Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 721: : Invitation from He Jiahua

  Chapter 722 He Jiahua’s Invitation

  At the party that day, Su Qingyue drank a lot of wine, and it was already 11:30 when he got home.

  Huayang originally said to go to the bar, but Su Qingyue did not go.

  In order to clear the alcohol on his body, fearing that Amou might not like it, he took a hot bath after returning home.

  But I still feel there is a smell on my body, so I wondered whether to go to the study to deal with it.

  At this moment, Ah Mou walked out of the bedroom. He didn't say the smell on his body, but urged him to go back to the master bedroom. After lying down, Amou just said: "No matter how late you are, you must go back to the house to sleep."

  Su Qingyue nodded without speaking, feeling moved in his heart.

   After a few words of comfort, the two rested early.

  He woke up twice in the night. The last time I saw Amou hiding in the study reading a book, he asked: "Insomnia again?"

"Yeah." Amu helped her waist, stroking her belly strenuously, and said, "I sometimes feel uncomfortable, but when I think of the baby's vivacity, I feel very happy. However, it's coming soon. , Don't worry, I'm fine." She said with a smile.

   "Hmm." Su Qingyue sat down to accompany her.

  Until dawn, the two went back to the bedroom.

  Su Qingyue only slept for another hour, then got up for breakfast.

  Look at only 7:25, but Dongshan’s car has already arrived. He simply went downstairs and got into the car. There were not many cars on the road, and they arrived at the unit's parking lot less than eight o'clock. Dongshan sighed with emotion: "I still don't get stuck in traffic and drive happily."

   Entering the unit, Su Qingyue first made tea, and then just about to prepare for work, the sound of a text message from the mobile phone came. It was only a quarter past eight when I looked at the wall clock on the wall. I didn't understand who would send a message so early. I picked up the phone and found that it was from Yue Lindao. The content was very simple, with only a few dozen words: "Qingyue, I have a problem with my body. I need to take a long vacation and go abroad for treatment. Don't worry, I will definitely wait for the right time. Explained to you personally."

  I'm sick, what's the disease? Su Qingyue's heart was raised, realizing that he had to go abroad for treatment, which must be a serious problem. I became worried for an instant and hurriedly called back, but the other party turned off unexpectedly.

  He leaned against the back of the chair suddenly, losing his arm in pain.

  When I remembered that I started in Pingjing, I knew him. At that time, Yuelindao had to smoke two boxes of Zhonghua every day, and only half of them each time. Later, I learned that from selling CDs, to owning the first store, to establishing Lindao Software, which is the number one channel, Su Qingyue admires it even more. As the contact increased, they gradually became friends and brothers. In his hardest time, Yue Lindao chose to trust unconditionally, and tried his best to support himself. If he has any physical problems...

   "Hey..." Su Qingyue sighed.

  Looking at the phone, he dialed another one, but it still turned off.

  I don’t understand what’s going on, read the text message again, and explain to myself what the last sentence said.

  Su Qingyue didn’t understand, what kind of explanation was needed, or he was under a lot of pressure when he learned that he was ill. I couldn't help sighing, feeling that the body is the most important thing. He sent a message back to Yue Lindao and said, "Mr. Yue, in any case, you should see a doctor first, and your body is the first. When it is convenient, be sure to call me back and I will see you before you go. ."

   put the phone off, Su Qingyue sighed helplessly.

  In the morning's work, Su Qingyue was a little absent-minded, always involuntarily worried about Yue Lindao.

At about noon, Li Ming suddenly called and said that there is a project suitable for Li Weizhen to participate in. "The main reason is that the role is more suitable, which can imprint the characteristics of "Little Devil". Because you know that the previous Virgin relied on "Little Demon". After the success of "Magic Fairy", her image is fixed, which is actually not conducive to her later development."

   "This is great, and it's not obtrusive, and it can also help the expansion of Virgin Opera." Su Qingyue said, thanking Li Ming for his thoughtful consideration.

"I will contact Quan Longxian today and ask about Li Weizhen's schedule first." Li Ming said, and then said: "If possible, I hope we will cooperate with three parties. One is that Quan Longxian appreciates you and believes in you. The second is that I trust you myself."

   "No problem, this time Mr. Quan and I will get more." Su Qingyue said.

   "It doesn't need to be much, it's the same as last time." Li Ming said with a smile.

Su Qingyue smiled and said, "Last time it was because "Little Demon Fairy" belonged to us. This time the situation is different, it was completely initiated by you, so we don't have to dispute in this respect, you should communicate with Mr. Quan first." He said that he understands that if the benefits are large enough, Quan Longxian will operate well.

  After talking with Li Ming, he told Zhou Ziyou about it during lunch.

  The latter listened and said, "Boss, I hope I don’t embarrass you. If I need to, I can go out..."

   "No need to do this." Su Qing waved his hand and denied his thoughts, saying, "We have big entertainment in the future. It just happens to be a practice. You will follow and understand more then."

   "Well, I understand." Zhou Ziyou said.

  They were eating, Su Qingyue looked at the phone, and then dialed out to Yue Lindao.

  The other party is still shutting down, Su Qingyue sighed, thinking that maybe he just learned of his illness and didn't want to answer the phone. What will a person be like when facing death? For a while, I can't imagine how I would face this kind of scene. Thinking that if he waited for Yue Lindao to adjust later, he would have to see him.

  It's almost time to check in the afternoon, and he leaves for Penno Yi's office.

  It is on the edge of the Second Ring Road, and there are many tall buildings. It is a planned financial district in the city. When Su Qing arrived sooner, he looked up through the car window and saw the structure of the reinforced concrete buildings that were concise and clear, stiff and cold, with a touch of technology. This is very different from Guan Hongjian’s office location. What com shows is a kind of old-fashioned, old palace with a depressive atmosphere.

  Thinking about this, the car turned to the entrance of the office building, and Su Qingyue got out of the car.

  As soon as he entered the front desk, he reported his name.

   Soon Peng Nuoyi greeted him personally, smiled and said, "How is it? Isn't it easy to find?"

   "It's okay." Su Qingyue nodded and said.

   "Mingxin is in the building next to me. He will be there soon for the two steps." Peng Nuo explained.

  Walking in with him, Su Qingyue noticed that the office here is different from that of Guan Hongjian. It is very similar to a technology company. The main color is light. Although the space is narrower, it is all grid rooms, but the space is bright and comfortable, without such a strong sense of oppression.

   entered the office with him.

  The same light tone, with the sunlight leaking through the floor-to-ceiling windows, makes people feel very warm.

  The tea table is very beautiful. It uses the best stone materials. Su Qingyue thought, and Ming Xin opened the door and said, “Peng, let’s open your tea soon, let our brothers taste such expensive tea too.”

  (End of this chapter)

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