Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 752: : Dimly lit

The hotel they booked is not far from the company.

After going out, turn right and then left at the first intersection in the east. There is a newly built five-star hotel called New Century. The hotel has high floors, even surpassing the office building where Su Qingyue is located. The viewing platform on the top floor of the hotel can overlook the night view of Xiguan Village and even the entire Pingjing.

Because it is a new hotel, the overall design is very novel, incorporating traditional Chinese elements into a fashionable and modern style. It is said that they were awarded the "Best Business Hotel Award" selected by diplomats at the Diplomat Awards Ceremony of the Global Daily last year.

There are not too many people in the hotel, and Su Qingyue has taken over the observation deck of the entire hotel.

As soon as I entered the lobby, I first saw the guide card of the Yuedao Network Investment and Financing Appreciation Cocktail Party, and the hostess they hired to lead the guests. In addition, the background board of Yuedao Network stands in the lobby. In addition to the game screen, there are logos of Yuedao Network, Yinuo Fund, Mingxin Capital and other companies.

When everyone was talking, Zhang Yichun walked to the door and paused specially. With a gesture of please, he let Su Qingyue in with a smile, "Mr. Su, you first..." He said, in fact, it is an electric door, and there is no need to let it.

However, in the face of his courtesy, Su Qingyue still said thank you, and then said: "Zhang Shao is too polite."

They walked in. When Guan Pengpeng saw everyone, he immediately greeted everyone with a smile. He wore a very formal black suit and a blue tie today. Su Qingyue suddenly understood why Ah Mu didn't let himself wear a tie, which seemed a bit restrained.

"Pengpeng, I heard that you and Qingqing are getting close?" Wang Xinjie rubbed Guan Pengpeng next to him.

Qing Qing was wearing an evening gown on the side, did not speak, just kept smiling, but Guan Pengpeng immediately followed: "What are you talking about? Qing Qing is the host we invited over this time..."

"After putting on makeup and nothing else, I will come down to accompany him." Qing Qing interrupted to explain, everyone laughed, and Qing Qing blushed instantly. Although everyone knows their affairs, she still seems a little cramped. At this time, he said to Su Qingyue: "Congratulations to President Su, if it weren't for you, Pengpeng is still wandering on the streets of Lin'an."

"He's not wandering, he's lingering..." Dongfang Jun said with a smile beside him.

Qingqing immediately laughed and said, "As soon as Pengpeng drank too much, he recalled what you met in Lin'an. He said it was President Su who saved him."

"It's not me, it's you." Su Qingyue suddenly became serious and said: "If it weren't for you, Pengpeng could not have such a great motivation. When it comes to saving, it should be you who gave him hope and let him know what responsibility is. "He said, thinking so in his heart.

The power of love is far beyond our imagination. Although time is gone and youth is gone, the beautiful memories in each other's hearts are always reminding me. From immature to prudent, from recklessness to responsibility, from selfishness to caring and considerate, striving hard to make one's lover feel the happiness of life, these are the power of love that allows people to understand the meaning of life .

At this time, Su Qingyue patted Guan Pengpeng and said, "Brother, you have to thank Qingqing."

"Well, this is necessary." Guan Pengpeng scratched his head.

They got on the elevator and after the car door closed, Dongfang Jun said with emotion: "I heard Pengpeng say that many people looked down on him back then. So when he was with Qingqing, many people persuaded Qingqing to say this. Man is a liar. There is a feeling of flowers being planted on cow dung. We were all afraid that Pengpeng could not stand these rumors and could not hold on to it."

Everyone chatted, feeling that this is also an enviable relationship.

The elevator went up and quickly reached the observation deck. When they came out, they first saw a huge background board, which read: Yuedao Network Investment and Financing Successful Appreciation Cocktail Party. The background is "The Three Kingdoms Heroes Borrowing Arrow from the Grass Boat", "Dudu Kart, and "Little Demon Fairy" and the combination of the characters that are going to be listed in the future.

The sign-in desk is in front of the background board, with roll-up banners and display stands on the left and right sides, as well as countless guest gift bags.

The sky gradually dimmed, so they turned on the lights, and the entire viewing platform became colorful and radiant. After Zhang Yichun walked in, he couldn't help but sighed and said: "Wow, Nie, Mr. Su's arrangement is indeed the best."

The scale of this thank you reception is very large. In addition to inviting some heavyweight media and important partners, they also have many friends of Su Qingyue, including Guang Ge and Song Xiaoxuan, Hao Wenxing, Hua Yang and Hao Hao Sister. In addition, Zhong Tankai, who is the collaborator of Equity Capital Management Hongjian and Xuanjing Capital, will also come.

