Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 781: :crisis

Latest website: I didn't have much work in the afternoon, except for Zhang Yichun's thing which surprised Su Qingyue a little bit. The rest are all in the plan.

Su Qingyue continued to read the news on the website. Information is very important to him. Su Qingyue has always believed that if the ancients were to this day, they might be shocked by the inventions of airplanes and automobiles, but what can really change many things is the means of information dissemination.

However, there is not much news about Yuedao, and the entire industry is currently in a calm stage. Although Qicai and Yiyuan also have new products released, they are basically quite satisfactory. There are no special topics in the forum.

After reading this, Su Qingyue continued to read the news about finance and economics, and found that the recent overseas financial turmoil has intensified.

In the financial channel of Dongfang.com, someone recommended a book called "Black Swan Effect". The author of this book believes that there are too many unexpected risks in our daily lives-financial crises, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and other natural disasters, as well as unknown events such as terrorist attacks, food safety, diseases, and car accidents. When risks occur, we must have a clear mind to make appropriate judgments to avoid anxiety and anxiety from becoming the tone of people's daily lives.

This also made Su Qing more and more pondering. It was at the critical period of Yuedao’s listing. If there is a greater force majeure, what should he do? What about Yue Dao? What are the good countermeasures?

He and He Jiahua also briefly exchanged this matter. He Jiahua believes that all plans should not be changed. But it requires a strong concept to intervene, a shot of invigoration, not to stop the process.

Looking at these news now, Su Qing realized that things are far from simple.

At this time, the wall clock on the wall had pointed to five o'clock forty-five. He continued to work for a while, and then set off to go home.

Dongshan Road and Su Qingyue said: "Lily told me, don’t worry, I’m sure to do a good job. I have already said hello to the market, and Pengpeng recommended two girls. Both are fresh graduates. Education, image, and work performance are all good. If you don’t have any comments, please see if you find time, and I will let people go through the process..."

"Okay." Su Qingyue said: "Dongshan, you are different from everyone else. Your starting point is a bit low. So you have to work harder than them. If someone else spends an hour, you have to spend three hours. In short, catch up as soon as possible. "

"Understand." Dongshan said, "I definitely can't let you down."

"Not let me down, but don't let yourself lose this opportunity." Su Qingyue said, patted Dongshan on the shoulder from the back seat.

Dongshan nodded earnestly, and the car drove forward. At this point, Pingjing would always be stuck in traffic, and the sooner Su Qing got used to it.

Looking out the window, the sun has not yet fallen, and the whole city is shrouded in a golden yellow that is about to dim. The car passed by Hualuo’s original building and turned to College Road. Before the speed was raised, it was blocked on Zhichun Road for a while.

Suddenly a little impatient, he got out of the car first and walked back home.

As soon as he entered the door, he watched A Mou holding Xiao Su Tong and teasing him. Su Qingyue hurriedly walked over, took Xiao Su Tong, and smiled: "Smelly boy, come and let Dad have a look. It feels like I haven't seen him for a day, and he has grown bigger again, hasn't it?" He said, kissed Xiao Su Tong, and was smashed by his son again. He babbled his face.

After playing with Xiao Su Tong for a while, Amou asked him, "Did you go to Ouyang today?"

"Yes." He replied.

"How is his place? It's renovated?"

"I didn't install it, I told you before. Ouyang felt that the decoration was a waste of time, and there were also cost, environmental protection and other issues, so he found a few people used it and modified it a bit." Su Qingyue explained, thinking of it, Amu is not Forgot, she just had too many things, and coaxed her again: "You have worked too hard, just wait for Yuesao to come back. I don't have much to do today, I will help you..."

"No." Ami said with a smile. She has been in a much better mood recently, and she said: "I mainly saw the bullfighting warm-up today. Someone in the group said that this is Su Qingyue's trumpet. Someone came to ask me about my situation, but I didn't reply at all. When I didn’t see it."

He said, Su Qingyue was startled, "Someone has noticed?"

"At first sight, it was Ouyang, fools knew what was going on." A Mou said.

Su Qing smiled more, feeling that the sense of smell of this group of reporters really had nothing to say.

As they chatted, Xiao Su Tong almost made Su Qingyue blush. A Mi quickly moved Xiao Su Tong's hand away, and said to him, "This is Dad, you can't screw Dad like that, you know?"

