Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 754: : Know the cold and know the heat

I forgot when I fell asleep, or even a little bit don't remember, what I talked with Amou after I got home. He slept unsteadily this night because he was awake in the middle of the night due to excessive drinking. He went to find water twice in the middle of the night.

After five o'clock in the morning, the sky was still dark outside the window, and the street lights were dim. He got up again, his head still dizzy. Only then did I recall many things yesterday, and I felt excited. I vaguely remembered Qiu Xinjun drunkly saying to himself how nice Chen Ting was to him, and then said: "Qingyue, I have been walking for so long. I have never met someone who knows cold and hot so much."

I remember he was a little excited last night, but I can't remember the following words.

He only remembers the song "So you are here, so everyone present can enter it."

After drinking some hot water, he felt that the alcohol was still full of his body, so he had to take another hot bath to try to wash it away, but when he got out of the bathroom, he was still dizzy. Walked back to the bedroom, just about to go to bed, suddenly found that Amu was not there, and turned around and found that the light in the study was on.

He walked in and saw her sitting on the recliner, panting, obviously tired.

Su Qing asked with concern: "Anything?"

"It's okay." Ami waved his hand, smiled at him, and said: "It's just a little tired, the baby is getting older and older, and he is not very honest in it. I always feel heavy." She said, coughing. With a cry, "I know now, what it means to not raise a child, I don't know the kindness of my parents."

"Yeah." Su Qingyue nodded.

Thinking of Amu's due date is getting closer and closer.

At this time she said again: "However, when I think that he is about to come into this world, I am still very excited. I have never thought that I will have children before. I feel that life like that is so far away from me, even if we After the two graduated, I actually didn't feel much."

"Always need a process." Su Qingyue nodded.

He put his ear on his stomach and listened for a while, and Amu said again: "You go and rest."

Su Qingyue came back to the house before turning around and said, "My wife has worked hard, so I will try to minimize socializing in the future."

"No, I think I'm just a little sensitive now." She said, looking at Su Qingyue again, as if remembering something, and then asked: "Husband, have you ever thought about what your goal is after listing? If all the ideals are fulfilled, what else can be done?"

"The road to entrepreneurship is endless." Su Qing laughed and said: "As for things, I remember that I promised you to accompany you on a global trip. Sooner or later we will do it, and it has nothing to do with the listing. , Related to my promise. Please trust me."

"That was before." Amu said, rubbing his stomach lightly, "I used to be two people, now I have three people."

She spoke and laughed.

The sky outside the window lit up a little bit, and Su Qingyue went back to the house and lay down again.

The drunkenness hit again, and he fell asleep again quickly, this time he slept deeply.

He didn't wake up midway, even the biological clock didn't wake him up, and he finally woke up at 9:35 in the morning. When you open your eyes, the sun shines in through the gaps in the curtains. After getting up to wash, I found that the alcohol was still there. Fortunately, Amu's mother made soup.

He even drank a few large bowls, the sweat on his back continued to roll off, and most of the alcohol was gone.

He took a rare bath again, and when he got out of the house, he felt that he was finally resurrected with blood.

Going downstairs and going up to Dongshan's car, the ring road is still in traffic jam, which is more serious than it was after 8 o'clock.

They stopped and went all the way, until it was 10:15 when they arrived at the unit. Walked into his office and made a cup of tea as usual. Looking back on Zhang Yichun's performance yesterday, I can't figure out what He Jiahua was thinking.

Open major industry websites and forums.

It is found that Yuedao Network has completely occupied the main position.

Ye Luo published a commentary in their industry forum, writing: Su Qingyue used a sapphire case to reflect one thing. Yuedao Network is a clear stream in the industry. We can see Su Qingyue's sense of social responsibility in his career. Also because of this sense of social responsibility, companies will go further.

Others commented: the word is like the person. In the big market environment, keep true self and insist on quality. This has no effect in the short term, but it will play a decisive role in the healthy development of the entire enterprise in the long run.

Looking at everyone's evaluation of him and Yue Dao. However, those who really watch forums still prefer gossip rather than business reviews. They only cared about the song that Su Qingyue sang, so they said one after another: The people who watched the scene were all people with stories. You see, after Su Qingyue started singing, some people's expressions were obviously wrong.

Everyone has a gossip heart! Listening to gossip, spreading gossip, and talking about gossip have become an important part of work.

Just thinking about it, at this time You Xianming dialed in.

"Brother, I would like to ask you and Mr. Qiu for lunch, okay?" He said, and then: "I just wanted to talk to you about Xiao Hei's short-term rental. I drank too much last night, and I didn't pay much attention to it. Say. I just want to tell you that if I join in this matter, they will surely accelerate their development."

When he was talking, Su Qingyue remembered that You Xianming had indeed said this.

Looking at the watch, it was almost eleven o'clock at this time, and he recommended the tea restaurant on the second floor of the hotel yesterday. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

After agreeing to meet at 12 o'clock, Su Qingyue worked another half an hour.

When I got up and left, I suddenly noticed that Chen Ting was still working in the office. He walked over, knocked gently on the door and walked into her office. The latter was still working. He looked up to see him come in and asked, "Qingyue, something is wrong?"

"Well, Mr. You asked me to have dinner with Lao Qiu." Su Qingyue explained, and then said: "He wants to talk about the issue of equity participation. You and I are both shareholders, so I still have to listen to your opinions." Su Qingyue Said that I understand that Qiu Xinjun is not named Chen Ting, mainly because she is afraid of embarrassment, after all, there is a lot of trouble involved here.

At this time, Chen Ting looked up for a moment and asked Su Qingyue: "Is it so fast? I mean, President You decided to invest so soon?"

"In fact, there are not many really reliable projects in the world." Su Qing laughed and said: "However, it can't be said that it succeeded. It can only be said that the other party is interested."

"Yeah." Chen Ting nodded, thought about it and said again: "But it's still too fast."

"The opportunity is not to be missed, and time will never come. You know this aspect best. I think you should see everything you say." Su Qingyue replied and asked: "And he also said yesterday that there are problems with Xiaohei's short-term rental. , I think everyone can at least chat."

"Actually, I don't worry about anything else, I just think I'm involved in investment matters, how can I not let President Qiu know." Chen Ting said.

Su Qingyue waved his hand and said, "Sister Ting, I think you are righteous and righteous. Don't keep suppressing your emotions. I know Lao Qiu. Listen to me. After all, this is the money you paid for selling the house and your life. Yeah," he said at last.

Chen Ting hesitated at this moment, and stood up and said, "Let's go, anyway, it may not be possible anyway."

She said, laughing, and went to the tea restaurant on the second floor of the hotel with Su Qingyue.

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