mingxin. The number of calls he has received in the past few days is countless, but there is no one from Chen Feng.

  At this time, the musical prelude of the on-stage press conference has already fallen, and the host announced the official start of the cooperation press conference between Yuedao Network and Duka Interactive Entertainment.

  After the previous performances and relevant leaders’ speeches, the host invited Feng Xiaojiang and Su Qingyue to come on stage.

  Because the foreplay was done very well, all the people on the scene were attentive, some holding a recording pen, and some seriously making notes in a notebook.

  Feng Xiaojiang said that the first generation is just testing the waters, the second generation will be more perfect, and there will be many breakthroughs in technology, including global service. In the communication and exchange with Su Qingyue, I found the future development direction of casual games, and Duka Huyu will go all out in this direction.

  Next, Su Qingyue spoke.

  Su Qingyue explained the importance of this cooperation, his thoughts on casual games, the original intention of the cooperation between Yuedao and Duka, and the future plans of both parties. Of course, it is not yet possible to mention Fengli's position and role in it.

Finally, Su Qingyue said: "We believe that the current casual games are still short of breath, and the market space is far from open. Whether it is capital, market, users or other aspects, we are still using traditional thinking and traditional R&D concepts. 、Traditional operating concepts look at casual games. It’s not good and wrong to pack new wine in a bottle and cut your feet to fit your shoes.”

  No one is talking under the stage, only the sound of shutter pressing and the constantly lit flash.

Su Qingyue continued: "During the communication and exchanges with Mr. Feng, we have found the common ground of both parties, found the future direction of casual games, and found a way to enlarge or even surpass this market. And Yuedao is to achieve peace The cooperation of Doka Mutual Entertainment, through the operation of second-generation products and a series of subsequent in-depth cooperation and in-depth binding, expands, scales, mainstreams, events, and entertains the leisure sports market..."

The people in the audience were attentive, Su Qingyue only briefly introduced it, and then quickly finished it, and said: "In view of today's occasion and time, we will not start it anymore. Please continue to pay attention to Yuedao, all the media and guests. , Pay attention to our follow-up products and the cooperation between the two parties..."

  The entire press conference, every sentence was carefully crafted, creating a feeling that the second-generation product is ready to come out. Not only that, this move also shows the future and layout of Yuedao. A sentence of deep cooperation and deep binding gives the media and the industry unlimited thinking space.

   Regarding the "expansion, scale, mainstreaming, competition, entertainment..." of casual games, it is like a knife, which stabs Heng Ping and Guan Hongjian.

  This is the "soldier who won without fighting."

  This is "listening to thunder in silence".

  This is "killing without seeing blood".

  Of course, in addition to the points shown in the press conference, the focus of reporters is to ask about the situation of Yuedao Network and what other actions they will take before going public.

  For a time, Yuedao Network once again occupied the commanding heights of the industry, and major media reported one after another.

  Ye Luo published a commentator’s article and pointed out: Yuedao’s move is killing two birds with one stone. It not only complements the simplification of Yuedao Network’s product layout, and expands user coverage. At the same time, given their long-term plans for both parties, we have reason to believe that the future of Yuedao Network is worth looking forward to.

  Jinghe.com He Cunxi commented: The cooperation between Yuedao and Duka Mutual Entertainment is more than a simple product agency. In fact, their cooperation is strategic. Obviously, they are dissatisfied with the casual games on the market, and they want to make subversion not only in the product itself, but also in the follow-up cooperation.

  Industry media have not overly touched the sensitive nerves of equity, but some financial media are not welcome.

  They directly pointed out: Su Qingyue’s move is fatal to the equity company that is about to be packaged and listed. And these media still commented bluntly: The Equity Department originally lost the opportunity it had last time, and this time it was drawn from the bottom of the pan. Now looking at the Equity Department, it is like a house with four walls, the only dining table that can sell money, and it was taken by others. gone.

  In addition to these, the various accounts of the UU reading www.uukanshu.com forum are even more rude.

  An account directly ridiculed Guan Hongjian and said: “It was a tumult for a long time, and I thought it would make a big storm, and it ended up in the end.

  There is also an account evaluation Guan Hongjian: I don’t want to put such a good condition at the beginning, this time is good, people don't buy it, and I just took a detour to copy the old nest. It is impossible to let people come back. I'm really surprised. They Guan Hongjian have such a big life gate as Duka Mutual Entertainment, so why don't they buy it?

  Looking at these posts about Guan Hongjian, Su Qingyue smiled helplessly. These people would not understand that Guan Hongjian offered to pay a high price for the capital investment card more than once, but was rejected. For a person born in such a family and under such an educational background, it must not be money that touches him, but the ideal or the way to achieve it.

  These people will never know the truth, and sometimes the facts they see may not necessarily be the truth.

  In the evening, Su Qingyue invited everyone to the famous Tan Jiacai dinner.

  He didn't say anything at the table, just greeted everyone to drink.

  At this time, the phone rang, Su Qingyue glanced at the number and found that it was Chen Feng, so he picked it up.

  (End of this chapter)

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