Eighth Crown

Chapter 1049: Flame Giant King Surtur

In the sky.

Like a tengu eclipsed the moon, the sun became charred like charcoal, and the entire disk became pitch black, only the outer halo still radiated a little light.

And the very center of the sun was burning like magma boiling, as if the sun had already entered the dying stage and had fallen into a dying madness, exuding a frenzy of heat waves.

Thanks to this, the entire Nordic world has become darkened, and the magic power in the source has never been louder and hotter.

At the same time, I don’t know if it’s an illusion, that incomparably huge sun seems to be slowly descending towards the earth, intending to have a planetary shock, and die together with this planet, completely destroying this earth.

Not only that, but when the sun turned black and might even fall, the azure flames that were so well-behaved on the northern border suddenly became violent at this moment, and began to spread and burn wildly around.

This kind of change has spread to almost the entire Nordic land. Under the erosion of the flames, even the snow and ice that covers the entire Nordic Lost Belt, which seems to be endless for years, have signs of melting.

And in places that no one can see, the countless flame giants, frost giants, and mountain giants scattered all over northern Europe, for some reason, lost their order, became excited, broke the mask restraint on their faces, and began to frantically destroy .

"What happened?"

Liu Xia came to the outside of the hall, and his eyes swept across the world in front of him.

Along with the escape of the guy in Sigurd's body, it seems that countless abnormal conditions have emerged throughout the Nordic Lostbelt, and that guy is undoubtedly the cause.

"...That monster is about to get out of trouble."

Skadi stood in the open space of the castle, staring at the black sun gradually lowering in the sky, temporarily giving up the battle with Liuxia.

"It's too careless. I didn't expect that monster to hide in Ophelia's Servant's body, and to use this method to get out of trouble... After all, the Northern Europe that the Great God entrusted to me can't escape his claws after all?"

Her expression was low, and her hands were lowered slightly. In her eyes that were originally full of love, there was a look of weakness.

In the face of Liu Xia who was able to take on her without haste, she actually showed a powerless look at this moment, which was somewhat beyond Liu Xia's expectations—although that was not the state where he was going all out.

The three Valkyrie sisters beside her also seemed to recall some extremely bad past, and their faces became extremely ugly.

It is conceivable that the monster that is about to appear, to the Valkyrie, to Skadi, and even to this Nordic country, what kind of source of fear it means.

To say there is no guesswork, it is not.

Nordic mythology is a very famous mythology. Unlike myths in other places, Nordic mythology emphasizes the end of all things in the world, and the symbol of that end is Ragnarok.

The legendary giant king came from Muspelheim, one of the nine realms, and killed many Norse gods including the great **** Odin with monstrous might. endless ordeal.

Combined with the cyan flames that have been burning on the northern border, and the word "Ragnarok" uttered by "Sigurd" before, the identity of that guy is probably not difficult to guess.

"Bear rumbling--!!"

While Liu Xia was contemplating, a huge change appeared again between heaven and earth.

Just like a magma eruption, endless flames suddenly emerged from the dark sun and fell straight to the earth, forming a huge pillar of flame that shot straight into the sky between the whole world.

And within that flame pillar, the shape of a lifeform gradually became clearer.

As if the whole body was composed of raging flames, the figure was surrounded by endless flames, and the huge body was like a mountain beast, standing on the ground like a giant standing in the sky.

"Hahahahaha! I'm finally free! I'm free from Odin's cage!"

The flame giant stood on the ground, and the roar full of joy spread across the ground.

"Wait for me, I will pass on the unfinished Ragnarok of the Gods now, and from now on, turn everything in this northern Europe into scorched earth!"

The giants all over the Nordic land, after seeing his incomparable stature and majestic voice, they were all ecstatic, and ran in the direction of the Giant King, trying to worship the huge figure of endless majesty.

The actions of the giants, even when they saw that all the giants close to the giant king were completely vaporized, did not stop at all, just like the mad believers who saw the coming of the gods, regardless of the release of their fanatical faith.

The Giant King didn't care about the life and death of the giants under his feet at all. He ignored the giants and glanced in the direction of the castle with his eyes full of fierce flames. His eyes stayed on Skadi for a moment, and he released a contemptuous look, and then he stopped. I ignored her and walked straight towards the northern border without even looking at Liu Xia.

The giant king is at least five hundred meters tall, even close to one thousand meters.

Just standing there, it is taller than the mountains.

Every time he took a step, the ground would vibrate violently, and where the footprints left, there would also be a flame that seemed to never go out, burning the ground with all his might.

——The giant king of flames, Surtur!

Legend has it that he came from Muspelheim, set off Ragnarok, and brought the entire Nordic land to the end, the legendary giant king!

His existence itself represents the end of a world!

"It really is Surtur, the giant king?"

Liu Xia's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the huge figure of the giant king in the distance, and she couldn't help but fall into silence for a while.

Such a strong breath.

Such a strong flame.

What a huge figure.

What a huge magic power.

The figure of the Giant King of Flames, among all the enemies that Liu Xia has encountered so far, can be said to be like an existence with a bull's head.

The only person who can surpass his huge body, in his impression, is only one of the evils of human beings, Kiara of Seshoin.

But she turned the entire offshore oilfield base into her own body, and because the feathering was not completed, the huge body with a total length of several thousand meters could not move at all.

In addition, it is the giant king of flames.

In terms of body shape, no Gorgon or Ivan the Terrible is worthy to carry shoes for the King of Giants.

Not only that, the Giant King's magic power specification is also overwhelmingly superior to everyone else. Judging from his disdain to hide his publicity, his magic power specification and strength definitely surpass Lei Di.

In the past, only the soul resided on Sigurd, and he had specifications that were not inferior to Lei Di. Now, after taking back the main body, his strength was even greater than before.

Furthermore, it brought the existence of Ragnarok to the entire Nordic group of gods, killing the Nordic gods including the great **** Odin, and it is impossible for them to be weaker than Lei Di.

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