Seeing the sign-in desk, there are still many people who haven't arrived.

Su Qing understood that, after all, this was Pingjing, which was almost six o'clock in the afternoon. From the viewing platform, the traffic was blocked in a long red dragon as the night was gradually falling.

While chatting with everyone, Peng Nuoyi and Mingxin came, and everyone shook hands and greeted each other.

Mingxin and Su Qing smiled and said: "Su, your clothes are getting better and better now, who picked this for you."

"You just asked knowingly, haha..." Su Qingyue said, and then explained: "She used to be in Nandu and worked as an editor for the fashion sector for a long time."

"The younger siblings are different. If it were me..." he said, laughing.

Peng Nuo interrupted next to him: "Our little junior sister, that's seen on the market."

They laughed and chatted, Su Qingyue introduced Zhang Yichun to them, and they shook hands with each other very politely.

However, Peng Nuoyi obviously looked at the opponent up and down, and he was obviously thinking about it.

Su Qing hurriedly explained: "He has a very urgent matter in his family, and he can't get out of it. Yichun is the same. He is Mrs. He's nephew."

"It's okay, it's all my own." Peng Nuo quickly laughed, a little embarrassed.

"President Ming and President Peng don't get me wrong, Mr. He does have a very urgent matter," Zhang Yichun explained with a smile: "It is true that he can't get out of his body, otherwise he will definitely come over, and he also asked me to take it for everyone."

"Everyone is the same." Mingxin said with a smile, "The point is drinking."

They were talking, and Zhang Yichun also said: "Today’s focus is not me, it’s President Su and the team. When I came here, my uncle specially asked me. So whether I drink or not depends on President Su’s order, President Su. If I talk about drinking, I can't drink anymore, and I'll give up my life to accompany the gentleman."

After he spoke, Ming Xin laughed, put a hand on Su Qingyue's shoulder, and smiled: "This little brother is a bit interesting, I like it."

They were talking.

Peng Nuoyi took out an envelope printed with dark patterns from his pocket and handed it to Su Qingyue.

"Gift." He said, and then: "After thinking about what is not tacky to give, I finally decided this. The VIP card of the Fairview Confinement Center is absolutely No. 1 in Pingjing, and you all know their reception threshold."

Knowing the weight of this, Su Qing hurriedly thanked Peng Nuoyi.

After a while, Zhang Yichun and the others found a place to sit.

Tian Zhong approached Su Qingyue and whispered, "Boss, what happened to him today?"

"What's the matter?" Su Qingyue smiled back.

"This seems to be a different person, and I will treat you with admiration for three days!" Tian Zhong curled his lips.

The next moment, the elevator door opened and Guan Hongjian walked out of it. Seeing Su Qingyue, he laughed: "Congratulations to President Su, and congratulations to myself." He said, and shook hands with Su Qingyue: "I also thank President Su for his generosity and let us participate. In the future, if you have any needs, I will I must do my best."

"General Manager Guan is serious." Su Qingyue smiled back to him.

Guan Hongjian said seriously, "President Su, what I say is from the bottom of my heart."

"I understand." Su Qing nodded seriously.

Since the last incident, Guan Hongjian has not only changed his attitude towards Su Qingyue, but has also become much more tolerant of others. Once drinking, Ming Xin said with emotion: "In this world, there are actually people who can change the old manager. Su, you are the first one. Exchange for true feelings with sincerity is rare in our circle."

They chatted, and after a while, Guan Hongjian was led by the leader and sat inside.

The elevator car door opened again, and the people who came out were Ge Guang and Song Xiaoxuan.

"Congratulations, Qingyue." Brother Guang said with a smile.

"Thank you Brother Guang and sister-in-law." Su Qingyue said with a smile.

"Let's stop being polite, haha." Song Xiaoxuan smiled back, because she had returned to work as a professional woman.

The three chatted and laughed. At this time, the elevator door slid open to both sides again, and Zhong Tankai walked out of it.

He wore a long-sleeved POLO shirt and sweatpants today. When he saw Su Qingyue, he smiled and greeted: "Manager Su." Before he got there, he was obviously startled when he saw Song Xiaoxuan. However, this expression was fleeting, he smiled and nodded with Brother Guang and Song Xiaoxuan, and said to Su Qingyue: "Congratulations."

After speaking, he took the initiative to leave and sat down with the leader.

Brother Guang approached Su Qingyue and asked in a low voice, "You didn't arrange a table for us?"

"Don't worry." Su Qingyue said with a smile.

He noticed that Song Xiaoxuan couldn't help looking at Zhong Tankai, she was much older under the light, maybe she was cherishing her youth. Like many things in this world, love and hate are just a thin line apart. Love produces hatred, and love and hate are intertwined. Who can tell? Or sometimes it’s not not to hate, just to let yourself go...

