Eighth Crown

Chapter 1205: You are not allowed to say such things to Lord Liangyi!

"Lord Liangyi!"

From the women's army behind Kitamura Motokang, there was a sudden burst of surprise cheers.

Looking at the sound, it was a woman with red fluffy ponytail and long hair, makeup on her face, and light armor on her body.

At the moment when she was surprised, the blond man with a spear in front of her, his face suddenly sank, and his bad mood suddenly became worse.

At the same time, she was practicing the two qi gathering rituals with her mother-in-law, and her movements followed, and she looked over here.

in the field.

The red-haired woman directly abandoned the team and trotted to the front of Liu Xia, her face flushed with excitement.

I haven't seen each other for a few months, and Lord Liangyi has become even more handsome!

It's just that look that stuns the world, and Mai Yin feels that she can watch it for a year. After a little imagination, her eyes gradually become moist, and her legs are not close together.

Kitamura Motoyasu cast an annoyed look here.

Lucia couldn't help frowning.

Until this woman appeared, Liu Xia hadn't thought of her existence at all.

"If it's alright, leave."

Liu Xia didn't even look at her, and turned her head indifferently.

"Lord Liangyi..."

Maine's eyes suddenly became pitiful.


Seeing this, Iwatani Shangwen in the distance couldn't bear it, and retched like nausea.

When he first crossed over, this woman was always having trouble with him. At that time, she also liked to pretend to be cute and pitiful to win his sympathy and make him soft-hearted. Now that I see it again, I just feel disgusting like never before.

"Liangyi! Don't go too far, you guy! How can you treat Mai Yin like this?"

Seeing this, Kitamura Yuankang couldn't help but get angry from his heart, clenched the sacred spear, and shouted to Liu Xia.

"Beicun, you are, how can you say such a thing to Lord Liangyi!"

Before Liu Xia could make a sound, Mai Yin turned around angrily and looked angrily at Motokura Kitamura.

"Mai Yin... am I speaking for you?"

Kitamura Yuankang was stunned for a while, and his eyes were full of surprise when he looked at Mai Yin.

"I will never allow you to slander Lord Liangyi!"

Maine didn't appreciate it at all, and instead continued to blame him angrily.

Kitamura Yuankang's face became extremely ugly, his expression gloomy like the bottom of a pot. On the one hand, his anger towards Liu Xia was unstoppable, and on the other hand, he also felt abnormally wronged.

In the past, Mai Yin would call him Lord Yuankang sweetly. Although he was not allowed to be too intimate, he would still let him hold his little hands, but since she met Liu Xia, her whole person had changed, not only did she not let him touch her Suddenly, even the name was changed to the cold North Village.

Mai Yin is a good girl, it is impossible for her to behave like this Bichi. It must be the guy Liangyi who gave her some ecstasy soup, otherwise she would never become what she is now!

Thinking of this, Kitamura Yuankang became even more angry.

But Mai Yin was staring at him, with a gloomy look on his face, "How dare you talk back?", he suddenly shriveled again, and he didn't dare to let go of his anger.

Liu Xia ignored these two idiots.

He directly raised his foot and walked towards the other team - the side of the sword hero Tian Mulian.

Different from Kitamura Yuankang's full-member Women's Army team, Tianmulian's team composition is still growing, but they look alike to each other. They seem to be companions, but they are very unfamiliar with each other.

This is because Tianmu Lian has a very withdrawn personality. He often walks outside and levels up alone. He has almost no communication with the team members, and only gathers when needed.

"Is something wrong?"

He watched Liu Xia approach with a vigilant look on his face.

Because of Chuan Chengshu's affair, and the fact that he was beaten twice by Liu Xia before, Tianmu Lian is still wary of him.

"There is something I want to ask you to verify."

Liu Xia looked directly at the 16-year-old boy and asked him indifferently.

"Can your sacred sword unlock the form of the sword? Similar to the sword and the sword?"

The sword and the sword are both island-style weapons. If they can be unlocked, it means that the sacred sword is indeed suitable for use in both ceremonies. If not—

"Of course, the holy sword can only unlock sword-like weapons, and it is impossible to appear in the form of a knife."

Tianmu Lian looked at Liu Xia vigilantly, "What are your plans? Are you staring at me this time?"

To be honest, these traversers are not afraid of the sky and earth. After all, in their conception, the world itself is a game. Even if you are injured, you can go to the treatment hospital and you will soon be alive again.

But only, they were extremely wary of Liu Xia.

Because Chuan Chengshu was the one who took away the sacred bow and even killed him.

Just like Iwatani Shangwen was apprehensive about Liu Xia's heart, Tian Mu Lian was also afraid that Liu Xia would take away his sacred sword, which was a symbol of him as a hero. If it was taken away, he would be nothing.

"Can't you?"

Lucia frowned slightly.

Tian Mu Lian is not a man with much scheming, what he is thinking can't be hidden from his eyes, Liu Xia can tell that his words are indeed not lies.

The sacred sword can only unlock the form of the sword, it cannot be used to unlock the sword, and it is not suitable for use in two ceremonies.

This road does not work.

In this way, he can only rely on the line of Grace, and I hope that there will be a result that will satisfy him.

Liu Xia did not continue to ask questions, and left in front of Tian Mu Lian.

Although Tianmu Lian didn't know what Liu Xia wanted to do, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that he seemed to give up.

Unlike Motoyasu Kitamura, the idiot who is fascinated by women, Tianmu Lian has at least a little IQ.

Knowing that Liu Xia was in a strange situation, he was very repelled to have contact with Liu Xia. If he could win, it would be good to say, but he had been beaten by Liu Xia before, and he had no confidence at all. Naturally, he avoided it if he could.

The two ceremonies not far away regained their sight and immersed themselves in the practice of gathering qi.

The people brought by Tian Mulian and Kitamura Yuankang, also under the instructions of their mother-in-law, began to sit cross-legged on the ground and entered a state of meditation.

Maine tentatively wanted to approach Liu Xia again, but she was repelled impatiently by Liu Xia, and then she did not dare to come.

Thanks to this, Kitamura Yuankang has a bigger opinion on Liu Xia, but he didn't dare to say it clearly in front of Maine.

Soon after.

"What's the use of continuing this kind of practice, it's better to find advanced weapons!"

Kitamura Yuankang didn't know if he was confrontational, so he quickly went to the ground with an impatient look on his face.


Tianmu Lian opened his eyes, and his face was full of approval.

"Qi is a system that only monks can cultivate in their profession. Even if we brave people can sense it, it will not help us much, and it is simply a waste of time."

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