Eighth Crown

Chapter 1023: Blood Sensing in the Labyrinth

It was a strong man with a height of nearly three meters. His muscles were sturdy. His upper body was naked, and his lower body was wearing a set of metal skirts, revealing flesh-colored scars almost all over his body.

There are several iron rings on each of his arms and legs, and several iron **** are tied with iron chains on the iron rings, which restricts his movement, but it also becomes his weapon, and there are bone fractures between the swings. The power of the skull.

The skin and hair all over his body are as white as snow, his eyes are scarlet, and two red horns grow on the top of his head. Fierce and frantic aura.

Servant of Berserker.

The real name is Asterios, born in Greek mythology, also known as Minotaur, which means the king of tauren, is a famous cannibal monster.

The moment he jumped down from the top of the mountain, he had activated the Noble Phantasm, causing the magic to be released like an ocean tide, creating an illusory huge labyrinth out of nothing.

Immediately afterwards, the labyrinth descended from the sky along with him, turning into an enchantment of unknown size, covering Liu Xia's figure in it.

Lucia could have avoided it.

However, at the moment when the enchantment of the labyrinth appeared, his eyes suddenly stopped, and he unexpectedly sensed a sensation from the blood of the ghost from the labyrinth.

"The reaction is..."

Lucia showed a thoughtful look.

Then, he was covered in the maze without dodging.

After the light from the labyrinth barrier disappeared, Liu Xia's figure disappeared from the camp.

"Lucia sauce!"

Fujimaru Rika was immediately stunned and hurriedly screamed.

How can people disappear in the blink of an eye?


Estes stood next to her very calmly, and only glanced at that position.

"That kind of thing still can't hurt him. It should have found someone inside. I also sensed the bloodline sensory from the enchantment just now."

The mere enchantment is not even troublesome for him.

He must have sensed the sense of blood, so he took the initiative to go in and find someone, otherwise this kind of enchantment would not even be able to get close to him.

"Blood induction? Who will it be?"

Fujimaru Rika was a little puzzled.

"Hmph, of course it's a guy with the ability to travel around the world!"

Esdes' face became extremely unhappy, and it could even be said that he was gnashing his teeth.

"It's that woman again...! Why is it so fateful!"

A woman who travels the world?

After saying this, Fujimaru Rika immediately understood, and the figure of a certain swordsman girl immediately appeared in his mind, and he suddenly realized that Estes would be so unhappy and it was understandable.

"Let's start!"

After Liuxia disappeared, Anastasia waved without hesitation.

"Catching up the remaining diehards!"

The labyrinth from the Age of God should be able to block him for a while.

And within that time, she can make the last and most crucial action.

"That woman, doesn't she really think that Liu Xia fell into the labyrinth she arranged?"

Esdes put his hands around his chest, a disdainful sneer appeared on his face, and his body could not help but tremble.

"Forget it, it shouldn't be easy to see her racking her brains, so let's not break her fantasy - just kill it!"

An icy aura emanated from her whole body, and the **** smell made everyone present look sideways.

What a strong momentum!

Because Leidi was defeated by that beautiful young man, they subconsciously believed that among them, Liu Xia was the most terrifying enemy. It was found that this woman's aura had also reached a chilling level.


A wanton smile appeared on Esdes' face, and with a snap of his fingers, several huge ice spheres with a diameter of more than 30 meters condensed in the sky.

Immediately, the ice puck fell from the sky and hit the mountain wall, rolling down the narrow road in the middle of the mountain like a rolling stone.

The road between the mountains is extremely narrow. After the ice hockey fell on the mountain road, it was like a bowling ball knocking over a pin. In the continuous screams, it crushed and smashed countless Moscow Yaga in a line.

"Come on, your enemy is me! You're welcome, I will kill you all one by one!"

Esdes waved his hand again, and thousands of ice swords emerged from the sky, falling from the sky like a downpour, stabbing Yaga, who barely escaped the ice hockey at the foot of the mountain!

Only at this moment did Anastasia react, and her face became extremely gloomy.

She doesn't like this Russia, and she doesn't like creatures like Yaga. It doesn't matter to her how many deaths, but for her now, those are all needed troops.

But in just two rounds of attacks, the tens of thousands of Yaga at the foot of the mountain died seven to eighty-eight, and the rest of them were estimated to have lost their morale and could not be used for marching and fighting at all.


In anger, the princess held the faceless puppet in her hand, and waved her hand to release a large amount of ice from the surging magic power, which turned into sharp claws from the front, like a sharp sword unsheathed, towards Esdes' body. torn.

"Banmen get an axe!"

Seeing this, Esdes opened her pink lips slightly, and a wanton smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. With a wave of her hand, she released a better crampon, smashing the opposite crampon directly.

As for using ice, she has never been afraid of anyone until now!


The tauren let out a deafening roar, then picked up the two giant axes in his hands, and bombarded it in the direction of Esdes like a meteorite cannonball.

"Let's dance—"

At the same time, the fourth cavalryman suddenly appeared from nowhere, his whole body was covered with armor full of resentment, waving a rapier like a cross in his hand, and attacked Estes as well.


In the field, Fujimaru Rika looked at the blood-colored road at the foot of the mountain, and couldn't help but tremble slightly, which made Fituria under her feel her emotions.

"Give it up, that woman fights and doesn't recognize her six relatives. No one can subdue her except the master."

Fituria thought for a while, but she still reminded: "You are a very kind human being, that's why I warned you... Also, there is no need to show mercy to people who have no future."

Fittoria also hates humans. In the past thousand years, she has been deceived and used by humans many times.

It's just that the girl Fujimaru Rika is completely different from ordinary people, and has kindness and charm that transcend gender and species, so she only comforted her a little.

But it is precisely because of her kindness that she is not used to that kind of slaughter, even though it is a common thing in wars.

But she didn't know that what she was going to do was far more cruel than this.

"People who have no future..."

Fujimaru Tachika murmured these words and fell into an unspeakable silence.

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