Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 761: : Go now

   Continue to work, but Su Qingyue always feels that his colleague named Peng Lin is definitely not aimless. If Zhang Yichun didn't mention Yuedao, how could the boss of Ranfeng mention it. Although this platform is not big, it will not affect Yuedao. But think about He Jiahua, I don't know what he is doing.

   There has been no clue to Yue Lindao. Su Qingyue was a little stressed, and he rubbed his eyebrows. At this time, the laptop screen went into sleep mode, and Su Tong's photo suddenly popped up. Seeing his happy smile, the emotions that had just been there, disappeared in a flash.

   He immediately sent a message to Amou, asking her if she had taken the baby again today.

   Soon, Amou sent a few pictures of Su Tong in the small bed and told him which one he liked best.

   Although Su Tong is still young and can't turn over yet, Ah Mou can still find a good angle to shoot. Su Qingyue was very satisfied with this, and gave Amou back to the news and said: "Maybe a maternity and infant photography studio can really be opened in the future, and it will be a chain at that time."

"No, I don't want to be a chain, I want to be a small store, so that it’s not so tired." Amu said: "I don’t want to be like you and tire myself to death. I finally have this kind of life, I want to learn to enjoy, The money is left to you."

   Seeing Ah Mou's words, Su Qing couldn't help but laugh.

   He found that he wanted to pull her to make progress at the beginning, but now it doesn't seem important anymore. All this seems to have become me to protect you, and I should protect you. This may be a change in a man's heart. Thinking back to the past, Su Qingyue felt that he had many inadequate places.

  Thinking about this, he continued to work.

   When it was almost four o'clock, Xiao Yu suddenly called back and said that he had already contacted him.

   Su Qingyue was startled, and asked: "So fast, the other party didn't rest?"

"No." Xiao Yu said with a smile on the phone: "When you called, our side was only at 5 or 6 o'clock in the afternoon. These people didn't get off work, so they hurried to find someone to contact." She said, and said: "They have a professional copyright department and will approach this matter."

   "Understood." Su Qingyue nodded for a while, only then realized that he had miscalculated the time zone in the morning.

   Then Xiao Yu said again: "But Brother Yue, are you sure you want to come?"

   "Of course, I'm sure." Su Qingyue said, "Do you have any questions?"

   "I think their attitude is uncertain, and they seem to be a little arrogant. I'm worried that you won't run for nothing at that time." Xiao Yu said on the phone.

"You have to be sincere." Su Qing smiled and returned to her, and said: "Besides, it's always a good thing to go and see you. You have been studying for so long, and I want to talk to you too. What new ideas do you have?" he said.

   Xiao Yu laughed when he said that.

   said on the other end of the phone: "Well, Brother Yue, don't worry, I will accompany you all the way."

   As they said, they determined the specific time.

   After a while, he hung up, and he informed Ouyang to go with him.

   Then, he called He Lili to arrange the purchase of air tickets and visas, and then he asked: "Lily, you can join us."


   He Lili couldn't help laughing as soon as she said that she was on a business trip.

  In Yuedao, many people like to travel with Su Qingyue, because he often does not need to help or accompany him. The employees will have some free time to go shopping. Seeing He Lili's excitement, Su Qing laughed more, thinking that after Wu Yinping took over Chen Ting's job, He Lili could be promoted to another level and even do more.

   In this case, the company's manpower and administrative reserves for administration will be sufficient in the future.

Thinking of this, he asked: "Lily, have you ever thought about taking an accountant certificate? Or taking an MBA certificate to systematize your knowledge." He explained: "Like Yu Chenglong, Mr. Yu. It’s not gilded, but really learn it over and over again."

   "Well, I thought about it." He Lili said, "I often read these kinds of books."

   "Let's do this, you can learn one when you come back from the United States." Su Qingyue said.

   He Lili happily agreed.

   After a while, He Lili left.

  Zhou Ziyou came to report to him on the adjustment and progress of Yuedao Overseas Company, and it was obvious that everything was developing for the better. After chatting with him for a while, Su Qingyue showed his computer to his friends, proudly showing off: "How about, is my son handsome?"

"Handsome! Handsome!" Zhou Ziyou continued to praise, and said: "Boss, have you found that you are now a baby madman. In the space, in the wallet, and the photo frame on the table. I feel that Xiao Su Tong gave it to you. Your changes are so big, you seem to have only work before."

   "In the past, it wasn't just work, but it is true that after Tongtong was born, the changes were quite big." Su Qingyue said with a smile.

   They were talking, and after a while, Zhou Ziyou left.

   Before it was five o'clock in the afternoon, Su Qingyue realized that he couldn't help it anymore and wanted to see his son.

   then got in the car and left.

   At this time, Pingjing just reached the traffic jam, especially the Xiguancun generation. They were blocked on the side road of the North Fourth Ring Road as soon as they left. It took more than 20 minutes to finally cross Xiguancun Street. After being on the main road, the car blocked again. Looking out the window, Su Qingyue found that he had completely adapted to the rhythm of this traffic jam.

   I have to go to the United States to think about it.

   He was still a little bit reluctant. He didn't expect that being a father could be so happy, so he decided to spend the two days with his family. Get up a little bit late and sleep less. At this time, the car continued to drive forward and finally reached Zhichun Road. Su Qingyue couldn't wait for the car to enter the yard, so he got out of the car.

   went into the house and greeted Amo's parents.

   was about to enter the bedroom, but was stopped by Amou, UU reading www.uukanshu.com heard her whisper: "Tongtong is asleep, let's go to the living room."

   did not dare to disturb Xiao Su Tong's sleep, Su Qingyue went to the living room with her.

   helped Amu squeeze his shoulder, said something sweet, and told Amu about going to San Francisco.

   The latter listened, raised his face to look at him, and asked in surprise: "So anxious? Can't you send someone else?"

"This matter is more important to the platform. If the copyright is not implemented, there are many things that cannot be done." Su Qingyue explained, adding: "Moreover, their market share is relatively large, and there are several important ones. For games, I must do my best so that this platform can be up."

He said so, and Amu complained helplessly: "You say you, you have to get some platform. In fact, my baby and I want you to be at home every day." She said, looking at Su Qingyue, and then said: "That When can you come back?"

   Knowing that Ah Mou just complained, and had no other meaning, Su Qingyue replied: "It's a week initially."

   "Okay." Ah Mou nodded.

   When the two were talking, Su Qingyue was a little tired, and just as he was about to fall asleep with his head down, he heard crying from the room.

   The next moment, he and Amou ran into the house for the first time.

   The moment he saw Xiao Su Tong, he was not sleepy anymore.


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