Eighth Crown

Chapter 1040: war between goddesses

Hundreds of girls are floating in the void.

Each of them held a golden spear of light in their hands, a golden divine iron round shield on their arms, and wore a long snow-white dress like a white bird, staring at the Valkyrie in the snow with inorganic eyes. .

Those are all Valkyries. In Norse mythology, they were created by the great **** Odin to resist Ragnarok. They flew in the battlefield, selected the souls of warriors, and guided them to the girl army of Valhalla.

Although it is similar to a machine-like existence, it is also regarded as his daughter by the great **** Odin. Each of them is a demigod with extremely high divinity. As the eldest sister, the Valkyrie Brunhilde is even more genuine. the gods.

in the sky.

The number of Valkyries is more than one hundred, and each of them exudes a completely different aura from the general servants, and the three leading ones are even more outstanding in their aura, even close to the women on the ground.

The first rider had waist-length golden hair, armed with the same golden spear and round shield, and black over-the-knee boots wrapped around his legs, revealing a pair of snow-white lotus arms and a pink absolute domain.

The second cavalry is a Valkyrie with pink shoulder-length hair, and the third cavalry hides a short black hair under the hood.

The appearances of these three have the delicacy and gorgeousness worthy of the son of the great god, but the expressions on their faces are all extremely cold, as if they are using themselves as a machine.

And if your eyesight is good enough, you might be able to discover that the 100-riding Valkyrie behind the three of them has the exact same appearance as the three of them, as if they were all mass-produced.

Under the leadership of the three leading Valkyries, the hundred Valkyries floated in the air under the blessing of the white bird dress, and surrounded the woman in the snow below in the center.


The leading blond Valkyrie looked down at the woman on the ground, ripples appeared in her mechanized red eyes, and then her face became cold again.

"You are the elder sister from the Pan-Human History, and our entire body is well aware of this, but since we are both Valkyries, as long as you immediately disarm and surrender, we can only seal you."

Through a network connection between the Valkyries, she obtained the consent of the other two Valkyries to issue a capitulation announcement to the women on the ground.

"Slude, Hilde, Otlinde... Ah, what a pity, are you the only Valkyrie left in this Lost Belt?"

The woman on the snow looked melancholy at the three leading people in the sky, sighing.

"Did the leaders here mass-produce those follow-up machines based on the three of you in order to maintain their rule? Have you lived alone in such a world for three thousand years?"


The blond Valkyrie Slude, listened to the words of pity and regret, a momentary shaking appeared in her eyes.

The Valkyries are one body.

Everyone will open their hearts to other sisters and share all their memories and emotions on the Internet. There is never a secret at all. All Valkyries exist in a group, and they trust each other.

For them, Brunhilde, the eldest sister of all Valkyries, is the person they most respect and love apart from the great **** Odin, and this has not changed even after three thousand years.

However, in the age of mythology, the eldest sister fell in love with a man named Sigurd and turned away from the path of the Valkyrie.

This is undoubtedly a betrayal for the remaining Valkyries.

Anger, sadness, hatred... All kinds of emotions came from the Valkyries and wanted to vent on Brynhild.

But even so, they still love their sister dearly.

If their sisters are still pitying them, cherishing them, and willing to lay down their weapons for them, then she will be forgiven for her betrayal in the myth, and even accept her as a Servant on the Lost Belt and become a leader again Their eldest sister, it’s not too bad—

"But no."

Brynhild's expression turned cold, and he shook his head ruthlessly and regretfully, and his long light green hair rippled, drawing an arc that broke the hearts of the three of them.

"I am a Servant of Pan-Human History, and I must not betray my position... Besides, is this Lost Belt really worth protecting?"

"...then there's nothing to talk about."

The shaking on Slude's face instantly froze, and his expression turned cold.

"Hilude, Otlinde, connect the mass-produced units and prepare for the battle against the Valkyries!"



The pink-haired Valkyrie and the black-haired Valkyrie nodded each, looking at Brynhild's eyes with sadness and determination.


Under the command of the three, the hundred mass-produced Valkyries behind them each raised the spear of light in their hands, blocking the golden round shield in front of them, and the wings of the white bird dress quickly spread out. It was like an icy torrential rain falling from the sky, charging towards Brunhilde one after another.

After the awe-inspiring magic power was released, a purple spear with a strange heart-shaped tip appeared in Brynhild's hand.

As the spear was swung out, blue-purple flames swayed from the spear body, spreading the flames all around, causing the snow to melt and at the same time forcing back all the mass-produced Valkyries around.

"Don't make unnecessary sacrifices, this immature mass-produced body alone can't beat me!"

Brynhilde held a long spear in his hand and swayed a blue-purple flame recklessly, his aura was so strong that he was above everyone present.

As the eldest sister of all Valkyries, it is also their prototype. Even if Odin was demoted to a mortal, she still has power far beyond that of other Valkyries.

In terms of strength, Brynhild is the undisputed top Servant.

"Hirold, Otlinde!"

Seeing this, Slude, who was headed by him, let out a low voice.

Under her order, the three real Valkyries immediately jumped up, waving their golden spears, and surrounded Brunhilde from several directions.

Unlike those mass-produced versions, the three of them are real Valkyries who have survived from the age of the gods, and each has the [Pseudo-God Declaration], [God Iron Shield] and [God's Iron Shield], which were bestowed by the Great God Odin himself. White Bird Dress], the strength of each one is first-class.

The golden spear of light [Pseudo-God's Declaration] is a replica of the god's spear, with amazing power.

The golden round shield [God Iron Shield], that is the eternal shield that will never yield or shatter.

The swan-like [White Bird Dress] not only gives them the ability to fly and maneuver at high speed, but also blocks all mental interference and deflects physical attacks below Grade B.

With the three of them joining forces, Brynhild suddenly became cramped.

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