Secretly sighed, sending Brother Guang and Song Xiaoxuan to sit down.

There were more people on the viewing platform, and Chen Feng, Hou Lili, and Jiang Jiming also came.

Hou Lili said with emotion: "In the past, Xiaofeng always said that Qingyue is a golden scale. As the so-called, golden scales are things in the pool." She smiled and added, "I am not that educated. This is what your boss gave you. . I always feel right."

As they were talking, Li Ming, Qin Yuanyuan and Li Weizhen also arrived.

Because Chen Feng was Hualuo's deputy general manager, Qin Yuanyuan still remembered him and greeted him actively.

After talking with Chen Feng for a while, Li Ming took the initiative to sit down.

This was followed by You Xianming, Feng Xiaojiang, then Zhong Weiguang and Yan Xipan.

Everyone exchanged warm greetings and laughed heartily from time to time. Su Qingyue feels that everyone else is okay, but Yan Xipan seems to have changed himself. He doesn't like to laugh as much as before. He didn't wear a trendy brand. Today he just wore a white shirt and a pair of jeans. He didn't like to joke as much as before.

Zhou Ziyou said half-jokingly that "Yan Laoxi" is mature.

But Su Qingyue felt that he was very tired and seemed to be in a bad state of mind.

Just thinking about it, the viewing platform is getting more and more lively at this time. As the night darkens, the car lights are on the loop, forming a long flashing dragon, and the background music is playing Huang Zheng’s "Run, the propaganda of Yuedao Network is projected on the big screen." piece.

Today’s banquet wine is the blue of Yanghe’s dream. This is specifically requested by Su Qingyue, which means that Yuedao carries dreams, leads a direction, and opens up a world...

Seeing that everyone is sitting down.

He Cunxi talked to Brother Guang with his face turned, passing cigarettes to each other. Li Cheng pulled Guan Pengpeng and squinted his eyes again. Su Qingyue raised his wrist, looked at his watch, and realized that the time was up.

At this time, Qingqing stepped onto the stage and asked everyone to mute the phone. Then, she announced the official start of the thank-you reception.

The lights at the scene dimmed, and a 15-minute edited video introduced Yuedao's achievements from its establishment to the present.

Then, Qingqing went on stage again and talked about the cooperation between Yuedao and Mingxin Capital, Yinuo Fund, and Xuanjing and Equity. These are actually reported by the media. Finally, she smiled and announced: "Now let us use the most enthusiastic applause, please ask Su Qingyue, Chairman and CEO of Yuedao Network, and ask him to speak for us."

She said that there was sudden applause at the scene.

Su Qingyue quickly stepped onto the stage and took the microphone. Looking at everyone, I also looked at the long dragon of car lights on the ring road in the distance. Thinking back to the first time I came to Pingjing, I suddenly felt very emotional and preached: "First of all, thank you all. For today’s thank you meeting, I originally prepared a speech. But when I stood up just now, I suddenly realized this. In this situation, it is superfluous to use any language written in advance to describe it."

He said, quietly in the audience.

Su Qingyue said, put down the speech, and said to everyone: "In fact, this speech is very simple. It is nothing more than a gratitude. Thank you to each of you, all of your colleagues, friends, customers and all shareholders who participated in the creation of Yuedao Network. I have fantasized about the way and words of thanking you countless times, but when I really stand here today, I find that all language is pale and weak. Only doing things seriously can be worthy of our hard work, worthy of our ideals, worthy of all investment in us. Shareholders, I'm sorry..."

He said, but before the words were over, there was thunderous applause from the audience.

Su Qingyue waited and waited until the applause fell before he continued: "We are grateful for the motherland, the market, the Internet, and everyone. Yuedao people clearly know that the reason why we succeed today is not simply because we have paid a lot. The price and effort are very important for everyone’s trust in us. Therefore, I would like to say to every friend who has come or did not come today who cares about Yuedao Network, and I am grateful for your trust."

After he spoke, someone brought a wine glass.

Su Qing lifted it up and said, "Everyone, let us have a glass of Chinese wine today."

After he spoke, he drank his glass of wine, and everyone in the audience stood up.

Let's toast together.

Then, Su Qingyue returned to his seat, first clinked glasses with everyone, and then had dinner and chat.

After a while, the toast began. He started with the same table shareholders and members of the General Manager's Office.

Li Jun said: "Qingyue, you have changed my view of the market, and let me understand that operation and maintenance are actually integrated with marketing and R&D. Among the people of Hualuo, I admire you the most, and thank you the most. Thank you. I thought of me when I founded Yuedao!"

