Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 715: : Qiu Xinjun's plan

  Chapter 716 Qiu Xinjun’s Plan

  "Qingyue, I am going to be a rental company that is different from others."

  Su Qingyue listened to Qiu Xinjun's thoughts, while continuing to pour him tea and handing him the tea cup. Discovering that Qiu Xinjun today is different from the past, he is particularly passionate. He kept telling Su Qingyue about the gaps in this market, saying: "What I said is not the kind of intermediary company you see on the street."

   "I know." Su Qingyue nodded.

Qiu Xinjun continued: "I am not the one that pays three deposits. This is a pure short-term lease. It may be a month, or two months, or it may be half a year or a year. But the most important thing is that I don’t ask for one. How much money to pay." He said: "I found that some of the children in our company just came to Pingjing, which is really difficult. Not much, just throw in the rent for several thousand. A child who just came to Pingjing , How can there be so much money."

  He said that Su Qingyue also quite agrees.

  The employees of their company also have this trouble. Now renting a house has become a very important issue in employees’ lives.

  For a time, he sounded seriously.

He added: "I plan to learn from the platform model, but in terms of listings, I will make my own characteristics. First of all, we are the main body. In addition to individual landlords, we are mainly the shadow landlords of idle listings. They may not be the owners of the houses. People, but the tenants of these houses."

   "These are all okay, but what pain points can your platform solve for both parties?" Su Qing asked more curiously.

"The first is to solve the problem of mutual trust, and the second is to operate and manage the landlord, as well as a large number of non-standardized supplies and services, to form a characteristic." Carry out standardized decoration. You have to do it exquisitely, even for small apartments. These newcomers can move in with their bags."


  Su Qingyue nodded, he found that Qiu Xinjun can describe the business very accurately.

  This must have been thought for a long time, and at the same time, I came up with a large number of cases at home and abroad.

  Think about the place where I rented with Guang Ge. If the environment is good, life will be more comfortable.

Qiu Xinjun went on to introduce: "At the same time, we want to make people who travel out not only think of hotels and guesthouses, but also of relatives and friends' homes, but also of our platform. We create a different style for tourists that hotels don't have." Said, and said: "Then we draw the corresponding commission from the transaction between the landlord and the tenant."

After he finished speaking, Su Qingyue handed him a tea cup and said, “I don’t think there is a problem with this idea, and the profit model is also very clear. But one thing is that the control of this property itself is very critical. Involving the legal field, involving public security risks, these are all things to consider."

"On the one hand, we will develop special systems, and on the other hand, there will be professionals involved." Qiu Xinjun said: "I will take down the domain name of the website first, lest I think it well and turn around to see if someone else has taken it. "

  He said, Su Qingyue nodded and thought it was pretty good.

   drank a sip of tea and asked Qiu Xinjun, "You are here to find me to invest today, right?"

"Yes, the start-up capital of this matter does require funds." Qiu Xinjun said with a smile: "But it is not forced, but normal business communication. You don't need to be stressed, what should be. If you feel that something is not good, it will cause you It doesn’t matter if you don’t vote."

   "Sounds very interesting." Su Qingyue interrupted him directly. If investment is investment, then Qiu Xinjun has full marks here, so he said: "I think it is very suitable to try in Pingjing at the beginning. Next year will be the Olympics. This is a golden opportunity. But after all, this is business, not. The children play house. So, I have a few suggestions and ideas..."

   "You said."

"Entrepreneurship is nothing more than project prospects and space, team structure and capabilities, funds and resources. I believe very much in your team. After all, they followed you in the hardware market. Although the experience may not be much, the wolf Full of sex, I believe you will also bring some elites from other industries. We are classmates and friends for many years, and there is no doubt about your ability."

Su Qingyue first affirmed, and then said: "But you said something about the project prospects and space, but I think it is far from enough. If you treat me as an ordinary investor, then your plan is still too crude. Entrepreneurship. It’s just the process of slapping your face. After being beaten by others and yourself, many shortcomings are exposed, and you will become more and more sober. In the end, your nose and face are swollen, and you and your team still maintain confidence and courage. , Then this plan can be considered clearly. But at least for now, your plan is more exciting than rational."

  He said so, and Qiu Xinjun nodded.

