Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 82: : 7 Master

   "Brother! Big singer!"

   A song ‘So you were here too’, every table came to toast.

   Yu Chenglong came first again, he was holding the wine dispenser at this time, not the small cup.

   spouting alcohol, stood directly in front of Su Qingyue.

   said loudly: "Brother! If you are not a singer, say it separately. My boss said, you are his brother, and I recognize you as a brother." After speaking, he said, "I don't need a small cup, I am too tired!"

   drank the whole wine dispenser.

   Zhou Ziyou looked at him, and couldn't help but said: "Wipe, Linghu Chong (carry the pot to Chong

   Su Qingyue hurriedly took the cup and stood up.

   "Brother, you don't have to do it, you take a bite."

   "What's the mess? We Huaiwen people drink, others do it, we don't do it?" Su Qingyue pretended to be very angry, and did not hesitate to pick up the dispenser and take a bite.

   But halfway through the wine, I felt a little bit unable to swallow it, frowned, and tried to pour it in.

   swayed a little bit, and quickly sat down and did not dare to move.

   Zhou Ziyou handed over a cup of hot water immediately.

   "I'm fine!"

   Su Qingyue blocked Zhou Ziyou's hand and showed the wine dispenser to him.

   "Big brother is ruthless! Huaiwen is well-known!" Yu Chenglong laughed.

   At this time, there are constantly toasts.

   Jia Naixiang got up and walked to the front desk, not knowing what he said to the host.

   Music sounds.

  A realistic voice of Jacky Cheung came out: my hands through your black hair, my eyes through your mood;

   If such and such deep affection disappears in a blink of an eye, I don’t understand why the sea becomes a mulberry field...

  In a short time, the audience was quiet.

   thought Jacky Cheung was here, and looked towards the stage with all his eyes.

   Sheng Tiancheng said: "Original singing?"

   Su Qingyue laughed: "Naixiang original sound."

   Yu Jackie said: "Brother, each of your departments is talented!"

   There was thunderous applause.

   Then everyone started drinking again, and the scene quickly became chaotic.

   When Jia Naixiang comes back, he sits in a chair.

   poured himself a glass of water, took a sip, like singing a concert.

   glanced around.

   From time to time, I looked at each other with people in other departments, smiled and nodded.

   Everyone gave him a thumbs up.

But he still seemed dissatisfied, and raised his glass towards Xiao Yu: "Xiao Yu, you are not kind. If you offer flowers to Manager Su, won't you give it to me? Come and drink one!" Without giving people a chance to speak, he sighed. Kill the wine in the glass.

   Zhou Ziyou just wanted to say that he would replace Xiao Yu.

   Unexpectedly, Xiao Yu didn't care, and immediately picked up the wine glass and drank it in one fell swoop.

   then poured another cup, "Come on! Brother Jia, we have to drink three cups and three cups!"

   It's Jia Naixiang's turn to be stupid.

   Su Qingyue noticed not far away, and Wang Xi watched what happened here.


   At this time, the atmosphere of the scene is higher than the other waves, and each wave is higher than the other.

   Sheng Tiancheng their table, Yu Chenglong has taken the lead and has begun to punch.

  "Good brothers, three-star photos...Five chiefs, six winds, seven tricks...

   Their gestures keep changing.

   Yu Jackie Chan shouted: "Drink!"

   He is obviously good at this, and he keeps letting others drink and laugh.

   thought this was very interesting, but Su Qingyue didn't bother.

   looked at the general manager's table.

   Seeing Chen Feng getting up and toasting Jiang Jiming, people come to drink with Tian Lei from time to time.

   It seems that there is still a missing person. This thought came up, and he remembered that there was still less soul character Seven Masters.

   I guess I still write programs at home.

   Although it is a little regrettable, he can still understand that it is impossible for a person like Seven Masters to toast at the table.

   turned around, drank water, slowly.

   was about to pick up vegetables, when suddenly cheers came from the front.

   The applause was like a sea wave, spreading from the front row, and a table of people stood up and applauded.

   Su Qingyue looked over.

   Seven masters in sportswear suddenly appeared on the stage, carrying a black hard-shell file box in his hand.

   The host asked someone to set the table and put a cardboard box.

   I don’t know what Seven Masters are going to do.

   I remembered the last time he put a satellite, he could play the guzheng.

   I don’t know what surprises this time will bring.

   Before the thoughts fell, I saw Seventh Master opening the box and pouring out a pile of colorful money.

   "Draw a lottery, ten ten thousand, twenty five thousand!" The seven masters were simple but extremely violent, making the scene crazy again.