"It should be me thank you for joining Yuedao." Su Qingyue emphasized.

"It's not hypocritical, cheers!" Li Jun said, showing his feelings in a rare way, and cheers to Su Qingyue.

Tanaka also said: "Boss, sometimes I think, when you first came to the focus, what would happen if I didn't listen to your dissuasion and left the focus?" He said, "Finally, I found you Will continue your footsteps, and I will miss the most important opportunity in life. So the most important thing is to thank you!"

He could not help but say cheers.

Su Qingyue followed, Du Nanxiang also said: "Su, a thousand words, thank you in my heart."

She said, touching her chest to show her sincerity.

Su Qingyue nodded to toast to her, and Zhang Yichun beside her smiled and said, "Uncle also often said that investing in President Su is the most correct choice in his life." He said, and toast. Talk to Mingxin and Peng Nuoyi again: "Manager Su, really young and promising."

Everyone was talking and enjoying themselves.

After a while, he walked to other tables, clinked glasses with Guan Hongjian and Zhong Tankai, and toasted with others.

When he arrived at Brother Guang, he and Li Cheng had already had a bit of a drink. Seeing Su Qing coming more and more, he got up, burped and said, "Qingyue, I'm a little excited, and I drank two more glasses." He said. , Took Su Qingyue's shoulders, and said: "Qingyue, I am very grateful to you, without you, I don't know what to do in my life now."

"Whatever you say, why are you thanking or not thanking you." Su Qingyue said, holding a glass of wine and said: "Drink the bar!"

The two said a toast.

Su Qingyue continued, and after a few tables walked down, he had reached a slightly drunken state.

Peng Nuoyi smiled at this moment and said: "Junior brother, I heard people say your words in the alumni group, Wen Xing also mentioned it to me before. You said that today is such a happy day, if you don’t write a picture, Isn't it a bit unreasonable?" He said, holding Su Qingyue's shoulders.

Mingxin immediately followed: "Yes! Mr. Su, you don't need to drink wine, you have to write your words!"

As they talked, Zhang Yichun followed: "The biggest impression Mr. Su gave me is that young chivalrous song!"

"But I didn't bring pen, ink, paper, inkstone." Su Qingyue spread his hands.

What he didn't expect was that Zhou Ziyou suddenly got up and laughed and said, "Boss! Don't worry, pen, ink, paper and inkstone are not easy. They are all ready for you. Everyone is waiting for you!" He said, and stretched out his hand. Upon greeting, the waiter brought the table over immediately.

"Boss! Don't worry, these are your famous products." Zhou Ziyou smiled at this time.

It turned out that everyone was ready long ago. Looking at them, Su Qing laughed more and more. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Then they walked to the front of the stage.

When everyone heard that Su Qingyue was about to write, they all gathered around, and the flashes kept flashing for a while.

Su Qingyue picked up the pen, a little breeze was blowing, looking at the smiling faces, he was suddenly very emotional, so he wrote: Dongfeng night will let flowers and trees blow down, and the stars are like rain. BMW carving cars are full of roads. The phoenix flute sounded, the jade pot turned light, and the fish and dragon danced overnight.

When he reached this point, he could understand something. He clapped in an instant and said: "The word Mr. Su is very elegant and suitable for the situation!"

Peng Nuo even further said: "A good word! What a sapphire case Wan·Yuanxi: Dongfeng night will let go of flowers and trees!"

Listening to everyone's discussion, Su Qingyue has entered the realm of no one. Thinking back to the people and things he encountered along the way, Su Qingyue felt that although he had not completely changed the world, he had not been changed by the world. Life sometimes consists in sticking to what you believe in your heart, pursuing dreams, and advancing toward reality.

At a moment later, he continued to write: "Mo'er Xueliu with golden strands. A smile is full of fragrance. The crowd is looking for him thousands of times..."

Here he paused.

Ming Xin blushed with a thick neck, jokingly said: "Suddenly looking back, the man is in the dark place."

Everyone laughed suddenly.

Su Qingyue finally wrote: "Suddenly looking back, the person is in the dimly lit place."

There was thunderous applause, and people gathered around the character to take pictures.

Chen Ting asked everyone to take a group photo, and everyone stood in front of the background board.

At this time, Haoyue was full of stars in the sky. Zhang Yichun also specially let Peng Nuoyi and Mingxin inside, standing slightly outside. Mingxin drank a bit quickly, dizzy, and said with a smile: "Manager Su, I still think it's better to be in a dark place."

After he spoke, Guan Pengpeng let everyone look at the camera.

The moment the flashlight flashed, they shouted together: "Yue Dao!"

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