Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 741: : Chasing here

It's better to feel more comfortable at home. Su Qing's sleep is getting better until dawn, and he hasn't even woke up in the meantime. When the biological clock awakened him, he saw that the wall clock was pointing at 7:35 in the morning, and Amu had already gotten up, but he didn't even feel the slightest.

I stretched my waist, and when I got up, I watched Ah Mou come out of the study. They had breakfast together, and just walked out with a jacket, they were so cold that they put on their down jackets again. After all, Pingjing, he thought, compared with Hong Kong Island, it is simply not a world.

After going out, Dongshan was already waiting downstairs, and when he saw him, he smiled brightly.

After getting in the car, I walked up the ring road. As soon as I turned left, I ran into a traffic jam, and the car stopped abruptly.

Su Qingyue was thinking about today's work. Apart from going to find Sanduo in the afternoon, he mainly informed Mingxin and Peng Nuoyi in the morning. I looked at my watch because it was already eight o'clock in the traffic jam. They should also wake up, and simply dialed Peng Nuo from the car, and the latter quickly picked it up.

"Qingyue, what's your order?" Peng Nuoyi panted a little on the phone, probably running.

"The board of directors has approved it." Su Qingyue said briefly: "Look at the time, we both can polish the specific content as soon as possible, and let the legal affairs do the specific contract."

"Okay, this matter can enter the process today." As soon as Peng Nuo said and laughed, he felt that he was drinking water. While grinding the details of the contract, on the other hand, Mingxin also said that on the other hand, let’s have a cocktail party to invite familiar friends and your shareholders. Let’s get to know each other."

"Okay, no problem." Su Qingyue said, thinking about the time and said: "I don't have time until the weekend. This is just coming back from Hong Kong Island, and the company has something to deal with."

"No problem, it's up to you," Peng Nuo said.

They agreed on the time, and the car finally moved on the ring road, and soon turned around and entered the underground garage.

When he arrived at the office, he checked the time, it was exactly eight thirty. He made a cup of tea first, and besides arranging work related to PreIPO, he checked the major media as usual. However, it is clear that apart from discussing when Yuedao will go public, there is little interest in others.

Now the entire Yuedao products are on the right track, including Chen Feng's "Dudu Kart I." And the three of them are already preparing for the next stage of work.

He continued to work, and nothing happened throughout the morning.

Zhou Ziyou came to look for him, but it was not about work, but that Li Weizhen’s scene was already filming, and he said: "But now the Korean side has sent someone to look for him. I heard Virgin say that they have reached the peace. It's Beijing, it's up to you to see which group he is in."

"They thought it was Seoul?" Zhou Ziyou was startled.

Zhou Ziyou said, "Why the other party has money, he also found someone."

"If this is the case, it's a good thing. They can't talk about many things if they don't come. Since they are here, you can find an opportunity to talk to them. If the other party can't be the master, let him call the master. In short Since it's here, don't leave." Su Qingyue said.

"Actually, I am a little worried about Virgin because I am afraid of ruining her." Zhou Ziyou nodded: "She is actually under a lot of pressure now."

"Of course." Su Qingyue expressed his understanding. He felt that the principle of adult control of conflict is not to harm family members. At the next moment, he said: "This matter must be controllable. However, we need to discuss how to solve it. We must not let Virgin's career suffer physically and mentally."

He thought, Zhou Ziyou left after a while.

Su Qingyue felt that this was not a simple matter. So he dialed Zhong Weiguang, and when he was connected, he briefly said the whole thing and said the name of the other party's company. Then put forward my own thoughts: "Can you create an atmosphere that is beneficial to us? I want to talk to this Korean."

"You have to find someone who speaks usefully, Xiao Yi is meaningless." Zhong Weiguang paused on the other side of the phone, and said, "You told me just now, which company is that kid?"

"Tian Teng." Su Qingyue replied.

"This company is thinking about entering our market. They are now talking to our group. We are also in contact with their second son, but not the person you say. I think if this is the case, let me see what to do first. , Inquire about it on the side."

"Okay." Su Qingyue said and laughed.

I knew that it was right to find Zhong Weiguang, not only because of his position, but also because people like to do such things in many cases. Make use of all kinds of troubles to make all kinds of friends, and friends slowly feed him back. Soon his own website was formed ~www.readwn.com~ This point Su Qingyue admires Zhong Weiguang very much.

hang up the phone.

He continued to work again, and Qiu Xinjun arrived at noon.

They had lunch with Zhou Ziyou, Qiu Xinjun and Chen Ting. Yu Chenglong briefly introduced Santo’s situation. Qiu Xinjun listened and said involuntarily: “This person’s fate will change if you don’t know for sure. You have to work **** the front foot, and the back foot will be called back to inherit the family property. ."

Zhou Ziyou said: "It's also the demolition, which is also going on in my house, but it's a pity that it's not worth the money."

"That's also relatively worthless. If it compares with your income, it should be okay." Yu Chenglong said.

Then they ate again, and in the afternoon they went to Sanduo.

Traffic jams started on the North Fourth Ring Road again. They stopped and went on the road, and they started at two o'clock. They arrived at about three or so nearby at 3:30. Zhou Ziyou couldn't help feeling that this makes Pingjing people spend more than half of their time in transportation every day, so the subway is still convenient.

The place where Sanduo lives is actually not too far from the airport. There is an open space and tall buildings are rising there. There is still a part that has been built. Yu Chenglong pointed to that part and said: "It should be there. I don't know if you can be satisfied. He said that they are all new houses, and the agent has looked for him."

"Yes, this is what we want. After all, we are not serving the white-collar workers of foreign companies who earn 20,000 yuan a month." Qiu Xinjun said, adding: "However, we have to look at the traffic situation later. If the traffic is good If it is not too expensive, this location is very suitable for young people who have just come to Pingjing."

They chatted, walked in according to Sanduo's position, entered the community, and soon found a row of bungalows behind the tall buildings.

Yu Chenglong looked around and said, "It should be here."

Everyone got out of the car.

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