Eighth Crown

Chapter 1228: Transcendence and Future Vision after Evolution

The strength of the skills and Noble Phantasms above and below the S rank is completely different.

Although it has basically reached about 100 and has stepped into the S-level, the span of the S-level is huge, and it may be within the realm of the S-level from 100 to 10,000, while the SS-level span will only be larger than this.

Skills and Noble Phantasms can be improved unconditionally when they are below S rank, which is essentially a process of quantitative change, but stepping into S rank is a process of qualitative change, not only need to accumulate enough quantitative changes, but also to meet specific requirements. conditions of.

Take Demon of Demons as an example, if this skill is to be upgraded to S rank, it is necessary to acquire divinity.

The reason is that the demon of the S-rank ghost species has stepped into the ranks of ghosts and gods, and once upgraded, it will evolve into a new skill [the core of ghosts and gods].

Therefore, in order to upgrade the demon of the ghost species from A-level to S-level, it is bound to meet the conditions for possessing divinity.

The above is the explanation given to Liu Xia by the [two rituals].

But Liu Xia doesn't possess the divine nature now, even if he has been holding the holy spear for a while, he has not seen the divine spear's ability to give him the divine nature, so it has nothing to do with the divine nature at present.

"That is to say, I have to find a way to obtain divinity now, and then I can let the demon of ghosts continue to improve?"

Liu Xia pondered for a while, but he did not expect that the ability to strengthen to S rank would have such a complicated evolutionary procedure.

"At least what level of divinity do I have to acquire to upgrade the Demon of the Species?"

After all, divinity is also graded.

From E-level to A-level, under normal circumstances, there is rarely an EX-level divinity, because when it reaches that point, it can already evolve into a divine nucleus.

"As long as you obtain the divinity of E-rank, and then raise the level with the demon of the ghost species as the core, you can evolve into the core of ghosts and gods... But well, the ghosts and gods who achieve that are bound to be the weakest ghosts and gods, and they will not be stronger than the ghost king. where to go."

[Two ceremonies] He talked eloquently, "If you can raise your divinity to A-level, and then raise the demons of ghosts, the core of the evolved ghosts and gods should reach the level of ordinary gods."

"Simply put, the more advanced and omnipotent the divine nature you obtain, the stronger the core of ghosts and gods after evolution. If the divine nature obtained is strong enough, it is not impossible to evolve to the main **** level in one go."


The core of ghosts and gods evolved with E-level divinity is about an extremely weak S-level, and the core of ghosts and gods evolved with A-level divinity can reach the normal S-level, while the ghosts and gods evolved with EX-level divinity. Nuclear, maybe it can reach the level of S+ level, or even S++ level.

Everything depends on how solid the foundation is laid on the aspect of divinity.

"I understand."

Liu Xia nodded to show understanding, thinking that in the future, he could raise his divinity as high as possible, and try to avoid wasting the opportunity to improve his spiritual foundation.

"Then there should be no prerequisites for the future vision of the magic eye to be upgraded to S-level, right?"

Since the demon of the ghost species cannot be improved for the time being, Liu Xia has set his sights on another very promising skill in the future.

Like the Demon of the Ghost Species, Future Vision is also a composite skill. It not only has multiple future vision abilities, but is also closely related to the Demon Eye of Immediate Death, and even directly linked.

If Liu Xia upgrades the future vision to EX rank, it may not only solve the time limit of the future vision, but also allow the magic eye of death to evolve together, and successfully upgrade to the rainbow-level magic eye.

"It is true that future upgrades do not require preconditions."

[Two ceremonies] nodded affirmatively, but then changed the conversation.

"But without your divinity, even if you raise the Demon Eye of Immediate Death to the rainbow level, you will not be able to exert its true power."

How can anything be related to divinity?

According to [two ceremonies].

At present, the only holder of the rainbow-level straight-to-death demon eye is the demon **** Balor in Celtic mythology.

But that's not only because the rainbow-level magic eye is strong enough, but also because Balor is a god, so the power of the rainbow-level magic eye can really be exerted.

In the magic world, the rainbow-level magic eye is already a miracle that cannot appear in modern times. It is impossible for humans to reproduce the rainbow-level magic eye. This is not only because the mystery has subsided, but also because it is impossible for humans to have the rainbow-level magic eye. , only gods can have rainbow-level magic eyes.

Creatures other than gods are simply not qualified to understand the death of the world, nature, and concepts.

Even if Liu Xia is a ghost king, powerful enough to kill even a god, but he still can't fully understand the death of the concept. When using the magic eye of straight death, he is still very **** the death of the concept.

Although killing the conceptual life is not difficult for him now.

Theoretically speaking, one must possess divinity in order to exert the power of the rainbow-level straight-to-death demon eye to a certain extent. If you want to exert its full strength, you must become a god.

"You tell me directly, what skills do I need to become a **** to level up or use my full strength?"

Lucia asked bluntly.

"Not much, except for the core of ghosts and gods and the eye of death, there is only the original rune, and the others can be upgraded at will."

[Two ceremonies] After thinking about it, he replied like this.

Primordial Rune... It is indeed a power that requires a **** to exert its full strength. The Primordial Rune used by Skadi and the Primordial Rune used by Lucia are not the same level at all.

Liu Xia lowered her head and looked at the spirit base template.

After thinking for a while, he used the basic ability value increase opportunity for magic power, and the skill value increase opportunity for future vision.

Because he was concerned about the statement of balanced development given by [Two Ceremony], he just raised his magic power to S+, while Future Vision was truly raised to S rank.

It is true that he can't use the full power of the rainbow-level magic eye, but the future is not included, this skill is still the most cost-effective at present.

A familiar heat flow emerged from nowhere in the body and entered his limbs and eyes. It lasted for more than ten minutes before gradually dissipating.

While Liu Xia was strengthening, the [Two Rituals] also smiled slightly and disappeared from his face.

After the strengthening, the magic value on the Liuxia Lingji template has also been raised to S+ level, and the future vision has directly undergone super-evolution.


The moment Liu Xia opened his eyes, a dazzling rainbow appeared in his iris.


Future Vision · Transcendence (S): Can see the future scene in advance. After evolving to the S level, it has surpassed all possibilities of the future vision, broke through the limitations of time and space, and reached an unprecedented situation. It can be like an omniscient god. Knowing all the forms of the future in the world is the pinnacle of visual ability.

As a branch of the future vision, the magic eye of direct death has also been upgraded to the rainbow level. Even so, it is only a broken rainbow level, and it is absolutely unable to exert its true value at present, but its power is still above the gem level.

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