   Tian Lei took the lead in applauding, and the applause was more enthusiastic than before. He followed him and said: "If you bring a business card, put your business card. If you don't bring it, find a piece of paper and write your name on it. It is absolutely fair.

   Someone started to distribute pen and paper.

  Etiquette carrying the box, everyone writes down their name, or puts their business cards in the box.

   "I hope I can win a lottery!" Zhou Ziyou prayed.

   "Yes, twenty five thousand, ten ten thousand, every table is possible." My sister said.

   "There may be several at the same table." Xiao Yu laughed, and said: "I hope everyone at this table will win the prize."

   Everyone laughed.

   Then the draw began.

   The first one is twenty five thousand.

   Watching Master Seven close his eyes and put his hand into the cardboard box.

   "The one who won the first five thousand is..." Seventh Master looked down at the note: "Wang Siyuan!"

   He pronounced the name.

   Su Qingyue was startled, thinking of the design that had troubled Qin Yuanyuan.

   Watching him get up, shouting excitedly.

   ran to the stage.

   Jia Naixiang said coldly, "Not so long-eyed, right?"

   Hearing what he said, everyone at the table rolled their eyes involuntarily.

   Then the Seventh Master said again: "Gao Zhitong!"

After    spoke, I heard a bandit whistle from Sheng Tiancheng's table.

   A tall man with a very cocked **** stood up and raised his hand.

  Yu Jackie Chan yelled: "Sister Gao, a treat! A treat!"

   Next to him, Xiao Yu looked at him, saw him walking and twisted, and said: "This person is a good mother!"

   Behind him Yu Chenglong seemed to hear what she said.

   followed: "Sister Gao!"

   A burst of laughter, Gao Zhitong came to the stage to accept the award.

   Then the Seven Masters continued to draw, "Li Jun, Kang Long, Yan Bin..."

   Departments, tables, and waves of applause.

   It’s just that the interactive entertainment marketing department hasn’t.

   Xiao Yu said: "I'm not dead, I am the legendary winning insulator."

   "I am even more so, the biggest prize I have ever won is a "Xiaoqiang Crossword"."

   Listening to everyone's discussion, Su Qing laughed more.

   He didn't take it too seriously, it was the last one at this time.

   Seeing Master Seven put his hand in, he still subconsciously hoped that he could win the prize in his department.

   Then the Seventh Master opened the note and read: "Zhou Ziyou!"

   was taken aback first.


   Zhou Ziyou couldn't help but got up, stunned on the spot.

   The people around laughed: "What do you want? Hurry up to accept the award!"

   "I'm going! I won the lottery?" Zhou Ziyou shouted: "I actually won the lottery, five thousand!"

  In a short time, people were mobilized by Zhou Ziyou's emotions.

   laughed loudly, and cast envious eyes at the same time.

   See Zhou Ziyou step forward to take the cash.

  Waiting for him to return, Zhou Ziyou said loudly: "After the festival, I will arrange to invite everyone to dinner, good Lunge!"

  At this time, Jackie Chan heard ~www.ltnovel.com~ and said, "Count me!"

   "No problem!" He grinned loudly.

   Seven masters went on again and began to draw ten thousand.

   The people at the scene held their breath, hoping to be themselves.

   "Yu Chenglong!" Seven masters called out the name with a smile.

   The next moment, I heard Yu Jackie’s bandit whistle.

   Seeing him suddenly standing on the chair, he kept patting his chest and told everyone that he was called Yu Chenglong.

   went blushing and took the money without hesitation.

   suddenly hugged Master Seven.

   The audience laughed, and the Seventh Master also laughed like a child.


   "Yang Bin, Zhang Ting, Zhao Sisi..."

   went on stage one by one, as if being infected, either hugging or shaking hands with Seventh Master.

   looked at Seven Masters.

   remembered his words, "When did I fall the chain at a critical moment."

   Su Qingyue was excited and realized that the Seventh Master would not lose the chain.

  He is Da Zhi Ruo Yu.

   was thinking, the Seventh Master took out a note again: "Su Qingyue!"

   other words, not only the interactive entertainment marketing department is boiling.

   These tables including the channel department of the entire interactive entertainment group are all boiling.

   Yu Jackie Chan blew the bandit whistle loudly.

  Zhou Ziyou said: "The boss is a treat!"

   "This money is counted as our department's activity funds and handed over to my sister for safekeeping." Su Qingyue was also excited.

   Jia Naixiang rolled his eyes next to him.

   Ignore him, Su Qingyue took the stage to accept the award.

   took the money from Master Seven.

   heard him say: "Thank you."

   Su Qing laughed more and more, a little excited and speechless.

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