Eighth Crown

Chapter 1198: Maybe this life is not bad

With the arrival of November, the atmosphere of autumn is getting stronger and stronger.

After half a month, Liu Xia had nothing to do, just practicing swords every day, or running in and sorting out his abilities.

this evening.

After the night came, Liu Xia came to the room of the two ceremonies separated by a wall.

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

Just as the two rituals were about to fall asleep, they were disturbed by Liu Xia. After opening the door, they complained to him speechlessly.

In the past, Liu Xia liked to run over in the middle of the night, wake her up from her sleep, and then leave after making a confession. It was hard to understand the logic of his behavior, and she was angry and attacked once. , did not come late at night.

Changed to come every day during the day.

"I still want to ask you."

Liu Xia walked into the room for the two ceremonies and closed the door behind him. Behind him was the dark aisle where the lights had been turned off.

"It's almost November 10th, you have nothing to do every day, can't you give an answer?"

In the past half a month, not only Liu Xia has nothing to do, but also the two ceremonies.

She didn't choose to go to school, nor did she do any other extra exercise or study. She just practiced swordsmanship with Liu Xia every day, and went out for a walk at night, but she didn't give an answer.

"This thing."

The two rituals underestimated a little unpleasantly.

"Although it's a little troublesome, I know the importance and will leave with you, but I'm a little worried... Will my family be all right?"

She doesn't care about many things, her family is the only thing she cares about. If they are imprisoned because of the troubles she has attracted, it will be too late to regret it.

"In theory, you are the target of the other party. If you leave, they will become safer."

Liu Xia replied: "And when you stay by my side, it is easy for me to protect you. This is also the safest way. I also set up a barrier around this mansion, and ordinary ghosts and ghosts can't break in."

According to his standards, the so-called ordinary ghosts and ghosts must be at least the level of the ghost king.


The two ceremonies didn't know much about this, but they were just thoughtful.

"Form? You haven't slept yet?"

From outside the door came the squeak of the planks being trampled on, and soon the voice of Mistress Liangyi came from the door.

"No, it's fine, I was just about to go to bed."

While answering the mother's question, the two rituals also glared at Liu Xia, signaling him not to make a sound.

"I think I heard voices in your room... You are still young, it's better not to be impatient? Even if you do, you have to be well prepared!"

Mistress Liangyi giggled from outside the door, as if she was teasing something.

Although their family has basically designated Liu Xia Nei as their son-in-law, the two of them are still young. Especially Liu Xia has not even reached the age of 13 this year, and her body may not be well developed. It is not suitable for such a thing, and it is easy to hurt her body.

"would not!"

The voices of the two ceremonies couldn't help but rise by two decibels, and the expressions on their faces became a little unnatural.


The two mistresses smiled narrowly and left, and soon the footsteps completely disappeared.

"Okay, go back to me quickly!"

The two rituals pushed Liu Xia out of his room.

"Ten o'clock at night on the 10th, don't forget."

Liu Xia left time and was pushed out obediently.


The two rituals turned off the lights, fell on the bed, covered his cheeks with his arms, and felt that his whole face was slightly hot.

"The age difference is too much, so it's strange to look at it."


The next morning, at breakfast, Liu Xia made a proposal to the Liangyi Patriarch and Mistress that he should leave with the two rituals.

"Going out for a month?"

The head of Liangyi was slightly stunned. Isn't this Liu Xia's disappearing pattern?

You two aren't married yet, so you're going out for a honeymoon?

"What do you think?"

The head of the two ceremonies looked at the two ceremonies and asked.

"Anything is fine."

During the two ceremonies, they took a sip of porridge while seeming not to care about the authentic.

"Then it's up to you."

The head of Liangyi nodded and made a decision very openly.

No one knows his daughter better than him. With the character of the two rituals, he will only say anything if he has agreed. If she rejects it, she must reject it rudely.

"Liu Xia, although I think you can definitely protect the good style, I still want to say, don't let her be bullied by others."

The Patriarch of Liangyi warned Liu Xia.

"Don't worry, uncle."

Lucia nodded calmly but loudly.

"That won't happen unless my soul is shattered."


When Liangyi was about to hear the words, she immediately showed admiration, and then clapped her hands with a look of what you said was awesome.

The two rituals bowed their heads silently, hiding their faces in the bowls, and the hands holding the bowls turned slightly white.

This guy is always saying something that makes people feel ashamed!

Doesn't he have such a self-consciousness that makes people feel embarrassed!

Another few days passed.

The head of Liangyi gave the two ceremonies a long vacation at the school. After everything was ready, the time came to 10 o'clock in the evening on November 10th.

Liu Xia left the mansion with two ceremonies.

"It seems that there is no way out."

Liangyi glanced at Liangyi's mansion behind him.

She knew very well that the peaceful and peaceful life would be completely gone from her when she left, and the thorny road full of troubles awaited her.

"I said I'm going to another world, but how do I start?"

The two ceremonies followed behind Liu Xia and decided to accept this helpless fact, intending to welcome the new and precarious life that follows, so they asked him.

At this moment, although she is still dressed in a soap-colored kimono and a coat, she has already brought all the weapons and equipment that Liu Xia sent, so she can be regarded as fully armed.

"give it to me."

Lucia's calm voice came.

The calm and perseverance that seemed to never frown no matter what kind of difficulties faced, slightly eased the anxiety in the two ceremonies.

She couldn't help speeding up her steps, walked to Liu Xia's side, and walked forward side by side with him.

The two first returned to Liuxia's villa, and after the countdown reached zero, Liuxia opened a dark passage through the world in the villa.

"Let's go, first go find a way to strengthen you."

Liu Xia stretched out his hand and handed it to the two rituals.

"...Well, I'll leave it all to you anyway."

After the two ceremonies were silent for a while, he took out his hand from his coat pocket, held the hand that Liu Xia handed over, and was pulled into the world passage by him.

Her palms were slightly sweaty, not only worried and uneasy about the unknown world, but also looking forward to the new life to come.

But since this guy is by his side, it must be fine.

The two ceremonies thought so in their hearts.

If you think about it, maybe this kind of life is not bad?

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