Eighth Crown

Chapter 1082: Murder in the dark

Night comes.


Fujimaru Rika walked out of the room in her pajamas, stretched out, exposing her white belly, and let out a confused whimper, before rubbing her shriveled belly after a while.


These days, she has been busy rebuilding Chaldea. Although she is the master, she is still exhausted every day, and it is easy to starve.

After she woke up at night just now, she couldn't sleep because of hunger in her stomach, so she planned to come out to secretly find something to eat.

Matthew's management of her health is very strict. She has been told many times that she is not allowed to eat at night. She can have that good figure. In addition to the rigorous exercise by the master, there are also the results of Matthew's perennial advice.

But she was so hungry that she decided to break the rules once, and she would be fine if she didn't let Matthew know.

The corridors at night were deserted, with only a dim light pointing the way.

The corridors and lights were also constructed in the style of Chaldea, which made her feel very cordial, without the panic of walking alone at night, and without the sequelae of ghost movies where there are people everywhere.

She tiptoed across the corridor and came to the cafeteria in New Chaldea.

Because they have been busy rebuilding Chaldea these days, and haven't had time to summon the heroic spirit, the current cafeteria is handled by the chef captain, and she prepares three meals a day.

Although everyone in Chaldea, including her, unanimously asked Liuxia to take charge, but this request was decisively rejected by Liuxia, and was later handed over to the chef captain.

Thanks to this, Fujimaru Rika found that the chef captain seemed to be competitive, and tried to compete with Liu Xia several times, but each time she was ignored by Liu Xia, which made her very discouraged.

By the way, the captain's avatars are male and female. Among them, the chef captain is a woman. Although she is petite, she likes to call herself a big sister.

in the dining hall.

Before her, it seemed that guests had been welcomed here.

The light illuminated a small corner of the cafeteria, where there was a slightly fat figure enjoying dessert gracefully.

Fujimaru Tachika was stunned for a while, some did not expect that it was so late, and there were people in the same way.

"Director Gold?"

She stepped forward and saw that it was Gold, the fat director, who was enjoying the delicious cake.

"Ugh...! What, it's you!"

Director Fatty was taken aback, and after seeing the figure of the girl, he breathed a sigh of relief, and a relaxed smile appeared on his face.

"Hmph, don't think I'm adding calories. As the current director of Chaldea, I'm thinking hard every day about how to make Chaldea great again. I consume a lot of calories every day. This is a planned and reasonable intake. ... by the way, do you want to come?"


Fujimaru Rika agreed graciously.

Anyway, she is also here to forage. Although the cake has more calories, her daily exercise is even greater, and this calorie is not enough to consume.

Even the technique called "Breath of Water" taught to her by Liu Xia-chan was learned by her within a few months, which shows that her amount of exercise is really not low.

She maintains the slender body of a girl without developing bulging muscles, she is pure natural beauty... Maybe there is a master who is helping in secret?

Fujimaru Rika took half of the cake that Gold cut, and slowly enjoyed it.

"Very good, so there are accomplices!"

Seeing this, the fat director suddenly showed a successful smile on his face.

Foraging at night is an activity that is very unfriendly to health. When he was in his hometown, Doer V had already beat him up because of this, causing him to have a psychological shadow. He suddenly felt a lot easier.

"By the way, where did this cake come from?"

Fujimaru Tachika didn't care about Director Fatty's little idea, just asked him one after another while putting the cream into his mouth.

"Huh? Don't you know?"

Gold held up a small piece of paper beside him and showed it to Tatsuka Fujimaru.

- Cake for Lixiang.

"When I came here, this cake was already here. I thought it was going to be a welcome party tomorrow, but I only prepared one for the staff, and I didn't prepare one for my hard-working director. The current employees are really daring enough!"

Gold was enjoying the cake with peace of mind, not sure if he was comforting himself or if he really felt that way.

But with his character, he probably really felt that he didn't have his share because of the rashness of the person who made the cake.

Fujimaru Rika rolled her eyes, since it was for me, why would you still eat it?


Lucia heard the movement of going out.

His room is next to Fujimaru Rika, and since he hardly needs to sleep now, he can naturally hear all the movements of the girl next door.

It's a good thing she doesn't have any weird hobbies, and she doesn't do weird things at night, otherwise she'll be embarrassed to death.

"Something's wrong."

Liu Xia frowned, keenly aware that something was wrong in the air in New Chaldea tonight.

But he didn't find anything unusual, and he didn't know what was wrong.

Kind of like a whim, for no reason whatsoever.

As his strength became stronger and stronger, he also felt that his ability seemed more and more unreasonable. At the root, it should be the continuous improvement and sublimation of spirituality or essence, which made him have The kind of autumn wind has not moved the cicada's keen sense of foresight.

Liu Xia pondered for a while, and to be on the safe side, she opened the magic eye of the future vision, and watched the scene of Chaldea for half a day in the future.

Then, he frowned suddenly.

Immediately, he stood up without hesitation, walked out of the room, and walked towards the dining hall.


"Are you late?"

When Liu Xia came here, at a glance, he saw Fujimaru Tachika and Gold gorging on the cake, and the cake on the plate had already lost half of it.

"Lucia sauce?"

Fujimaru Rika blinked when she saw Liu Xia appearing at the entrance of the cafeteria.

"Would you like to have some too? I have quite a few here."

She cut a piece of cake from her plate, forked it, and gestured to Liuxia, as if she was going to feed him with the knife and fork she had used.

If Liu Xia is also developed into an accomplice, there is no need to worry about being known by Mash.

"It's not too late to eat the cake later."

The icy blue gem color appeared in Liu Xia's eyes, and those eyes seemed to be looking directly at death, which made those who looked at them throbbing.

Under the identification of the Demon Eye of Straight Death, Liu Xia found that there was only one dead line in this cafeteria, which was completely different from other locations.


The crescent-like crescent blade light waved out without saying a word. Countless tiny crescent crescents hung on it, turned into a sword of the virtual moon that slashed everything, and shot straight towards the corner of the cafeteria.

Fujimaru Tachika and Gold came over without any reaction at all, and stared there dumbfounded.

The next moment, a figure was forced out of the corner, and faced the attacking crescent knife light and had to dodge aside.

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