Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 739: : The confused Qiu Xinjun

Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty Nine: The Confused Qiu Xinjun

We walked to the front of the car with everyone and put the luggage.

I found out that Qiu Xinjun had bought a second-hand Jinbei. "Would you like to sit and feel and feel my car skills?" He smiled and said, "It has been overhauled, and the air conditioner has been processed. There is no problem. Except that the noise is a bit loud."

Seeing him laughing and standing in front of the car very happy, Su Qingyue wanted to leave a personal space for him and Chen Ting, but finally decided to take his car.

The car was a bit broken, and Qiu Xinjun was a little nervous because he hadn't touched the car too much before, and fluttered right and left in the traffic.

Su Qingyue looked at him and felt that he had changed a lot, and he no longer felt like a manager of a big company.

Sure enough, starting a business is a practice.

Choosing to start a business means choosing a path full of thorns and challenges. No matter how difficult it is, we must always go on firmly.

In this process, any understanding or help is a great motivation for him to move forward. Qiu Xinjun has indeed changed. The more Su Qing could see it, because he had experienced it and understood it very well.

As for this Jinbei car, although it was broken a little, it was the unforgettable support of the brothers.

Soon they left the airport and got on the highway. Pingjing is still in severe traffic jams, and the entire airport expressway has no idea what's wrong today. It has almost become a parking lot, and they stop and go.

Su Qingyue couldn't help but laughed, and said: "Chief Qiu has good driving skills, but the car is a bit wronged for you."

"Oh, I don't have money right now, in the early days of the business." Qiu Xinjun said with a smile: "The main reason is that I can't take a taxi every day, and the bus is too slow. I can only buy a second-hand car, and it is convenient to drag the goods at ordinary times."

He said so, and Su Qingyue agreed.

Looking back at Chen Ting, he smiled and said, "From then on, picking up Mr. Chen will be your task."

"It's still up to you?" Qiu Xinjun laughed instantly and said: "I will pick you up sooner or later, as long as Mr. Chen doesn't dislike it." Open, only then discovered that there was an accident.

They finally passed.

The car started to accelerate, and the noise of the car was really loud, giving people a feeling of falling apart when driving at high speed.

Su Qing asked curiously: "By the way, how is the situation with you?"

"Xiaohei short-term rental?" Qiu Xinjun said, startled by his question, sighed, his complexion was not good.

Su Qingyue just wanted to say what's wrong, Chen Ting said behind her, "It's not solved yet?"

"No." Qiu Xinjun said.

Su Qingyue then asked, "What the **** is going on?"

"Recently, we encountered some difficulties, which I did not expect before. The problems we deduced before were all kinds of online problems. Although there were offline problems, we did not expect this to happen. A huge Pingjing market, housing There is a problem with the source, which is really troublesome."

"What's wrong with the housing?" Su Qingyue asked curiously.

"We were boycotted by intermediary companies." Qiu Xinjun explained: "Previously, we wanted to use some advertisements to promote high-speed intervention in the market. But the problem is that we can't spread a lot of advertisements, so I think about selection and intermediary. The company cooperated, but it doesn't work anymore."

"I understand, we moved their cake." Su Qingyue nodded.

Qiu Xinjun said: "Yes, the profit is too low. And look at the chance now, the atmosphere in Pingjing City is getting better and better. I think if this problem is not resolved in time, I really won't be able to keep up with this wave." He said, after thinking about it and saying: "But our business needs to be scaled up. Without intermediary cooperation, scale up is difficult to achieve."

He said so, and Su Qingyue agreed.

However, he also felt that the current amount of funds would not work if he blindly scaled it up. He immediately asked Qiu Xinjun: "Are you now casting a net in Quan Pingjing?"

"Yes, because every district has demand." Qiu Xinjun said.

Faintly feeling wrong, said: "I don't think you can blindly pursue scale, you should make breakthroughs in key points first."

"Key breakthrough?" Qiu Xinjun listened, shook his head, and said again: "I thought about this, but the problem is that there is no key point. I don't know where the key point is. This is different from my previous hardware channel. Where did we go before? , The focus is on those few, just take it down. It's different from this kind of completely clueless."

He said so.

Su Qingyue nodded and said: "Before you had a platform and the industry has matured, so it was easy to handle it. But now it's different. You create a new industry without a model before, and this is indeed It takes effort, I think this is normal."

He said that Qiu Xinjun listened and nodded: "Yes, sometimes we think how powerful we are, but we actually ignore what the platform has given us. We wait until we do it ourselves before we discover the shortcomings." He said , And said: "But I must succeed now."

"I think, then you should make a breakthrough first, first break through the housing dilemma in one area, and form a word-of-mouth effect. Only in this way can you have enough cash flow, and then you can advertise, so that more housing can be found actively. You, not your way."

"You are right, I have to quickly find this point." Qiu Xinjun nodded.

Su Qingyue followed: "Look where to demolish? There must be concentrated housing."

As he said, he faintly felt that there was a way, just on his lips.

At this time, Chen Ting said: "By the way, I remember that I used to have an employee with a nickname or more than 30% under his hand? He seems to be a demolished household with more than a dozen houses in his family. If his family is like this, Their entire village should be the point that can be broken through."

Qiu Xinjun was startled. He drove the car, looked back at her, laughed, and said, "Yes, I want such a person, such a community, and I have to hurry in front of the intermediary."

The next moment, Su Qingyue immediately contacted Jackie Chan. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

The latter heard the demand and said: "We have not had much contact recently, mainly because there is no business relationship. This kid's family is from Tangjialing. Now he plays mahjong every day and collects rent at the end of the month. I think he will be abolished. But I It should be useful to find him."

Listening to Jackie Chan talking about this place, Su Qingyue was taken aback and immediately realized that an opportunity had come.

Because Tangjialing is known as the back garden of Pingjing IT industry, when many company employees first came to Pingjing, they transitioned in this place. Su Qingyue knew that it was in Xibeiwang Town, outside the Fifth Ring of the Northwest, and adjacent to Huilongguan to the east. He had heard people say that there were more than 50,000 migrants, including nearly 20,000 university graduates.

Realizing that this place must be a must for intermediaries, Su Qing hurriedly instructed Yu Chenglong: "Then you can contact us as soon as possible. This matter can be done today and not to be delayed until tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Chenglong went to contact.

After a while, they finally left the airport expressway and quickly drove onto the Fourth Ring Road.

Back to the familiar street again, when he turned left on Xueyuan Road, he saw the building where Hualuo was located. Recently, I heard that Hualuo has taken a series of measures. In addition to going public, the company has split up and is preparing to move out of this building. Thinking back to the days when he was here, he missed that time a bit.

After a while, I finally got home.

He got off the car and left. Before leaving, he told Qiu Xinjun: "We'll get in touch later, let's do it as soon as possible."

"I understand." Qiu Xinjun said.

"Please invite President Chen to dinner. People have paid too much for you." Su Qingyue asked.

Then he walked back with his luggage and glanced at his watch. It was already five o'clock.

As soon as he opened the door partly, he saw Amou walking out of the kitchen.

Ah Mou came over and said, "Husband, you look good..."

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