When she spoke, Xiao Su Tong made a babble.

At this time, Su Qingyue's cell phone rang. He took a look and found that it was He Jiahua, knowing that Zhang Yichun must have called. He went to the study and picked it up. He Jiahua heard a kind voice from the receiver: "Qingyue, how is it? You talked about it this afternoon? Yichun hasn't told me yet."

Hearing what he said, Su Qing understood that Zhang Yichun must have called.

So he said: "He is old, this platform is not suitable for the moment." He said, and then: "This knotty eye, we want to go public, but we must be careful."

"What can be dangerous, it's just a bunny." He Jiahua laughed on the phone and said: "When the time comes, we will try to find a way to restrict him with various terms and prevent him from having control. ? Personally, I don't think it is that serious."

He said that he had obviously thought about a reply.

Su Qingyue was not surprised, and followed: "He, since you talked about this matter seriously, I will talk to you about my thoughts." He said, after thinking about it, and then: "First of all, we are in the most critical position before going public. Period. Now everything is moving forward step by step. If this thing is done well, once there is a problem, we will have nothing to look for, which is counterproductive."

He said that He Jiahua did not respond, and Su Qingyue continued: "Secondly, as far as I know, this team including Liu Jinshan's own population monument is very bad. The team's discourse system and management methods are completely different, and it is difficult to integrate in the short term; again, the platform's business model It’s different from our current business model. Regardless of whether he and his team are capable of doing a good job, the platform itself is currently in the investment period and does not make any contribution to our performance. On the contrary, it will reduce the industry’s commitment to us. Valuation."

"Moreover, the current global financial turmoil is intensifying, and we have to deal with it more carefully. Regarding the impact of the financial turmoil, I would like to find time to meet with shareholders alone; another point is that after our Pre-IPO, we are new investors. Also respect, they should not agree to these things. Later, you can let Yichun continue to pay attention to it, or you can learn more, after all, Yichun is probably in contact soon..." Su Qingyue said.

"It's no problem to continue to understand. But they are more anxious, so the conditions are easier to negotiate. Do you want to listen to their conditions?" He Jiahua asked.

"I don't need to know." Su Qingyue replied, "Generally speaking, a team finds someone to invest or M&A is nothing more than two situations: it needs funds to enlarge the business, or the company has problems and finds someone to take over. But Liu Jinshan is a mine owner. , And between the lines, he said that he is rich and not short of money. So in this case, why?"

He Jiahua finally stopped speaking and pondered for a long time.

Su Qingyue said again: "Old Ho, I am for Yue Dao, Yue Dao is not my Su Qingyue alone, would you think about it?"

"Well, okay... Actually, I'm not very sure personally. Letting you meet, in fact, I hope you will check..." There is really nothing to say, and He Jiahua is about to hang up.

Su Qingyue suddenly heard a child's voice in the earpiece, calling out, "Dad, Daddy, look, is this good-looking? I made it for you."

"It looks good, Katherine has the best look." He Jiahua said, hung up the phone.

Su Qing was more startled, thinking of Yue Lindao saying that he had a child, and thinking that his attitude just now was a little weird. It seems to be to facilitate this, but not so caring.

Su Qingyue knows that he has very good reasons, but He Jiahua's experience and investment experience cannot be ignorant. Now that you know why you want to make this call? Why don't you insist after hitting it?

After a while, UU read www. uukanshu.com Amu's mother called them to eat.

After they finished eating, before going to bed at night, A Mou said to him a little timidly: "Husband, the stocks I recently bought have been falling, and it seems that the situation is not very good."

"For stocks, there are losses and losses, nothing." Su Qing comforted her, and said, "Just put the money in it and wait. You must either hold on to this kind of thing or withdraw it quickly."

"Yeah..." Ah Mou nodded.

They turned off the lights, and Ah Mou suddenly asked: "I don't have much money to trade in stocks, but the rumors on the Internet are scary. Will it have any impact on Yuedao's listing?"

"I'm also thinking about it. The financial crisis is global. Once it occurs, no industry can be alone. However, the main negative impact of this financial crisis is in my country's foreign trade exports and the financial sector. For our Internet and online game industries, it will affect our Internet and online game industries. Not very big. What's more, we are not a start-up, and our cash flow and business are very healthy, so don’t worry..."

As he said, sleepiness struck, and Amu rested early.

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