Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 725: : Sister Ting’s Observation

   Chapter 726 Sister Ting’s Observation

  The work in the afternoon is not too stressful. Su Qingyue found that since solving the problem of acquiring Fengli, Yuedao's various tasks have obviously become more and more smooth.

  And the industry’s feedback to them is also very positive. Fengli did not show any discomfort after being acquired. They finally relieved their minds and stepped up the promotion of the "Du Du Kart" generation.

   However, Su Qingyue was still a little faintly disturbed. He didn't quite understand why Yue Lindao shut down and was in a state of disappearing completely. In these recent days, he did not call Dong Yue less, but the results were the same.

  Worry about whether he has some psychological problems due to illness.

   sighed helplessly, Chen Ting knocked on the door and walked in, smiling and saying, "Qingyue, is it convenient? Let's say something, can we? It's about the company's year-end summary."

   "Sure." Su Qingyue nodded immediately.

  Chen Ting then sat across from him and said, “Isn’t this going to be the New Year’s Day soon? I checked the time, and the Chinese New Year is relatively late this year, and it’s only on February 7th.”

   "Huh, so what?" Su Qingyue asked.

"I think, we can’t wait until February to do the annual meeting. First, Internet companies usually work more overtime, so they usually leave early; second, most company annual meetings may be concentrated at the end of January and early February. Finding hotels is also a hassle." She said, and finally said: "So I want to advance the annual meeting this year."

   "Yes, you can do it."

  Su Qingyue smiled and said that in this regard, he always felt that after Chen Ting, he was relieved of many things.

"Do you think this will work? We initially set the time from January 19th to January 21st." She said: "We have been to the hot spring hotel several times, and many old employees have responded very boringly. This Next time, we might as well change to a tourist attraction and engage in a tour-based team building, so that everyone can relax."

   "No problem, Sister Ting." Su Qingyue nodded and said.

  He was very satisfied with Chen Ting's work in his heart, and since the divorce, her condition has gradually recovered. It suddenly occurred to me that she had been very close to Qiu Xinjun recently, and I didn't know what was going on with them.

  The next moment, Chen Ting was about to get up and leave the office.

  Su Qingyue said, “Sister Ting, Mr. Qiu is here later, do you want to be together? Let’s listen to his plan?”

   "Okay." Chen Ting smiled, sat down again, and said, "I know he is coming."

  "You two often contact each other?" Su Qing smiled.

Chen Ting immediately explained: "Mr Qiu is a man of righteousness. During the days after my divorce, either he or his friends accompanied me when I came home. Later, Mr. Qiu sent more for fear of being retaliated against me. It can be said that I have helped me through a lot of difficulties for a period of time."

   "This is what he should be." Su Qing laughed.

"Yeah." Chen Ting laughed, her face turned a little red, and she said: "He is not a channel, he looks a bit rough, sometimes he is not trivial. But I found that he is a person with a bottom line, and There are details in the rough, not only the meticulous work, but also the bravery in it."

   "I know." Su Qingyue said.

  He admitted that Chen Ting is very accurate in seeing people, and Qiu Xinjun is indeed such a person. It's just that in the previous years, he met with unsatisfactory people, and his love road was bumpy. However, Qiu Xinjun has never changed anything. He has been living according to his own principles. Su Qingyue admires him very much.

   "By the way, his project is about to start, right?" Su Qingyue asked casually.

   "It's already started." Chen Ting said with a smile.

  "Already?" Su Qingyue was taken aback, and followed: "I thought it was still in the preliminary investigation."

"It hasn't been fully launched yet. That needs to burn a lot of money, and the rest has already started." Chen Ting explained: "He resigned last month and has been doing research according to the questions you asked. And then in parallel. I also rented a few houses and carried out fine decoration and finishing."

   "Resigned so soon?"

"Yes, he did it by himself." Chen Ting said: "He told me that part-time entrepreneurship is seriously unreliable, and will eventually develop into a part-time career and fail to do a good job, and his own work will also be lost. At the same time, the team will have problems, and the last thing will be nothing. Instead of this, it is better to resign and let go!"

  Listening to her, Su Qingyue agreed.

  He also noticed that some people in society wanted to retreat when they started their business. I don’t know that this is what eats the pot and occupies the bowl. In fact, you won’t get anything in the end. One thing is not necessarily successful if others concentrate on it, and half-heartedness is even more nonsense.

  Thinking about this, Chen Ting said again: “I also helped him find some suppliers, which was a lot cheaper.”

   "Thank you sister Ting."

"What's so grateful for, I just think that Mr. Qiu, like you, is someone who can follow. I can see from his treatment of his brothers. He is doing his best to be nice to others, and he doesn't He is not so snobbish about what he wants in return. Moreover, he is a person who has no hesitation once he knows something. Such a person can be expected to do anything."

   "This is true, he has always been like this." Su Qingyue said.

  Think of Qiu Xinjun’s ex-girlfriend. At that time, all the people in the dormitory advised him not to hesitate and try their best to avoid harm, but in the end he still looked like this. He hasn't changed, he hasn't let the world beat, at least from this perspective, Qiu Xinjun is still standing.

  He was talking to Chen Ting~www.readwn.com~ At this time, Qiu Xinjun came.

  Everyone greeted as soon as they walked in. Qiu Xinjun's clothes today are different from before. A sports jacket, a pair of jeans, and this blue retort hat. The black leather bag in his hand changed his suit and leather style when he went to work, and looked a bit like a director.

  Su Qingyue greeted him to sit down, began to make tea, and said: "Sister Ting told me just now that you have already started?"

"Yes, I think a plan is a plan. This is just one aspect. On the other hand, we have to take action, and the team is also waiting. It is always procrastinated, and the heart is lost. An entrepreneur, do something better than what I said. Really." He said with a smile.

  Su Qingyue nodded, pointed to the tea and said, "Taste this tea."

"Okay." Qiu Xinjun said, took out his laptop, and said: "In addition, I have already done a good job of investigating what you said last time. Some of the previous ideas were too naive and need to be adjusted carefully. But on the other hand, some took over and let us see that this market has a lot to do..."

   "You said it." Su Qingyue smiled and watched Qiu Xinjun open a PPT.

  Listen to him.

  (End of this chapter)

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