Following him, he said: "I suggest that you first conduct in-depth investigation, in-depth thinking, internal discussion and criticism within the team. On this basis, come up with new plans and plans; the second is to expand the scale of investment and attract more capital. Capital. It represents not only the funds, but also the resources behind it; secondly, you must fully train the team and avoid any "growth in battle". Once the plan is opened, it must be quickly occupied with lightning speed, and hot spots and hot spots will be formed in the market. On the topic, ground promotion must quickly reach scale."

   "You are right, I think so too." Qiu Xinjun continued.

Su Qingyue said: "In addition, seize the power of'free' and build a firewall of scale. After all, the threshold for this matter is not so high. If you are entangled in short-term profitability, you will be defeated by the opponent's high altitude. The wolf nature builds a moat, and after occupying the high ground, it cleans the battlefield, summarizes after the war, and sets off again..." He finally said: "In terms of capital, leave it to me, and I will find a way."

   "Okay, after I go back, I will discuss the previous plan with the team." Qiu Xinjun said: "Then we will talk again. If there is any problem in the middle, I will call you."

   "Ok, anytime."

  They continued, but the process of the conversation became more and more detailed.

  Su Qingyue found that Qiu Xinjun's thinking was still very clear. However, in order to attract more capital, the plan needs to be further refined and refined. In this industry, the value of capital is particularly prominent.

  Su Qingyue was drinking tea with him, and then remembered the appointment Chen Ting had just helped.

Curiosity and worry rose again for a while, he changed the subject and asked, "You and Mr. Chen, what is the matter with the two of us? Why do you still need her to help you when you ask me?" He said, and said again: "Just say anything, don't lie to me!"

  He said, Qiu Xinjun was stunned.

  Not talking for a long time, keeping silent.

  Looking at him, Su Qingyue drank tea and asked: "Lao Qiu, are we brothers?

   "Nonsense, of course it is." Qiu Xinjun not only responded with confidence, but also looked at him with dissatisfaction.

Seeing him getting more serious, Su Qingyue stopped joking and said, "Since you are brothers, I will tell you. If you and sister Ting are true love, brother I will support you. Anyway, you are unmarried, and President Chen is also single. "

   "What do you mean?" Qiu Xinjun was startled when he said it.

   "You have to be serious, don't be foolish. Sister Ting is not only an important person in our team, she is also my best friend." Su Qingyue said, and said: "And she just had an accident, you know."

   "Wait..." Qiu Xinjun interrupted him, grieving and said: "We are not doing well!"

  Su Qingyue looked at him, and asked suspiciously: "Nothing?"

"I just have a good impression, what can I do?" Qiu Xinjun said, "I think she has to slow down too, right? I really didn't think about it, and Mr. Chen didn't have it. Everyone is close and there is nothing to eat and eat. It’s better to get along. Maybe others will feel close, but it’s not at the level you mentioned."

  He said, Su Qingyue looked at him.

   "You are all worrying blindly." Qiu Xinjun said and laughed.

Su Qingyue was still very serious and said, "No matter what. Anyway, if you really decide in the future, please make sure to squeeze out some senior sister and Lin Lin from your brain first. Don't rush out, UU reading. www.uukanshu.com is doing this to you, and it’s not good for anyone."

   "Don't worry!" Qiu Xinjun said.

  They continued to drink tea again.

  Su Qingyue looked up at the wall clock, which was already pointing to six o'clock.

  At this time, Chen Ting walked in from outside and asked if they had a good talk.

  Qiu Xinjun laughed and replied: "What else can we talk about badly."

"Then let's go to dinner together, I will invite you two." Chen Ting said, smiling, turning her gaze to Su Qingyue and saying: "During this period, Mr. Qiu has asked for so many times, so I should do it again. . It just so happens that you just came back from Nanyue, so you should be catching the wind for you, how?"

   "No, I just came back, and Amu wanted me to accompany her. Amu said, you go back with me and have some food at home." Su Qingyue explained immediately.

   "Forget it, another day. I'll go back and talk to the team..." Qiu Xinjun said.

  The three of them were a little polite, and didn't say much.

   At less than seven in the evening, Su Qingyue returned home in Dongshan’s car.

  (End of this chapter)

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