Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 78: : Celebration

   The place for dinner is Guo Lin’s home cooking.

   is not far from the company, at the intersection of North Fourth Ring Road and Xiguancun.

   Su Qingyue heard people say that this is the hottest restaurant in Pingjing.

   They came to this place, it is probably just opened.

   The decoration is still very new, the lights are brilliant, and it feels magnificent as soon as I enter it, a huge banquet hall.

   There are at least fifty tables of banquets inside.

   Such a formation is very rare in the south, let alone Huaiwen.

   has not yet opened the meal, the people inside are looking for their place in accordance with the department.

   Zhou Ziyou counted and said: "My day is sixty-one tables, I don't know that our company has so many people."

"It's all from various regional channels, as well as other R&D studios. They are usually out of town. Now they are all gathered. There must be a lot of people. This is part of it." My sister said, and people kept saying hello , And even half-jokingly said that they came to see the goddess.

   My sister just pretended to smile foolishly.

   After a while, Jiang Zhengshang from Tianyan Studio came and took his assistant with him.

   wore a black suit and his hair grew a bit longer.

As soon as he saw Su Qingyue, he stretched out his hand: "Everyone said that you have done a good job in front of you." He was full of compliments, but there was no smile on his face, and his eyes did not stop on Su Qingyue. He saw someone Zheng and Xiao Yu spoke, he walked over and greeted her.

   "Are you the media of the pipe network media?" Jiang Zhengshang asked.

   Xiao Yu was startled and looked up at him.

   obviously didn't know each other, and had never been in contact before.

   But on this special occasion and moment today, Xiao Yu nodded politely.

   Jiang Zhengshang laughed, exposed his gums, and introduced himself as the person in charge and chief planner of Tianyan Studio.

   Xiao Yu got up in a hurry. After all, the value and status of R&D for game companies have always been high.

   Jiang Zhengshang stopped her: "It's okay, this time the Internet media has exerted a huge power. You can't help it." He felt like the boss is educating the children, high above it, and it gives a strong sense of distance.

   Xiao Yu blushed, and hurriedly waved his hand and said, "It's because everyone in our department has done a good job, and Brother Yue did not help me less.

   looked at Su Qingyue again, a little embarrassed.

  At this time, Jiang Zhengshang didn't even look at the others, and said, "I know this."

   Seeing Jiang Zhengshang's eldest brother and younger sister, he wants to take her into social affairs.

  Anyone knows what's going on.

   The more Su Qing wanted to come, Jiang Zhengshang had actually exposed the previous pizza.

   But everyone doesn’t understand.

   At this time, not only Su Qingyue, but also Zhou Ziyou and Jia Naixiang are all watching them at this table.

It couldn't be more obvious what    meant.

   Jiang Zhengshang asked for Xiao Yu's mobile phone number. Xiao Yu blushed, but gave it.

   The entire banquet hall, they are in the middle part. On the front stage, there is a huge background board.

   Above is a photo of Qin Yuanyuan wearing a Xia Nu, and it says: "The World of Martial Arts" online version 20.

   From time to time, people take photos on it.

   After a while, Sheng Tiancheng and Yu Chenglong walked in. They were talking to a woman with a very free and easy temperament.

   That is Jiang Jiming, vice president of Hualuo and former head of channel department, a somewhat masculine name.

   Su Qingyue didn't have much contact.

   But people have said that she is like a heroine, she is Sheng Tiancheng's guide.

   Once, they clashed with people outside.

   The other party pulled out a knife, but the crowd backed away in fright.

   Jiang Jiming roared, bravely snatching the opponent's knife, and frightened the opponent to weaken his legs.

   No one in the company does not admire her bravery.

   Su Qingyue naturally does.

   got up and greeted Jiang Jiming.

   Everyone talks and laughs, although Jiang Jiming is not a beauty.

   But there is a special temperament, Su Qingyue thinks it may really be a female hero.

   After a while Sheng Tiancheng and Yu Chenglong sat down.

   Jiang Jiming went to another table, surrounded by other executives.

   There were more and more people in the hall at 5:50 in the afternoon.

   Chen Feng and Tian Lei also walked in after a while, everyone cheered, and they kept saying hello to everyone.

   But Su Qingyue didn't see Seven Masters.

   It's normal to want to come.

   The character of Master Seven really doesn't like this kind of occasion.

   He thought, Zhou Ziyou went gossiping, "I heard that today I will announce a very important thing, about welfare."

   "Who did you hear?" My sister asked back.

  Zhou Ziyou realized that he was talking too much, and he was silent for an instant.

   Su Qing laughed more.

   When people are excited, they will say a few more words.

   At this time, Jia Naixiang said coldly: "No benefits are of any use, it's better to have something real." He said, looking at the entrance.

   Su Qingyue followed his gaze and saw Guan Er also come in.

   They are at the table not far away.

   Wang Xi followed them, not too eye-catching.

   looked at their table as soon as he came in, and then smiled.

   Don't know what's going on, Su Qingyue suddenly wants to be naughty.

   asked, "Is Wang Xi smiling at our table?"

  He said so~www.ltnovel.com~Zhou Ziyou looked over, was taken aback, and said noncommittal: "It seems so?"

   They haven't finished speaking yet.

Jia Naixiang immediately interjected to retort: ​​"Don't be funny, don't look at anyone, just look at your own table, okay? Beautiful women are not staring at you all day long." He said, his face was obviously red, Su The more Qing knew, it seemed he was guilty.

   Then Wang Xi and Guan Wei sat down, talking and laughing.

  Su Qingyue felt that Jia Naixiang's affairs with her would be exposed sooner or later.

   Looking back at Sheng Tiancheng's table, two bottles of white wine had been poured, and they obviously couldn't hold back.

   6:20, following the host’s words, the whole venue gradually quieted down.

   people are basically there.

   In addition to the necessary customer service and operation and maintenance on duty.

  Su Qingyue noticed that Li Jun was a little far away, still holding a notebook.

   What the host said, he could not hear it at all.

   eyes are all focused on the screen.

  At this time, the host said: "The online edition of "The World of Martial Arts" has officially started."

   Then the passionate music sounded.

   Seven dancers in ancient costumes took to the stage and danced in the form of sparring.

   I saw them flying up and down, although they were colorful, they were very beautiful.

   is like watching a martial arts movie live.

   Su Qingyue saw this content, telling how difficult it is for Hualuo to make this game.

   How many difficulties and obstacles have gone through.

   is today.

   is very meaningful.

   The audience cheered constantly.

   Then Tian Lei walked onto the stage.

   The whole hall was quiet, Tian Lei took the microphone from the host.

   began to speak.

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