Eighth Crown

Chapter 1222: Warring Tyrant Turtle

Dozens of huge barbed thorns rose into the sky like rockets, pierced the white clouds above the dome, and then turned into huge pillars of light, falling from the sky.

In an instant, the sound of explosions continued.

It was as if the interstellar battleship unleashed the entire ship's armament, releasing countless light cannons, causing flames and shock waves to sound uninterruptedly on the ground.

The earth was lifted, the forest was evaporated, the buildings were washed away, and everything disappeared in this apocalyptic scene.

The tortoise released the thorns on its back in a disorderly manner, affecting all the earth within a radius of ten kilometers.

over the camp.

Originally, there were several beams of light bombarding down, and the large group magic was too late to deploy, and the soldiers were almost desperate. In the end, Iwatani Shangwen jumped up and released three huge aura shields in a row over the camp.

The thorny beam of light blasted down, smashing two layers of aura shield at one end, but was stubbornly blocked by the last layer of aura shield, and finally disappeared.

After taking this blow, Iwatani Shangwen seemed to have been squeezed out, staggered to the ground, his face was pale, and he looked at the tortoise with terrifying eyes.

A round of thorn beam bombardment ends.

The earth within a radius of ten kilometers is full of giant pits with a diameter of more than 100 meters, and the smell of scorched flames comes from all directions, as if the earth is dying.

The surroundings of the camp can only be said to be barely intact, and the connection world was destroyed by the aftermath. Fortunately, the attack of the spirit turtle seemed to be indistinguishable from the enemy and the enemy, and the familiars surrounding the camp were almost wiped out by this blow.

The two ceremonies returned to the camp. She was wearing an azure blue scabbard inlaid with golden enamel. The scabbard protected her body, leaving her unscathed.

This was given to her by Liu Xia beforehand, and she took it with her. It stored his magic power. When encountering an unstoppable attack, it would automatically deploy protection, and it was almost impossible to break it.

It is true that Avalon can only work on one person, but it is not only effective on himself, but can protect any individual according to Liuxia's will.

As for Liu Xia himself, he doesn't need this now.

in the field.

While the tortoise shot out the thorns and thorns and carried out a wide-area blasting blow, he also opened his huge mouth, and a giant blue to white magic circle was condensed from his mouth, and countless electric sparks escaped from it.


Under the surging tide of magic power, a violent thunder particle cannon emerged from the magic circle, electrolyzed the surrounding air, and screamed terribly, the sword pointed directly at Liu Xia.

The thunder particle cannon almost penetrated the sky and the earth, pulling out a long comet tail in the sky, illuminating the entire sky and earth like a nuclear explosion.

The particle cannon pulled out a huge comet tail more than ten kilometers long in the sky, and with a delay of asynchronous sound and picture, it fell into the ruins of the distant town for a long time.

During the rumbling, a huge thunder beam shot up into the sky, covering all directions, and the gust of wind turned into a shock wave that caused the earth to ripple like a cloth.

At a glance, the town that can accommodate at least tens of thousands of people has now disappeared, and it has been completely reduced to history.

"So strong."

Liu Xia easily avoided this blow and gave a very objective evaluation.

Each of the thorns and thorns that he ejected has the power of A+, A++ grade anti-military Noble Phantasm, and the thunder particle cannon released against him is already comparable to the supreme artillery of the God of Protection.

Seeing that Liu Xia was unscathed, the tortoise seemed to be out of anger, opened its huge mouth again, and released the giant thunder magic circle just now.

Seeing this, Liu Xia calmly raised the He Dao in his hand.

"The field of art release."

A burst of colorful divine light surged out from the two knives vying for each other, spreading to the surrounding like waves.


At the same time as the colorful divine light spread, the thunder magic circle in the mouth of the turtle also shattered with a click. No matter how much he stimulated the magic in his body, he could no longer condense a decent magic circle.


He made an incredible cry.

The two He Knives integrated with the holy sword Iguzacion also inherited the three major skills of the holy sword.


The sword of flames fell from the sky again, and cut off the neck of the tortoise at the blind spot of the tortoise's line of sight.



However, in the next moment, the tortoise seemed to be fine, and it grew its neck again, and there were two more heads. Together, the two heads cast bloodthirsty and angry eyes at Liu Xia.

As one of the four ancient spirit beasts, it is not only powerful, but its self-healing power is undoubtedly top-notch.

In fact, this He Dao also has a second skill called "Mysterious God's Injury". The wounds cut by it can never be recovered, and even conceptual life can be beheaded.

But unfortunately, the length of the blade is really not enough. It may not be able to penetrate even a layer of skin if it is plunged into the body of the spirit turtle. Even if this injury cannot be recovered, it is meaningless.

"It can't go on like this!"

In the camp, Oster looked anxiously at the projection in the sky.

The Brave of the Bow is very strong, and the spirit turtle body can't help him, but the spirit turtle sees death and injury as nothing, and can't kill him at all, no matter how much he chops his head, it is meaningless.

It does.

The tortoise is a very special life, and it may not be strong to any extent in terms of strength, but he has no blood bar at all, and even Liu Xia's blood bar disappearance can't help him.

Even if he used the single strongest skill, the Purgatory Nova Arrow, to pierce through his body continuously, and soon he got up again and attacked Liu Xia brazenly.

"really not bad."

When Liu Xia saw this, there was no worry on her face, but instead she praised.

The level of trouble of this spirit turtle is somewhat beyond his expectations. As a spirit beast, its strength is even stronger than that of many gods.

"But it's going to be troublesome... How can I kill him with the Eighth Room?"

Liu Xia looked at the tyrant spirit turtle and fell into contemplation.

He has already moved the idea of ​​bringing the tortoise under his command.

But the tortoise is huge, and its bloodline is definitely higher than his ghost king. It is obviously useless to use the previous routine of resurrecting him and then killing it. It must be killed directly by the eight rooms before it can be put into the eight rooms. .

But with a mere eight rooms, it is really impossible to kill the tortoise.

"Try it……"

Liu Xia glanced at his spiritual base template, and an idea gradually emerged in his mind.

With the movement of his mind, He Dao, Bafang and the Holy Bow appeared in front of him at the same time.

"—The Noble Phantasm is integrated, and the eight rooms are selected as the carrier to integrate the He Dao and the Ghost King Bow."

At this moment, the two He Knives and the Sacred Bow turned into a light group at the same time and merged into the eight rooms of the Demon Knives.

Under a burst of dazzling light, the appearance of the eight rooms suddenly changed, turning into a long knife that was shimmering dark brown and nearly pitch-black, and the whole body exuded a violent aura.

It's just that the blade seems to be a little unstable, and some tend to be scattered.

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