Eighth Crown

Chapter 1226: totally mismatched soul

A knife split the barrier, and then drove straight in, and the tip of the knife was instantly sent into the opponent's heart.

The icy blue gem light flashed in Liu Xia's eyes, and a terrifying chill was released from the icy pupils that were so close at hand.

What bells and whistles are meaningless in the face of the Devil's Eye.

"How... possible? My formation...is perfect?"

The man's eyes widened, he couldn't accept the fact that he had been pierced through his heart for a while, his face was full of suffocation.

He still has many other skills and means that he hasn't used yet, so he was defeated like this?

"Heh... hum, I'll admit it, this time I was really careless."

His cheeks kept twitching, and the severe pain attacked the nerves of his whole body, but he still didn't mean to admit defeat, but put down the words stubbornly.

"But next time you won't be so lucky, just wait for me, I'll be back..."

After saying this, his demeanor was completely stunned, and there was no trace of breath anymore.

Liu Xia pulled out the eighth room and put his body at his feet.

He glanced in Oster's direction.

But there was nothing left there. As the incarnation of the soul of the tortoise, she could not last long after the body died. When Liu Xia killed the hero of the book, she had vanished.

"Thank you, Hero of the Bow... Now I can leave with confidence..."

Only the last dying voice entered Liu Xia's ears, and there was no movement after that.

Oster disappeared completely.

However, the square did not become empty—

"Cut, I didn't expect the boat to capsize in the gutter this time!"

A soul floated out of the book warrior's body, floating above his body, and he gritted his teeth bitterly.

"If I didn't have this hero of the bow, how could I die here once... No way, this time I can only do this first, only the soul can't do anything, first find a way to go back and find a spare Let’s talk about the resurrection of the body.”

He is a monster doctor, proficient in monster transformation, and of course he can also physically transform himself.

Just in case, he once left behind his back and put his spare body in a secret place. Once he died outside, his soul would return to that spare body, and then he would plot in secret.

It's a pity that the huge energy that was plundered by the spirit turtle can't be brought back, after all, the soul body has no power at all.

If you look at it from someone else's point of view, you will see-

His soul and body are very mismatched.

Although his body gave off a gloomy and sinister feel, his face was not bad at all. Although he was a little sloppy, he was barely considered a handsome guy.

But his soul was different.

The soul that escaped from the body was actually a middle-aged man over forty years old, with a big beer belly and glasses on his face.

This is his real body, that body is just a skin at best, and the essence of his soul is a fat, wretched middle-aged uncle.

"Let's go."

He glared at Liu Xia unwillingly, and then planned to float away from here, waiting for an opportunity to return to his own world.


But the next moment, an unwavering voice entered his ears, causing him to be stunned.


He turned around in astonishment and looked towards Liu Xia.

The two looked at each other.

The eyes of that devilish handsome guy looked directly into his eyes, and he was not deceived by the seemingly invisible soul body at all, and the boundaries between illusion and reality were pierced.

"How... how is it possible? You can actually see me?!"

He was stunned for a moment, and the face of the soul body was full of panic.

"Don't look at me like this, I started out as a necromancer."

Liu Xia raised the knife in his hand, and the ice-blue light in his eyes did not diminish at all.

"Wait... wait! Don't kill me! I can't die... By the way, I have a lot of information about the wave manipulator, and a lot of technology about monsters-"

He was completely panicked, and he tried to use all kinds of bargaining chips to keep his life alive.

In fact, regardless of the monster's technology, the information about the wave manipulator is actually a lie—the selected players, no matter who they are, if they try to reveal the existence of the adult, they will immediately blew themselves up and die. , unable to speak any information.


Lucia slashed with a knife.

"stop it----!!!"

With the sound of miserable howls, the crescent-like sword light flashed away, and the middle-aged man's soul disappeared in an instant.

Killing the spirit body is as easy as crushing a bug.

Liu Xia didn't pay much attention to him at all. Maybe he did have information about the mastermind behind the tide, but now he doesn't care about that anymore.

Anyway, when his future vision is upgraded to a higher level, he can see through the world at a glance, so do you still have no information?

Liu Xia looked at the corpse on the ground, then lifted the eight-room, and put the corpse together with the book family in his arms into the different space of the eight-room.

The strength of this guy is indeed very strong, and the ability to attack such skills in proportion to quality, if possible, Liu Xia even wants to grab it for his own use.

But unfortunately it couldn't be grabbed. After all, it wasn't a Noble Phantasm, and according to what he said, it wasn't a skill that came with the Book's Familiar, but a special skill given by the mastermind behind the wave, so he could only be made into a puppet.

It's just that I don't know if the Book Servant will leave by itself and find a new owner... It doesn't matter, I will go to the world over there later, which is just a matter of threatening again.

After the hero of the book died, those armored skeletons also stopped, and then turned into black smoke and dissipated.

Liu Xia took down the huge diamond-shaped crystal in the center of the square. After looking carefully, he found that it was indeed the core of the tortoise, and he put it away.

The core of the tortoise is not the heart, but the diamond-shaped crystal, which is also used to store the plundered life energy.

Because it has plundered the lives of millions of human beings, there are many things that can be done, almost comparable to—even beyond the Little Holy Grail, which is enough to create a few singularities.

In fact, these millions of lives have only completed 10% of the target plan. If all of them are completed, then even the huge and astonishing enchantment outside the world may indeed be able to be repaired, and even maintain it for hundreds of years. Bar.

As for how to fight the intensifying wave after the death of the spirit tortoise, when the barrier could not be repaired... that doesn't matter to Liu Xia.

Liu Xia slashed the wall with a knife and carried Tian Mulian and Kitamura Yuankang down.

For a moment, the thought of killing the two of them and putting them into the eighth room moved. Anyway, I didn't realize it, but then I thought that these two people were so weak that they didn't have this value at all. I'm afraid even the tyrant Dragon King couldn't win. , think about it or forget it.

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