Eighth Crown

Chapter 1203: The martial arts genre called Changeless Unparalleled Flow


When the crowd gathered, the two ceremonies were a little sluggish.

"What's the matter, Shi?"

Lucia looked at her.

"Didn't you sleep last night?"

No, he clearly heard last night that the breathing of the two rituals quickly became even, which was obviously a sign of falling asleep, and he should have fallen asleep quite early.

The two ceremonies glanced at him faintly and chose to ignore him.

Although it was in a dream, it was still this guy's fault. If he hadn't made her belly big in the dream... She must have been stunned by what she wanted to do, no, she couldn't think about it any longer!

Seeing that the two ceremonies didn't answer, and still shook his head there, Liu Xia was a little strange, but he didn't care too much.

"Lord Liangyi, Miss Shi, let's go."

Aigrey and Iwatani Shangwen were all ready to go, leading them to the mountains outside the city.

The training location arranged by the Queen is in the deep mountains outside the city.

That mountain is not a short distance away from the king, and it would take an hour to reach it even by the sturdy Philo bird.

Seeing this, Liu Xia simply took out the flying dragon from the eighth room, and took everyone to the deep mountain within half a minute, and landed at the designated place.

This is a valley with waterfalls.

The sound of the waves in the valley is turbulent, the greenery is lush, and it has a natural sense of nature. When you are in it, it seems that even a little restlessness has disappeared.

When the group of six arrived, someone was already waiting in the valley.

It was an old grandmother in her seventies.

Although her face was wrinkled and her limbs looked thinner and shorter, her spirit head was very strong and her eyes were piercing.

She was wearing a Chinese style Taoist robe with Tai Chi patterns on her body. She was sitting cross-legged on a boulder at the moment, pinching the fingerprints of her sword with both hands, as if she was meditating.

"Oh, is Your Excellency Saint already here? You are so diligent!"

Before seeing the figures of a few people, the mother-in-law stood up from the boulder as if she had sensed the breath of several people in advance, jumped down vigorously, and looked at them carelessly.

"Yo, mother-in-law, it seems that we are the first batch again today."

Iwatani Shangwen also waved his hand, greeted the old lady casually, and sighed with a headache.

"That mother-in-law is our training coach, and also a legendary school that has been passed down for hundreds of years - a master of unparalleled change."

Aigre explained to Ryuxia and the two rituals.

"It is said that when Mr. Iwatani used to be a businessman, he once saved her mother-in-law's life when she was seriously ill. Because Mr. Iwatani had another name for the saint bird at that time, her mother-in-law called him His Excellency the saint later, and that mother-in-law was in the third place. In the second wave, he was killing all directions with a **** in the swarm of monsters..."

This is the network that Iwatani Shangwen has accumulated before.

Because she also worked part-time as a doctor when she was in business and saved the life of the mother-in-law, the mother-in-law respected him very much. When the queen invited her to go out, she agreed without a word.

As for the unparalleled change, although Liu Xia had never heard of it, according to Aigrey, it was a martial arts school that had been passed down for hundreds of years and was quite famous in the entire Melomag Kingdom.

It is said that when the mother-in-law was young, she once made illustrious feats for the Melomag Kingdom. She is one of the few human masters in this world, and she retired after marriage.

According to her mother-in-law's own disclosure, her level is 95. In this world where the average adventurer is only 20 or 30, and 50 or 60 is considered a master, she can be said to be a real expert, and even the queen respects her.

If Iwatani Shangwen had saved her life, she might not be willing to come out again.

"Who is this?"

After the mother-in-law and Iwatani Shangwen chatted for a while, they looked at Liu Xia solemnly.

She has a particularly keen sense of breath, and can detect the presence of several people before they arrive, but after turning around, she found an unexpected figure, and she was completely unaware of his arrival before.

Although this young man looked like an ordinary person at first glance, in her eyes he was nothing less than a beast.

"He is the hero of the bow, and his name is Liangyi Liuxia."

Iwatani Shangwen made a brief introduction to her mother-in-law.

"It turned out to be Your Excellency the Hero of the Bow? Disrespectful and disrespectful!"

When the mother-in-law heard the words, her face suddenly relaxed, she clenched her fists to Liu Xia, and she continued to praise her.

"I have long heard that Your Excellency the Hero of the Bow has defeated terrifying monsters that threaten the world several times, saved the country and the world, and has done great favors to the world. I also admire Your Excellency!"

Compared with the other heroes who were not well-known, Liu Xia's reputation had spread all over the world.

The world knows that the hero of the bow is powerful and kind-hearted, almost equal to the hope of repulsing the tide and saving the world, and most people respect him.

"You're welcome, old man."

Liu Xia said politely.

"Have the other two heroes arrived yet?"

There are only my mother-in-law and a few of them here. The sword hero Tian Mu Lian and the spear hero Kitamura Motoyasu are not here.

"Are those two heroes?"

The mother-in-law pouted the corners of her mouth, and her face showed obvious dissatisfaction.

"I don't look down on my old man's unique inheritance, and his attitude is very poor. Even if he comes, he doesn't practice seriously, and it's fine if he doesn't come."


The two people's reputation is as bad as ever.

"The Queen entrusted them with this training camp, so they will still come, but they will come very late."

Iwatani Shangwen shrugged, also with a helpless look.

However, he doesn't care much about the other people. Anyway, it's enough to save the world with the powerful bow warrior Liangyi Liuxia alone. This kind of pressure is not on their heads, so Iwatani Shangwen's current attitude is also quite. random.

Fitria, who originally cared about world peace, saw the strength and possibility of Liu Xia, so she put all her hopes of saving the world on Liu Xia, otherwise she would have to threaten the four of them to work together.

However, Fittoria is still in Chaldea right now, so she doesn't care about this side of things.

"Since Your Excellency the Hero of the Bow is here, why don't you come and try to practice my unparalleled change?"

The mother-in-law looked at Liu Xia eagerly.

"Your Majesty's strength is already very strong, even the monsters that threaten the world can be defeated, but I am confident that the unparalleled change will still be of great help to Your Majesty!"

The mother-in-law's demeanor is full of confidence, and she has full confidence in the genre she has inherited.

Anyway, Tianmulian hasn't come yet, so it's okay to know about it first.

Liu Xia nodded indiscriminately, and the two rituals also turned their attention.

"Haha! Your Excellency the Hero of the Bow is more knowledgeable than the other two!"

The mother-in-law stood with her feet forward and backward, posing in a very Jeet Kune Do posture, releasing pure energy from the inside out.

"My genre is called Changeless Unparalleled. It is a special genre that was born to allow the weak to gain unreasonable power and become strong enough to defeat the strong. If you want to learn Changeless Unparalleled, you must learn to control the [Qi]. A life force!"

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