Eighth Crown

Chapter 1043: Liu Xia: How to make the three women live in harmony?

The flames descended from the sky and dissipated after falling in the hall, revealing the figure of the demonic youth.

Brynhild, because he couldn't fly, hung on him like a swing.

"It actually came here!"

The three Valkyries all changed color, and their faces became a little unsightly.

Although the concentration of magic in this world is extremely high, the range of magic perception becomes very narrow, but they are the most elite troops in Northern Europe, and they should not make such a low-level mistake of being followed.

Sure enough, it was because there had been no decent enemies for more than 3,000 years, causing them to relax their vigilance and forget how to fight against elite-level enemies?

The three Valkyries raised their golden light guns in unison and blocked them in front of the goddess, as if they would protect the queen even to death.


As soon as Liu Xia landed and just let go of Brynhild, she looked up at the purple-haired goddess who was protected by the Valkyrie behind her, and couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.

It was not until he officially met the other party that he knew why he felt that the other party's eyes were so familiar before, because they were the eyes of his acquaintances.

The Queen of the Shadow Land, Skaha, was also a master craftsman who taught Luca Rune runes and marksmanship, and she took care of her a lot when she was in Chaldea.

At the moment, the woman across from him has the exact same appearance as Skaha. Except for the difference in the dress and the natural temperament, there is almost no difference in appearance.

Skaha is a typical strict teacher and warrior. He can't help teaching when he meets a talented disciple, and he can't help provoking when he encounters a powerful opponent. Although she is a woman, she is very belligerent in nature.

But the woman in front of her seemed too gentle, with the loving eyes of the mother of all living beings, who loved all living beings equally like Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

Personally, they are clearly two different people.

"Huh? I know the Celtic mythology, it seems that you have something to do with me over there?"

The goddess, who looked exactly like Skaha, heard the words and showed a very light smile, but immediately gave a negative answer in a peaceful manner.

"But unfortunately, my name is Skaha=Skaty, in this Lost Belt world, it is more like a **** formed after the two are reconciled, not Skaha himself in the pan-human history you know. ."


The goddess of mountains in Norse mythology is also the goddess of snow, one of the giants, and has the title of "the bride of the gods" in northern Europe.

She first married Niold, the **** of the sea and summer, but broke up because of a discord in the marriage—or because of her nature as a god, and eventually married the great **** Odin.

In modern mythology, the Nordic Skati and the Celtic Skah are generally considered to have the same origin, and can even be regarded as one person. .

"That's it, I understand."

Liu Xia nodded clearly, and immediately made magic power flow around her body.

"Since you are not Skaha, then I don't need to be merciful."

The dazzling flames appeared in the palm of his hand, and as soon as he gave an order, it would turn into a roaring tornado, overturning towards the Valkyries and the gods they served.

If this woman was really Skaha from the Lostbelt, he might have hesitated before beating her to death.

But since it's just other people who have a part of the Skaha nature, then there is no need to hesitate, just kill them!

"...I clearly want to give you the same love as the people, but why do you only want to do it?"

The goddess Skadi closed her eyes slightly, and her calm face showed no joy or anger, only a little sadness.

"Don't let out flames, I am the **** of snow and ice, so I hate flames very much."

There was a blatant repulsion on Liu Xia's face about the flame that was about to burst out of her palm.

give love?

Liu Xia's hands moved slightly, and the cold will on her body dropped slightly.

"You know a lot about love?"

After all, he is the bride of the gods, and he has had several husbands, so there should be a solution to his current predicament, right?

"Oh? Are you interested in my love?"

Scotty immediately became happy when she heard the words, her brows almost turned into crescents, and this topic seemed to poke her excitement.

"Well, of course, I am the bride of the gods. After the gods disappeared, I ruled the world with love for more than three thousand years. There is no one who understands love better than me. I can also give you my love. Oh!"

"If you know love well, then answer me a question."

Liu Xia gave up the idea of ​​​​directly doing it, and stated his problem very bluntly.

"I have relationships with three women at the same time, but I don't want the first woman to know about the other two, and I also want the second and third women to get along well, what should I do in this situation? What to do? By the way, the first woman and the second woman are both monogamous..."

To be honest, being sandwiched between Esdes and Musashi every day and guarding against two rituals that might discover their existence at any time was a huge trouble.

After Liu Xia said the tongue twister-like question, the entire hall suddenly fell silent.

Scotty was stunned.

With her head, she couldn't figure out the relationship.

The eyes of the three Valkyries looking at Liu Xia also became extremely cold, as if looking at some human crumbs.

Even Brunhilde, who was confronting the three Valkyrie sisters beside him, trembled violently in his hand holding the gun, his face twisted slightly, and he seemed to have a tendency to shoot Liu Xia against the water.

"That... I heard that I have had two husbands in the history of the Pan-Humanity, and I may have rich experience, but I haven't been in love here, so I don't understand love very well..."

Skadi was a little ignorant, and responded with some anticipation, and the confidence in his tone had long since vanished.

"Then you're useless."

Liu Xia's expression was slightly cold when she heard the words, and then without saying a word, a large sea of ​​flames spilled out with a wave of her hand, covering the opposite Valkyrie and Skadi.

The raging flames came very suddenly, and filled the entire hall in the blink of an eye. The scorching air waves rolled endlessly, melting large swaths of ice and turning them into scalding steam.

Skadi and the Valkyries were caught off guard and fell directly into the siege of the sea of ​​​​fire.

But the power of the gods is obviously not the same. At the moment when the Valkyries did not react, Skadi stretched out his wrist, and in just a moment, he drew a fire-proof rune in front of him.

The flames roared, but before they could reach their bodies, like a river touching a reef, they naturally dispersed, avoiding where Skadi and the Valkyries were.

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