Eighth Crown

Chapter 1092: Entering the Chinese Lostbelt (3/3)

Whether Shangri-La can be used inside or outside the Lostbelt is something that even Liu Xia doesn't know about. When he was in Northern Europe, he didn't try it because it wasn't necessary.


Liu Xia's heart moved, and she clearly felt that Shangri-La had connected the space mark left outside, and that space mark was indeed in a usable state.

"It seems that Shangri-La, like imaginary diving, can cross the boundary line."

Although Shangri-La itself can only teleport in space, it has a secret technique that can lead to the end of time and space. In other words, it can transmit things to the outside of the world.

Although there is a barrier between the Lostbelt and Pan-Human History, the Lostbelt that appeared on the Earth of Pan-Human History is no longer a parallel world, and does not need the second method. It is also possible to cross this boundary line.

Accompanied by a flash of purple light, the teleportation formation inside and outside the Lost Belt of Unicom was opened, and the figures of Musashi and Flying Dragon also appeared from the formation.

Musashi only felt a flash of light in front of his eyes, and then the whole person came from the barren wilderness to the brand-new farmland, and saw Ryuxia.


Seeing this, Musashi immediately cheered.

Then he jumped off the flying dragon and hugged Liu Xia's arm affectionately.

It worked!

Next is her honeymoon time with Liu Xiajiang, and without the interruption of the ice woman, since the reunion, she has not been so happy!

"Is this the Chinese Lost Belt?"

Musashi muttered as he looked around the surrounding farmland.

There are golden ears of rice all around, dozens of farmlands are separated by flat country roads, and there are several vertical and horizontal irrigation ditches next to it, which is an idyllic scene.

Very Chinese style, it seems that this is the right place.


Liu Xia did not speak, but turned on the future vision and began to calculate the position of the king of the Lost Belt and the fantasy tree.

This Lost Belt is very quiet and peaceful at first glance.

It is completely different from the abnormal climate in Russia and Northern Europe, but it is a very common solar term here, and the air temperature also gives people a warm feeling of spring.

Moreover, the concentration of Taiyuan's magic power is no different from that of the pan-human history. At first glance, it is almost the same as the pan-human history.

Not only that, there is no shadow of the fantasy tree in the distant sky.

According to Shion's previous speculation, the strangeness depth of this Chinese Lostbelt is the lowest E, and the fantasy tree should be in a state that has not yet taken root and sprouted, let alone grown into a towering tree.

To find it, there is no other way than to use future vision.

Soon, Future Vision gave steps.

If you want to find the king of the Lost Belt and the fantasy tree, you just need to go to the direction of the capital. Future Vision also very intimately informed which direction the capital is in, and the steps are very clear.

Sure enough, in a world without gods, future vision will not be hindered, and it is really convenient to use it to complete spiritual foundation tasks.


There was a sound of footsteps stepping on the weeds.

"You... who are you? Why are you in my farmland?"

The middle-aged farmer carrying the **** trotted all the way to the two of them, his body trembling slightly, and he asked the two of them timidly.

He was wearing the rough cloth of ancient China. He was ordinary in appearance but decent in appearance, and he had a rural atmosphere unique to the rural people.

He should have planned to work in the field, but because he saw Liu Xia and the two, he came to ask questions. I am afraid he also saw the vision that Liu Xia had done before, so he was quite frightened.

"Don't worry, don't worry, we are just passersby passing by!"

Musashi waved his hands again and again, a friendly smile on his face.

"Hello, my name is Musashi, he is Liu Xia, we are just staying here, we won't do anything to the farmland!"

Musashi's pretty face and friendly greeting are very friendly.

Liu Xia's demonic appearance was even more effective. Even if he didn't say a word, the farmer had a strong impression of him.

"What, just a passerby? I thought it was the bad guy who destroyed the farmland, I'm so sorry!"

The farmer put down his **** and immediately dispelled his doubts. With a simple and honest smile on his face, he apologized to the two of them.

"But are you out-of-towners? How can you make something that glows? I've never seen something that glows like the sun when I grow up!"

The farmer looked at Ryuxia and Musashi with a look of curiosity and amazement on his face.

Have you ever seen something that glowed so much?

In other words, this Lostbelt has no electrical appliances at all?

Judging from the kind of clothes they wear, I am afraid that the civilization of this Lost Belt is still in the era of farming. Even the equipment used for farming is not very developed. It is impossible to enter the era of electrical civilization.

"I take the liberty to ask, uncle, what era is it now, how many years and which month? Or what year is it?"

Musashi was thoughtful, and then asked the farmer with a slightly messy narrative.

She seems to know a little about the unique Chinese calendar, but she doesn't seem to know much, and she is a half-assed foreigner.

Moreover, she has spoken with the farmer in slightly poor Chinese so far. It seems that she must have been to China and learned some Chinese words and phrases in the previous drifting.

"How many years? What year?"

On the contrary, when the farmer heard the words, he was immediately stunned, with an expression like what you were talking about.

"I only know that I have grown so big that the rice in the fields has been harvested more than eighty times."

That look doesn't look like she knows but doesn't know it, more like she has never heard of it at all.

This Lost News Belt, doesn't even the basic calendar within the year, month, day exist?

"Uncle, we haven't had breakfast yet. If you don't mind, can we go to your house for breakfast?"

Musashi blinked, then said to the farmer with a smile: "Of course, we won't eat for free, we will pay you!"

If it doesn't work, she can also use jewelry and the like instead. When she was in the country, she knew that Liu Xia was carrying valuable jewelry at any time.

"Money? What is that? You know a lot."

The farmer was a little confused again, but he happily agreed.

"You don't need any money. Our family has so much millet that we can't finish it. If you can eat it for a few days, you can come to my house for breakfast!"

Don't even have the concept of money?

Liu Xia raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at the village not far away.

It was a simple and small village with dozens of households. Most of the houses in the village were group-style buildings like horizontal holes. From a distance, there was not a single villager with a yellow face and thin skin. Every villager was quite healthy and tough.

Theoretically speaking, if all the villagers in a village are so healthy, they should have had money in circulation long ago... It seems that this Lost Belt is also quite unique.

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