Eighth Crown

Chapter 1030: Like a giant tree that symbolizes the Milky Way

Looking up from the ground, it is a huge white pillar with cracked skin, blooming at the top of the thousands of meters high, forming a tree crown structure, the tree crown extends in all directions, exuding a huge amount of magic as a whole.

According to the information inquired from Kadok, in general, after the fantasy tree takes root, it takes 90 days to absorb the magic power of the leylines. When the time is up, the magic power absorption is completed, and then it can truly grow.

And this fantasy tree in the Russian Lost Belt, which was in a state of no shadow two days ago, has grown into this shadowy appearance after only two days, and the growth rate is really terrifying.

"I'm afraid it is the work of Kadok's servant, the last princess, Anastasia."

Sherlock Holmes pondered: "According to my speculation, that princess is likely to be the last tsar heir to Russia, so she can inherit the mighty pressure symbolized by Leidi's tsar, and she used that power to make the fantasy tree absorb the speed of magic power. Dozens of times faster, so the fantasy tree plundered enough nutrients within two days."

That is to say, if the tsar's rule does not end and reforms do not take place, then the princess is likely to be the next tsar.

And this fantasy tree is probably the result of her taking advantage of the power of the tsar to pull out the seedlings and encourage it.

However, just pulling the seedlings and encouraging the growth of the fantasy tree has made it hard to imagine the size of the fantasy tree that thrives in a nutrient-rich area.

"Wait a minute, you guys! Look at that! Is it the detection machine or my broken eye, or both? Under the cracked skin of the fantasy tree, is that—the Milky Way?"

Little Da Vinci grabbed the line again and looked in disbelief in the direction of the fantasy tree.

After hearing her words, everyone looked at the cracked parts of the fantasy tree.

I thought it was just a simple black gap, but if you have good eyesight, if you look carefully, the gap is clearly the universe itself!

There seems to be a galaxy in it, giving people a feeling of endless expanse and vastness.

But at this moment, the feeling as if the enemy is the entire universe starry sky made everyone's scalp tingle, and even Liu Xia couldn't help but look slightly condensed.

"The machine is not malfunctioning, and the eyes are not abnormal... Could it be that the interior of the fantasy tree is really a cosmic starry sky?"

Even Sherlock Holmes became restless, he seemed to be caught in a brainstorm, his brows were deeply wrinkled, and he lowered his head into contemplation.

"Cosmos... God of Alien Stars... Well, I heard Kadok say that the name of this fantasy tree seems to be [Orochi]? Orochi, Cosmos, Alien... Could it be?!"

He looked shocked, and seemed to have speculation, but he was not very sure.

"Attention! That fantasy tree exudes a very terrifying magic power, which is almost on the same scale as the Holy Grail! Moreover, the true ether of the Age of Gods has been detected around it!"

Little Da Vinci reported to several people with a shocked expression, "Not only that, but the reaction of life was actually detected from that tree. It is now hostile to us and plans to launch an attack!"

"Its heat source is concentrated in an altitude of about 5,000 meters, which should be its core. Do you need to use the magic of a submarine to send you up?"

If you want to cut down that thing, I am afraid you need to go to an altitude of 5,000 meters and destroy its heat source, that is, the core.

After Liu Xia's infusion, the submarine's magic power was full. Using magic power to simulate the ground, it would not be a problem to send them to the sky above 5,000 meters, but the longest time was only a few minutes.

"No, I'll go."

Liu Xia shook his head, and then sprayed flames under his feet. With the momentum of a jet plane, after setting off a wave of heat, he broke into the sky and galloped toward the five thousand-meter sky.

It's not impossible to send them all up in a submarine, but that will probably consume all the magic power of the submarine, and then most of them will need to be recharged by Liu Xia. He doesn't want to waste useless time.

And this fantasy tree doesn't look very strong.


Just thinking about it, as if it sensed danger, this fantasy tree released dozens of broad air currents from its cracked skin, mixed with vast magic power, and whistled towards Liu Xia.

It was an unintelligible attack.

It doesn't mean that it is incomprehensible, but it means that it does not conform to the rules of this era. Just like the difference between modern magic and magic of the age of gods, it should be the special attack method of the fantasy tree.

Thinking of what little Da Vinci said before, it is likely that the true ether of the Age of God is mixed with it, which greatly strengthens the power of its own attack.

But luckily it's not very strong.


The majestic sea of ​​fire burst out suddenly, forming a huge flame vortex, and slammed into the vast torrent of magic power.


Under the loud bang, the ferocious shock wave shook the atmosphere, and roared out in all directions in a loop.

And under this blow, whether it was the torrent of magic power released by the fantasy tree or the sea of ​​flames that broke out in Liuxia, they all disappeared.


Taking advantage of this gap, Liu Xia increased the speed to the speed of sound, let the flames wrap his body, opened at full speed, broke the sound barrier, and whistled into the sky non-stop.

in the sky.

Even the clouds were stepped on, and the air became extremely thin, but the surging of the airflow became more and more intense like a wild horse, and even the temperature dropped by another twenty or thirty degrees, making this place become a A real life forbidden zone.

After coming here, and looking at the fantasy tree, Liu Xia naturally saw the part where the energy was most concentrated.


Liu Xia clenched her hands, and surrounded by flames, she formed a sword-like weapon in her hand, and then extended it with full force, easily reaching a scale of over 300 meters, turning into a flaming giant sword across the sky.

Holding the flaming giant sword in his hand, he swept out unceremoniously, slashing towards the core of the fantasy tree under the constant blast of the atmosphere.

At the same time, the fantasy tree itself seemed to be facing a life-threatening crisis. It opened the cracked skin to the limit, and hysterically spit out a large amount of magic power, forming a magic barrier on the side.



In the deafening roar, the scorching air roared like a desolate beast, shaking all the white clouds within a few thousand meters around, and the terrifying whistling sound could be heard even on the ground.

However, even after receiving Liu Xia's full-strength sword, the barrier placed by the fantasy tree on his side vibrated violently, but it was not chopped up immediately, and it was still difficult and obscure to block there.

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