Eighth Crown

Chapter 1201: barely use it

This guy is very thick-skinned and looks like a repeat offender.

He definitely didn't just use the name "Liangyi" in this world, but he must have used it many times in other worlds, so his expression was natural, and there was no embarrassment at all.

When did this guy plan to marry her?

"Forget it."

The two rituals looked at him with some subtlety.

"Can you... become like this?"

From her perspective, Liu Xia had somehow become a young man who was about 1.8 meters tall. He looked a little more mature and taller than her. The magical charm emanating from him made him even more People can't stand it.

When he first came out of the basement, he was still a teenager of about thirteen or fourteen years old. As a result, after those few people appeared, he took the initiative to change into this appearance.

"You said this?"

Liu Xia looked at herself and didn't care much about the tunnel.

"I have the ability to change a long time ago. Not only does it become bigger and smaller, even if I directly change into your appearance, it is very easy to do."

Too perverted, please don't do this.

The two ceremonies murmured slightly in my heart, feeling that I had more mood swings today than in the past month.

"Really, how versatile you are."

She sighed in frustration.

Although she came out with him, she actually knew that she was completely a burden now, and now Liu Xia needs to give up her previous plans and find ways to strengthen her.

It's not that she didn't want to catch up, not to mention surpassing him, but at least she had to not be a burden, but to be able to stand together on an equal footing, so that she would have the confidence to face him.

But Liu Xia is like a bottomless pit, and one or two abilities that are exposed from time to time can make her discouraged a lot.

When she first woke up to the Devil's Eye of Death, although it had a big impact on her life, she once thought she was getting closer to this guy's footsteps. Unexpectedly, when he came back, he pulled out a pair of identical eyes in a blink of an eye. Come.

"We'll talk about strength later."

The two ceremonies threw the messy thoughts out of their minds, and supported their foreheads with some headaches.

"I only realized when you were talking to them just now that there are languages ​​in other worlds. I can't understand what they are saying. You should have the ability to help translate, right? Otherwise, I will be unable to move."

"That's right, I almost forgot about it."

Liu Xia suddenly realized that he had never had this problem before, and almost forgot about the language barrier.

"I don't have this trouble because I have a legendary weapon and can help with automatic translation... Well, wait here for two minutes, and I'll go get you a seven-star weapon first."

"Do you own a legendary weapon?"

The two ceremonies looked over in surprise.

"Yes, this is it."

Liu Xia raised her hand, magnified the pitch-black ring on her right finger, and held it in her hand like a ghost king bow.

"This is the holy bow, one of the four holy weapons, and I am also the hero of the bow in this world."

So this is the legendary weapon?

The two ceremonies followed.

Liu Xia had used this weapon in front of her, and the arrow was about to tear the ground, leaving a deep impression on her.

Could it be that the Four Holy Heroes in this world have that level of power?

It seems that the world is quite powerful.

When the two ceremonies were secretly surprised, Liu Xia had also taken out Shangri-La, opened the magic circle to the outside of the world, and walked in.

On the other side of the magic circle, what appeared in front of Liu Xia's eyes was naturally the bizarre elven space, with a total of twelve light groups floating freely not far away.

As soon as I saw the purple magic circle shining, these light groups suddenly panicked. You pushed me and shoved them into a mess.

The two ceremonies waited in place for a while.

A minute later, a meteor-like light suddenly appeared in the sky, shooting at a rapid speed like light. Before she could react, it fell into her hands.

It was a seven-section whip with a jet-black handle, about one person long, and it didn't look like a powerful weapon.

But the moment the whip started, a template suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

- two ceremonies

Occupation: Whip Warrior Lv1

Equipment: Legendary Whip, White Ying Kimono, Chopping Iron Dagger

Magic: none



The two rituals looked at the whip that suddenly appeared in their hands, and looked strange after being slightly stunned.

I heard that there are only twelve heroes in this world, right?

Just a minute after that guy left, he got her a hero position? How high is his status in this world?

Bai Ying's kimono and slashing iron dagger were the suits that Liu Xia gave her before, but now she is wearing them, which can give her about ten times the increase, making her barely possess a certain degree of strength.

The purple magic circle shone again, and Liu Xia's figure came out of it.

Seeing that the two ceremonies had already obtained the seven-star weapon, he nodded slightly and removed the magic circle behind him, so that the light group on the other end was relieved and gathered together to cry out about Liu Xia's actions.

"Translation is a skill that comes with the legendary weapon. If you talk to Aigre and the others now, you can automatically understand what they say."

Lucia walked up to her and helped her understand the legendary weapon and the level system it brought.

"This whip is only a seven-star weapon, not a four-sacred weapon. You can barely use it first, and then replace it after you find the legendary sword."

The two ceremonies naturally have no opinion.

At present, it's good that she can be useful, although the weapon is a whip, which is very strange, and it is very incompatible.

The original seven-star weapon also had restrictions that other weapons could not be used, but it was also fixed by the Luxia threat elves.

"By the way, how did you do it?"

The two ceremonies are a little curious about Liu Xia's ability, can you get the qualification of a hero so easily?

"It's nothing, I had a friendly exchange with the elves of the legendary weapons."

Liu Xia didn't plan to elaborate, and vaguely took this matter over.

"Friendly exchange..."

The two ceremonies pondered for a while.

I don't know why, if someone said a friendly exchange, then she might think that there was a friendly exchange, but the words came out of Liuxia's mouth... the taste is not the same.

I always feel that with this guy's character, friendliness may only be one-sided.

Forget it, she doesn't like to pay attention to troublesome things. Since this guy is done, then accept his kindness and grow up under his protection.

at dinner time.

I tried the two ceremonies, and I really understood what Agley said.

It's just that I don't know why, the girl named Aigrey who admired Liu Xia, looked at her with eyes that always hesitated.

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