Eighth Crown

Chapter 1195: Accidentally Awakened Eye of Straight Death

Really, exactly the same.

The two rituals looked at Liu Xia's eyes and couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

Those are the eyes that are exactly the same as hers, as if they were carved out of a mold. If you don't consider the shape of the eyes, there is really no difference.

Thinking of this, a strange feeling rose in her heart.

There is a feeling of "is it really God's will?"

"Wait a minute, then my eyes will become like this, does it have something to do with you?"

The two ceremonies came back to their senses, and suddenly noticed the blind spot, and looked at Liu Xia a little unhappily.

"No, the magic eye is not contagious."

Liu Xia shook his head, denying the two ceremonies.

"Not to mention this kind of gem-level magic eye, which even gods can't copy. In theory, such magic eyes are born, even if they wake up the day after tomorrow, it must be because something happened..."

In particular, the Demon Eye of Immediate Death is a powerful Demon Eye that really needs to die once before it can be awakened.

Even Liu Xia has strengthened his future vision magic eye several times, which makes him awaken the ability of the magic eye of death.

Therefore, the two ceremonies just slept for a while, and when they woke up, they awakened the pair of magic eyes, which sounded too incredible.

"Is that right?"

The two ceremonies frowned slightly, and she knew almost nothing about this.

"Well, it shouldn't be a bad thing in general."

Liu Xia thought about it and didn't understand the reason, so she gave up thinking, anyway, there are [two rituals] on her, no matter how incredible things happen, it's not unacceptable.

In the same way, because there are [two ceremonies] on her, since she didn't explain this to Liu Xia last night, it means that it is not a big deal in itself.

"No, very bad."

The two rituals frowned, looked around impatiently, and then put their eyes back on Liu Xia.

"No matter what I encounter, I have to worry about whether it will destroy them. I don't even dare to see my family. Do you understand the feeling of trepidation?"

After the magic eye is awakened, it will bring great changes to the owner's life.

The person who holds the magic eye of burning will worry about burning someone and something from time to time. The same is true for the person who holds the magic eye of petrification. The two rituals also have such worries.

When she just woke up, she even wanted to gouge out these eyes.

She just listened to her father's words and said that Liu Xia might have a way to do this, so she barely held back, only covered her eyes with bandages, and spent five days in her room, waiting for Liu Xia's return.

It can be said that those who knew about this matter in Liangyi's mansion were all looking forward to Liu Xia's early return to help the two ceremonies solve this problem, so Yanmu Qiulong was so surprised when he saw Liu Xia before.

Having said that, Liu Xia certainly did not understand the mood of the two ceremonies.

Because his magic eye has been upgraded from the lowest level step by step, he has a very strong control over the magic eye. As soon as he gets the magic eye of death, he can control it freely, and he has never had such troubles.

"Don't worry, since I'm back, I will definitely help you solve this problem."

Liu Xia calmed down the emotions of the two rituals like she smoothed the cat's hair, without the slightest impatience.

"The activation and closing of the magic eye can be controlled in itself. You can see that, I can control the switch of the magic eye. Next, I will help you train the control of the magic eye. Before that, use the This will come soon."

Having said that, Liu Xia directly opened the treasure of Wang Zhi, took out a black-framed eye, and took the initiative to help it on the face of the two rituals.

"This is?"

The two ceremonies ignored this slightly intimate gesture, but instead raised their glasses and looked around in surprise.

After putting on the glasses, the countless black-gray lines in her eyes that looked like graffiti disappeared directly, restoring the appearance of her eyes before they changed.

But once she takes it down, her eyes will return to the shaky look before.

"This is called Demon Eye Killing. It is the work of a magician I know well. It can block the power of the Demon Eye to a certain extent. It is very convenient for those who have just awakened the Demon Eye, and will not be affected by the Demon Eye. your own life."

It was something that he had received from Aozaki Orange before, and it was basically unused since then, and it has been kept in the warehouse until today.

In fact, with Liu Xia's accomplishments in rune runes, it is not a problem to directly seal the magic eyes of the two rituals and let her return to her past life directly.

But the magic eye is not as good as blocking it. Once it is sealed, it may backfire, arousing the rebound of the magic eye, and the final result is even more serious than it is now.

Besides, this is not a bad thing in the first place. As long as she can master the power of the Devil's Eye of Death, it will also effectively improve her own strength. Since she plans to take her on the road next, it is of course better to make her stronger.

In fact, Liu Xia was already thinking about how to strengthen the two ceremonies next, and he already had an idea in his heart.

After regaining his previous vision, the mood of the two rituals improved a lot, and he threw away the bandage and stood up from the bed.

"Anyway, thank you."

She thanked Liu Xia, then raised her footsteps, a room she hadn't walked out of for a few days.

Although wearing glasses is a little uncomfortable, but seeing the laxity and joy of the normal world again makes her temporarily ignore this point. Things that were not worth mentioning in the past are even a little nostalgic now.

The restoration of the two ceremonies alarmed everyone in the mansion. The two ceremonies and their mistresses arrived soon, and they thanked Liu Xia solemnly.

"This is what I should do."

Liu Xia smiled modestly, and then spoke again.

"By the way, Patriarch, if you don't mind, I'm going to pack my luggage and live in this mansion, which will help me to use those eyes in a proficient way."

For a while, the hut could not help but be quiet.

The patriarch and mistress of the two ceremonies looked at each other, and then looked at the two ceremonies in unison.

The two ceremonies turned their heads, their faces slightly stunned, and glared at Liu Xia, but soon turned their heads back, looking like they didn't care about you.


Seeing this situation, the head of Liangyi quickly accepted it.

"It's too outlandish to call the head of the house, the mistress, and so on, so I'll call you uncles and aunts in the future!"

The graceful and graceful Mistress of Liangyi looked at Liu Xia, like her mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, the more she liked it, she nodded and suggested with a smile.

"Okay, uncle, auntie."

Liu Xia responded with kindness.

The two rituals turned their heads and glared at Liu Xia fiercely, but they remained silent and did not refute.

at this point.

Everyone around her has been bought by him, no matter her parents, her elder brother, or even the servants in the family, their affection for this guy is beyond words, as if they can't escape this guy's palm at all.

Moreover, she herself is not particularly disgusting... The girl gently covered her chest, and her heart beat slightly faster.

this afternoon.

Liu Xia took a few packages and moved into the Liangyi mansion, and he took the initiative to request that the room be arranged next to the two rituals for convenience.

Very aggressive.

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