Eighth Crown

Chapter 1015: Of course it's all gone

It was not until sunset on the west mountain that Fujimaru Rika and several people returned to the cliff fortress.

"What, Leidi has been defeated?!"

Even the well-informed Fujimaru Tachika couldn't help but be stunned.

Although she has experienced a lot of singularities so far, facing many enemies that are powerful enough to explode, but the feeling of killing the final boss at the beginning of the game is really the first time she has experienced it.

Is this the benefit of having golden thighs?

More to come!

"This is really... surprising enough."

After connecting the communication, Sherlock Holmes, who appeared on the screen, was stunned for a moment after learning the news. He couldn't help but feel relieved and relieved.

Afterwards, Liu Xia informed the Chaldeans in great detail about what he had seen and heard when he went to Moscow. When they learned that Ivan the Terrible had the strength of the main god, everyone could not help but gasped.

It's not that the Chaldeans have not summoned the Lord God before, but they are only the followers of the gods, and they are just a branch of the Lord God. Alive Lord God!

Without Liu Xia, I really don't know how Chaldea's power would be able to defeat him.

But thinking about it this way, Liu Xia, who was able to defeat the main god-level Thunder Emperor in just one fight, must have progressed to an inhuman level, right?

Now Chaldea can have such a Servant escort, it is really lucky.

"And this guy."

Liu Xia opened golden ripples beside him, and threw the bound Kadok on the ground.

"According to your suggestion, I searched for the hidden person who may exist in the Thunder Emperor's palace, and found this guy, so I captured it... What happened to you?"

Fujimaru Rika and Sherlock Holmes did not look at Kadok for the first time, but looked at the golden ripples that appeared beside Liu Xia, and were once again shocked to the point of being speechless.

"Liuxia-chan, you... your Noble Phantasm is...?"

Fujimaru Rika pointed at the golden ripples, only to feel her heart trembling.


Liu Xia understood, "I also participated in a Holy Grail War when I was passing through another world. There appeared Gilgamesh, the hero king. After I defeated him, I plundered his Noble Phantasm."

How many Holy Grail Wars have you been involved in?

The fat director in the corner of the screen wanted to complain very much, but he always felt that he would be scolded by this servant if he spoke out casually, so he was very cowardly and did not speak.

"Oh...that's right...understandable."

Fujimaru Rika nodded numbly.


How did you loot this treasure?

The King of Heroes, who was furious after being robbed of his Noble Phantasm, must have a very tragic end, right?

Well, if Chaldea can be restored in the future and the Servants can be summoned again, let’s not summon the Hero King for the time being. Otherwise, he will definitely dismantle Chaldea when he finds out about it.

Several people reluctantly turned their attention away from the treasure of the king and looked at Kadok beside him.

Liu Xia didn't knock him unconscious. After he captured him, he just put him in the king's treasure. After he came out, he was just a little hungry.

Judging from the dark circles under his eyes that have eased, he may have taken a nap inside.

"Ah... I lost, I admit defeat."

Kadok glanced at the people in front of him with his eyes in a circle, and smiled self-deprecatingly, his expression full of self-defeating.

"I didn't expect you to have such a strong Servant here, and even Lei Di was killed. Sure enough, people like me can't do anything right?"

Not long after being imprisoned in the King's Treasure, he saw that Lei Di's body was also transported in and placed not far from him. He was shocked and speechless on the spot.

"Since you have already recognized the reality, can you also understand your current situation?"

Holmes ignored Caddock's self-pity and asked very calmly.

"You are a prisoner now. In that case, I hope you can take the initiative to answer our doubts. After all, we don't want to be rough."


Kadok was silent for a while, and said with a gloomy expression: "I'm just a third-rate magician, and if I'm put on advanced hypnosis or suggestion, I can't stop it. If that's the case, I won't bring shame on myself. "

"You can understand."

Sherlock Holmes naturally took on the responsibility of interrogation and reasoning.

"First of all, the first question, what has the earth become now?"

Fujimaru Rika and Matthew and others on the other side of the screen immediately pricked up their ears and listened attentively, which was what they were most concerned about.

"Speaking of which, after you came out of the imaginary number space, you haven't seen the outside world, have you?"

Kadok smiled noncommittally, looking a little nasty.

"Of course it's gone. Everything is gone. Humans, animals, mountains, seas, buildings...etc, all gone."

All gone.

Just hearing this sentence, Fujimaru Rika couldn't help but suffocate slightly.

"Sure enough, has Humanity been bleached?"

Although Sherlock Holmes had already guessed, he didn't look good.

"Please explain all the causes and consequences, from the time you disappeared in the cage to the conspiracy you brewed in the Lost Belt, don't hide it, don't tell a lie, you can't hide it in front of me ."

Detective Sherlock Holmes is world-famous for his reasoning ability, and almost no one can hide secrets from him.


Caddock did not refuse, and spoke in a very single-minded manner.

That's what happened after entering the cage.

I thought that in the subsequent process of spiritual transfer, I would show off my ambitions, either to get the attention of the United Nations or the Magic Association, or to revive a declining family, or to gain the honor of the magic world.

In short, with various purposes, a total of 47 masters entered the cage, preparing to travel to the past era through the transfer of spirits and fulfill their respective ideals.


But then, an explosion sounded into his ears.

After that, after a violent shaking, consciousness plunged into darkness.

When you wake up-

The will of the alien **** has come.

He told them that the Human Rigor Burn was over, and was solved by the unknown 48th Master, an ordinary Master.

Moreover, they fell into a crisis of death due to a sudden bomb attack. Because they are in a cage that isolates all life and death and cause and effect, no matter how much means they have, they cannot use it, no matter how good they are. Master, you can only wait for the arrival of death.

It was at that time that the Alien God made his deal.

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