Eighth Crown

Chapter 1061: Are you finally getting excited? (3/3)

Night falls.

Liu Xia dragged out the bodies of the three-headed devil dogs, and used the equipment in the submarine to make several large pots of dog meat feasts, making everyone eat their mouths full of oil, and they were very satisfied.

"I thought the red coat archer's cooking skills were already very good, but I didn't expect your cooking skills to be even more incredible, Liuxia-chan!"

Little Da Vinci puffed out his cheeks and kept stuffing the fresh dog meat into his mouth while complimenting Liu Xia's craftsmanship.

The dog meat in the pot even glowed with golden light, and it was not ordinary at first glance.

Ophelia sat in front of the window of the confinement room, looking at the Chaldeans feasting on the snow outside the window, she couldn't help swallowing.

Then she looked down at the dry rations in her hands, and couldn't help feeling sad.

After the interrogation, she was locked in the confinement cell of the submarine. The dinner that Matthew brought her was only a few compressed biscuits and purified water, which was in stark contrast to the sumptuous feast outside.

Especially when she was sitting in the confinement room, she could even smell the scent of dog meat emanating from the pot, which made her taste buds secrete saliva constantly.

Matthew! When I was in Chaldea, I hurt you in vain!

on the snow.

Munir and other technical employees sang and danced by the fire, enjoying a rare moment of relaxation. Musashi was fighting for dog meat with Esdes, Fittoria, Dotiya and others by the pot.

On the other side, Fujimaru Rika was sitting alone on a chair, with bowls and chopsticks in her hands, but her body made the famous "contemplative" action.

"Are you worrying about something again?"

Liu Xia came to her side, saw through her thoughts at a glance, and said indifferently: "Are you thinking about Kirshtalia?"

"Liuxia-chan, can you read minds?"

Fujimaru Tachika sighed faintly, put a piece of dog meat in his mouth, and asked while eating.

"It can."

Liu Xia gave a very positive answer, which made Fujimaru Rika's complexion suddenly change, and moved her little **** to the side calmly, as if she wanted to stay away from him.

"But I haven't used it a few times, because in most cases, future vision is enough, and if future vision doesn't work, it's useless to read minds."

The ability of a deterministic future to see a fixed future is much easier than reading minds.

"It's useless now?"

Fujimaru Rika asked cautiously.

"It's useless."

Liu Xia said very bluntly: "After all, your thoughts are written on your face, you don't know how to hide at all, you can see through it at a glance, you don't need to read your mind."

Fujimaru Rika was silent for a while, she didn't know whether Liu Xia was praising her or hurting her.

"You must be thinking now, if only Kirshtalia was the one who escaped from Leif's bomb, it would be great, right?"

Liu Xia continued: "He must be better than me, and he must be able to save more people with smaller sacrifices. You must think so."

Fujimaru Tachika was speechless.

Well, she may be really not good at concealing, but is her logic of thinking so easy to understand?

"Although I think this idea is stupid, it's not that I can't understand how you feel."

Liu Xia sat next to her and put a piece of dog meat into her mouth to satisfy her appetite.

"There is no if in this world, and it is only in the parallel world, at least you can't see it, but regretting and looking back on the past is the most useless for the present."

There is no way to change the past, at least not for Fujimaru Rika. All she can do is remember the past and keep moving forward.

"I understand the truth."

The red-haired girl let out a bitter sigh under the light of the fire, and the light of the flame was reflected on her smooth side face.

"However, Kirshtalia should be able to do better than me, maybe, if it was him, the doctor wouldn't be able to..."

The doctor, referring to Romani Archiman, is a mortal body obtained by Solomon, the sorcerer king, who made a wish on the Holy Grail.

In the final singularity crown time temple, in order for Fujimaru Rika to defeat the first beast, the Demon King Gaetia, he chose to blew himself up and returned the miracle to the sky.

From then on, the heroic spirit named Solomon disappeared from his seat.

It was because of the sacrifice of the doctor that Fujimaru Rika was able to defeat the Demon King Gaetia and save Renri.

But the sacrifice of the doctor has completely become a permanent regret in Fujimaru Tachika's heart.

"How do you know he must be better than you?"

Lucia snorted calmly.

"I read the real record. The strength of the Demon King far surpasses all the enemies we have met in the past, reaching the realm of omniscience and omnipotence. Even Surtur can't compare with him. The only way to end is what you have experienced."

In the face of Surtur, Liu Xia still has the confidence to fight him.

But in the face of human evil, he can only rely on Avalon to protect himself.

"And don't forget, Kirshtalia's ideal is to return the world to the age of the gods."

Ryuxia pointed out the final point, and Fujimaru Rika was stunned.

"Is that really the right ideal? Is the world of the Age of Gods the best world? No one knows this, you can only explore it yourself."

"So, if you really want to know whether Kirshtalia is the best solution, go to the Greek Lostbelt and ask him."

Other than that, there is nothing you can do.

"alright, I got it!"

Fujimaru Rika patted her cheek, expelled all the messy emotions from her mind, and showed a bright smile towards Liu Xia.

"Thank you, Ryuxia-chan, I'll do it... But you've really become like a life mentor recently!"


No, he just doesn't care about anything, so he can see through everything.

Since he was a child, in order not to expose his anomalies and integrate into society perfectly, he became very good at observing human beings. Because of his indifferent and rational personality, he was never obsessed with money, beauty, and fame, so he could see through it when he was a child. A lot of things.

not far away.

Sherlock Holmes, Little Da Vinci, and Musashi all breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Tatsuka Fujimaru smiling again, revealing a smile.

As soon as Matthew stepped out of the submarine, he saw the two people in the corner who seemed to be chatting happily.

From the time they met again, she had vaguely noticed—

Has the senior become more and more intimate with Mr. Liangyi? !

After being helped several times in a row, helping in the snow, and even unraveling the knot, the senior who can face all kinds of outstanding male heroic spirits in Chaldea can't change his face, is he still tempted by Mr. Liangyi?

If this goes on, is the senior going to stay away from her?

The girl Mash has become worried about gains and losses.

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