Eighth Crown

Chapter 1208: meeting with the queen

Liu Xia threw it casually, and the small stone turned into a cannonball. While easily shattering the light gun, it also exploded a huge pit on the ground, and the soil rolled like a huge wave.


Kitamura Yuankang groaned and was blasted out by the aftermath.


Several women's soldiers beside him who were feeding him the medicine were also screaming in fright.

The movements of holding the knife in the two ceremonies paused slightly, glanced back, and put the iron-chopping dagger back in his pocket.

After a while, the field quieted down.

"Can't you afford to lose again? You two are a perfect match."

Liu Xia played with the remaining two stones in his hands, and looked directly at Kitamura Motokang and Tianmu Lian with cold eyes.

"I haven't lost yet! I was just repelled for a while!"

Kitamura Yuankang was drenched in the mud and dust all over the sky, and when he heard this, he glared at Liu Xia, as if he really didn't realize his defeat.

"Of course it can kill you even more if you can be knocked back. Just now, Shishi only used his fist to knock you back. It's already merciful, but I didn't expect you to be so unaware."

Liu Xia smiled indifferently. Although there was no sarcasm, it was extremely harsh in Kitamura Yuankang's ears, causing him to bow his head in disgrace.

"I lost?"

On the other side, Tian Mu Lian was lying on the ground as if he had lost his soul, staring blankly at the sky.

If the previous sword-fighting with Egley could be fooled by the reason that "battle is not limited to swordsmanship", then this time, it can't be ambiguous no matter what.

He was defeated from the front by two rituals, and even his strongest skills were chopped to pieces by that little-known girl, a result that even he could not deny.

"get out."

Liu Xia threw away the stone in his hand, and glanced at the two companions out of the corner of his eye.

When the seven or eight people saw this, they were on pins and needles and looked at each other. They did not dare to touch the brows of the brave bow man, so they lowered their heads and carried Tian Mulian and Kitamura Yuankang away respectively.

"Lord Liangyi..."

Maine paid no attention to the defeated Kitamura Motokang, and just glanced at the two ceremony with a gloomy face, and then changed his face to show a happy smile and walked towards Liu Xia.

"You too."

Liu Xia was unmoved, just said indifferently.

"...Lord Liangyi, I..."

The smile on Maine's face suddenly froze, she still wanted to say something.

"Don't make me say it a second time."

Lucia looked at her coldly.


Mai Yin almost bit his gums to bleed for a while, but after regaining his senses, he still looked slumped, turned around and slowly left here step by step.

The two ceremonies glanced at Mai Yin, who was gradually moving away, and then glanced at Liu Xia meaningfully, and then immersed in the practice of Qi.

Soon, only Liuxia and Iwatani Shangwen were left in the valley where the waterfall was rushing.

The three of Iwatani Shangwen looked at each other in dismay, and they couldn't help sighing when they looked at the two ceremonies.

They knew that Liu Xia was very strong, and the people around him must not be weak, but they didn't expect that the girl was actually strong enough to defeat the two brave men in three or two.

This strength has surpassed Raphtalia and Filo, and is very close to Iwatani Shangfu.

But what Iwatani Shangwen didn't know was that the two rituals with the magic eye of death were essentially his nemesis that could only be defended. Strictly speaking, he might not even be an opponent of the two rituals.

"How should I explain to the queen?"

Aigre held her forehead with a headache and sighed.

The purpose of the Queen's training for the brave is to make these brave men return to the Melomag Kingdom as much as possible, in the hope that they will be able to resist the growing tide in the future.

However, the performance of the two heroes of Sword and Lance was very unsatisfactory, and they were driven away just like that, presumably in the future, the rift between them and the Kingdom of Melomag will grow bigger and bigger.

"Those two are useless, it's enough for the Queen to win over Iwatani Shangwen."

Liu Xia was a little casual.

It can be seen from the world code name that Iwatani Shangwen is the protagonist of this world, and the two brave men, and perhaps the original Chuan Chengshu, are all dragging their feet.

So it's enough to win one Iwatani Shangwen. If it's not enough, find more seven-star heroes. Anyway, Tianmu Lian and Kitamura Yuankang don't have to count on them. Even if they invest, they won't gain much.

Aigrey was very helpless, but she couldn't control this kind of thing, so she could only report to the queen later, and let the queen decide.

After the two teams left, everyone returned to practice.

The mother-in-law also jumped off the rock and began to guide and correct mistakes one by one. The fact that Tian Mulian and Kitamura Yuankang were driven away would only make her happier.

On the occasion of three poles in the sun, Liu Xia has already completed the study of all the techniques of the Unrivaled Shuangliu.

The two ceremonies also basically learned the appearance and change of the unparalleled flow, mastered the method of gathering qi and bursting qi, and began to practice the inner and changeless unparalleled flow.

But even with that said, in fact, the most difficult to learn is Li Hua Wu Shuang Liu, which is full of clever use of qi. According to Liu Xia's own feel, the two ceremonies will take at least a few days to learn.

Of course, this is already very powerful, Iwatani Shangwen and the others have been training for more than two days, and now they are only in the table · Changeable and unparalleled. Take ten years.

The reason why they are so fast is because of the materialization of their souls, which makes their vitality become infinite.

Back to the point.

The two ceremonies plan to practice here for a few more days.

The Unparalleled Change has benefited her a lot, and if she can learn it, it can greatly enhance her strength.

"no problem."

Liu Xia agreed without hesitation.

"It's just that I'm going to do some things during this time."

It's time to complete the Lingji quest. By the way, I will find Grace and ask about the details of the legendary weapons in another world. It is best to find a legendary knife and bring it back.

Everyone stayed in the valley for most of the day, and when the sun was in the west, after the training was over, they used the teleportation ability of the sacred weapon to teleport back to the manor.

"Lord Hero of the Bow, Her Lady Queen invites you."

As soon as he returned to the manor, a dark, veiled girl dressed like a ninja appeared in front of Liu Xia, knelt down on one knee, and conveyed the queen's will to him.

It was a member of the organization called "Shadow", the Anbu army directly under the Queen's, and they would do things like inquiring about intelligence, monitoring assassinations, and so on.

"I'm going to the palace."

Liu Xia raised her brows slightly, but did not refuse. After greeting the two rituals, she followed the girl towards the direction of Wangcheng.

Passing through the wide moat and entering the city gate, when night came, Liuxia walked into the queen's study.

"Your Excellency Liangyi, it's been a long time."

The queen wore the red robe as always, with a crown on her head and light makeup on her face. From the outside, she looked like a young woman in her thirties, and her every move was very mature.

She got up from the chair, without putting on the air of the queen, she showed a friendly and gentle smile to Liuxia.

Two more.

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