Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 766: : Xiao Yu's thoughts

"Brother Yue, my problem now is that I am about to graduate soon, but I am even more confused."

After that, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and looked at Su Qingyue, who waved his hand. Xiao Yu didn't insist either. He took a deep breath and said, "Moreover, this problem has become more and more tormenting me recently."

Listening to her, looking at Xiao Yu in the smoke, Su Qing more faintly realized the source of her problem.

However, he didn't speak, just nodded. The next moment, Xiao Yu sighed and continued: "Before... I always said that I was a person without direction. I finally chose a hobby, like grabbing a straw and working hard. But when I really got here, I just found out that things are not that simple." She said, with a wry smile, and then said: "Now I find that I am not without direction, but the gap is too big."

Unexpectedly, she had reached the point of doubting herself, Su Qingyue hurriedly followed up: "Xiaoyu, don't think about anything beforehand. Of course it is okay to reflect, and self-denial is not impossible, but don't be arrogant."

"No, Brother Yue, you didn't understand the dilemma I encountered." Xiao Yu waved her hand and grabbed her hair. She finally got rid of the confidence she had before and changed back to what she used to be, and then said: "When I really came here and started learning, I realized that I was really too far behind, so much so that Lord Snake said just now that I should go back. , I want to say I don’t have a face."

She said this, Su Qing understood.

She discovered the gap between herself and others, the huge gap in her heart, which caused her serious self-doubt.

Su Qingyue followed: "This has nothing to do with face." Interrupting her, he thought about it and said again: "Although I am not trying to persuade you to be confident, I mean that it is important for people to find the gap, but you should work harder when you find it. Yes, not self-doubt desperately."

"Yes, Brother Yue, you are right." Xiao Yu said: "My heart is very complicated now. On the one hand, I know that I can't take the lead. Even if you support me, I can't do it. It's not that I am humble, but After so many experiences, I really know that directing is not that easy, nor is it easy for actors. No one in this industrial system is simple."

"Yeah..." Su Qingyue nodded, recalling Dongfang Jun saying let her come back, Xiao Yu didn't answer, and understood what she wanted to say, and then said: "You want to graduate, stay here for a while and exercise for a while. ?"

"Brother Yue, you still know me." At this point, Xiao Yu laughed. She and Su Qing touched a glass, drank the wine, sighed, and said, "Although I have no problem with going to school, I gradually realized that The gap between myself and the entire industry, I really want to try and stay here to learn for a period of time, such as two or three years, or even longer."

"It's not impossible." Su Qingyue said. He felt that if this is the case, it is appropriate for Xiao Yu to stay for long-term development, so he used a positive tone again and said: "As long as you think about it, I Just like everyone else, always stand on your side. But you have to hold on, no matter how difficult, how helpless, and lonely..."

Su Qingyue said so, Xiao Yu looked at him, his eyes turned red.

I don't know if it was smoked, or I was a little excited.

But obviously he was talking about Xiao Yu’s pain, but he still held back, and said: "If you think about your coming, isn’t it just for studying? Now even if you want to quit, can you really quit? Think about it. , You should know that no matter how difficult you are now, you must work hard, instead of going back to the past. This is not conducive to your long-term development."

"Brother Yue, you are the first person to say this to me." Xiao Yu said. After she squeezed out the cigarette, she ordered another one and said, "Except you now, everyone thinks I feel it. If you are in trouble, you should come back quickly instead of sticking to it. Even my mother and relatives didn’t think about it from my perspective. Can I go back? I’m going to be thirty. Should I go back and continue to change jobs. Change industry?"

Understand the concerns of the elderly and the thoughts of relatives.

However, sometimes family members can’t empathize with each other and can’t really think about problems from their own perspective.

Su Qingyue feels that Xiao Yu's idea is right. She is almost 30 years old, and her career in this industry has not yet started. Of course it will not be good to continue like this. And even if I went to Li Ming's place, relying on myself and her relationship with Qin Yuanyuan, although it would not be too bad, it could only be so, and there was no hope for further development.

Maybe some people don't care, but some people are born to shine.

At the next moment, he said: "Since you have decided, don't care what other people say. You have to understand that in this world, it is difficult for you to find someone who thinks like yourself. Rather than cater to them, you might as well become stronger. "Su Qingyue said, a little louder and then said: "Don't rely on anyone, but try to be the support of others."

"Thank you, Brother Yue." Xiao Yu nodded seriously.

They toasted and drank, and stopped continuing the topic.

After a while, Xiao Yu asked Su Qingyue, "How is my sister-in-law now?"

"Very good, but every day I revolve around the child." Su Qingyue said this and laughed.

"Little Su Tong is so cute." Xiao Yu said: "I saw the photos of you and my sister-in-law space, but I feel more like my sister-in-law." When she said this, she suddenly stopped and said: "Actually, I am very envious. All of you, because the goals of those of you are always so clear, either family or career, and strive for it."

"You are also very clear now, just move forward." Su Qingyue said.

"I used to talk to you often, but now it's inconvenient to be so far away." Xiao Yu smiled bitterly.

"It's okay, just leave me a message. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Su Qingyue said.

Xiao Yu said again: "I feel that when I see you, I have a lot of problems. I'm so sorry." She said, and clinked glasses with Su Qingyue for a drink, and said seriously: "Brother Yue, I wish you The listing went smoothly."

"Thank you." Su Qingyue said.

Clink glasses and drink all the wine.

They talked about other topics, including Yuedao's future big entertainment, and Xiao Yu's future development.

Finally, look at the time, it's already half past eleven.

They just got up and walked back.

They quickly walked to Union Square, where the people had not dispersed yet.

Some people in bars still sit outside and drink.

Passing there, Su Qingyue and Xiao Yu chatted for a while in the hotel lobby before returning to the room.

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