Eighth Crown

Chapter 1236: Intrusion from unknown existence

in the control room.

After seeing the arrival of the two of Liu Xia, Shion and Mash looked over with excited expressions.

"Mr. Liangyi, it's great that you can come back at this time!"

Not only Shion, but Mash also showed an expression as if he had been saved.

"Did this happen again?"

Liu Xia glanced at the two boxes beside him, and instantly understood the situation.

Chaldea has been plagued by many disasters so far, not only the burning of human principles and the re-editing of human principles, but also many small and medium-sized incidents caused by this have occurred during this period. Even Liu Xia was a little used to it.

If it is placed in ACG works, it should be the kind of games, novels and the like that are very popular and lead to continuous sequels and strong life expectancy.

Since knowing that the world he is in is a two-dimensional world, Liu Xia's perspective on problems has become closer to that of a high-dimensional third party.

One of the two enclosures should belong to Tatsuka Fujimaru, and the transfer of the spiritual child should have been completed by now, and he should go to his destination.

However, if Chaldea, where the Servants originally gathered, could be turned into the lifeless appearance it is today, the enemy this time is quite formidable.

"That's right."

Shion nodded solemnly.

"Time is limited, so I'll keep it short, here's the thing..."

According to Shion.

This time the enemy's invasion can be said to be silent. When she reacted, there was no one in Chaldea. Not only the servants, but even the employees disappeared without a trace.

Da Vinci Jr., Sherlock Holmes, the captain who called himself Anonymous and other servants, Munir, Chen and other employees, as well as the new director Goldruff, all disappeared without a sound.

Shion, who came back to his senses, quickly contacted Fujimaru Tachika and Mash, and cut off their interference with the law of causality, protecting them from the enemy's hands.

According to Shion's investigation, it was finally confirmed that the enemy this time should have used a spiritual transfer technique similar to that of Chaldea, forcibly transferring all the servants and employees of Chaldea.

Because of the huge number and extremely high difficulty, the enemy did not have time to erase the traces, and various detection instruments in New Chaldea pointed the target to the island country in the middle of the seventeenth century.

In other words, someone from that era forcibly summoned Chaldea's Servant to the past.

"Is such a thing really possible?"

Liu Xia raised her brows slightly and asked Shion back.

"New Chaldea is not only located inside the Wandering Sea, but there are also a large number of powerful heroic spirits here, who can forcefully summon so many servants and employees without knowing it?"

The Wandering Sea itself is similar to a small singularity, and it is a moving singularity that is like a rootless duckweed, constantly drifting in the cracks of the world. In theory, even the alien star gods cannot interfere here.

It is the most powerful evidence that the white paper can't spread to the sea of ​​​​wandering.

"Indeed, this phenomenon is very incredible. Even if anything happened in the past, it was because we found a singularity, or something went wrong with us. Only this time, it was an invasion from the outside world."

Ziyuan adjusted her glasses again, her expression solemn with a sigh.

"It's as incredible as if the best bowler in the universe threw the ball into Chaldea...but if the best bowler in the universe exists, it makes sense."

In other words, is the opponent stronger than expected this time?

Liu Xia thought of his own Noble Phantasm upgrade mission this time, and he also happened to ask him to defeat a Beast... Is there any connection between the two?

Or, is the enemy this time really one of the seven evils of mankind?

"After knowing the location of the target, we immediately prepared to act, because all employees and servants had to be rescued."

However, all the followers on the Chaldean side have disappeared, and no one can go to the target location with Fujimaru Rika. It takes manpower to confirm the status of the target location and ensure the existence of Fujimaru Rika, even Matthew can't follow the past. .

Just when the three of them were so desperate that they could only let Fujimaru Rika go there alone, a certain Servant appeared very suddenly.

"It's weird to say, I don't remember when Chaldea summoned that Servant, and I even forgot her real name..."

Matthew scratched his cheek a little embarrassedly, a little embarrassed on his face.

"Probably because of her low reputation, and she doesn't look too conspicuous in Chaldea... By the way, her name is Seshoin Kiara, she is one of the extra classes, a servant of Alterego, she should be more reliable. "

Shion added to Liuxia.


Liu Xia paused slightly, her eyes narrowed.

"Didn't you hear me? Qihuang in the Slaughterhouse, are you familiar with her?"

Shion looked at him in surprise.

"...It doesn't count as acquaintance, but that woman is a dangerous existence in every sense."

Liu Xia also felt very strange for a while.

He originally thought that the only remaining Servant might be the elusive and unfathomable BB, or Esders, who came from another world but merged with Skadi. He didn't expect it to be the Slaughterhouse?

Because BB treated the deep-sea computer paradise event as an imaginary phenomenon, the offshore oilfield incident was the same as never happened. Almost everyone, including Fujimaru Tachika, forgot that incident, and only recorded the incident as data. Meltrilith and Parsonlip, as well as a limited number of people such as Liuxia, knew each other's existence.

Therefore, in the entire Chaldea, almost no one knew that Seshoin Kiara was the half body of the third beast, a very dangerous woman.

But at this time, the scumbag woman from BB didn't know where to go.

"Shion, Esdes, Fituria and the others who came with me also disappeared, no one is left?"

Liu Xia confirmed it to Shion again.

"None of them are there. I tried to contact them, but no one responded."

Ziyuan shook her head, and said regretfully.

Both Esdes and Fitria are very strong, and they are not servants, so they don’t need to pay extra magic power and can maximize their strength. If they are still there, Chaldea will not fall into no one. Dilemma available.

After hearing the name of Esdes, the two rituals who had been silent also cast their eyes.

She remembered that Liu Xia had said that the woman who was always with him and had a deep love for him was called Esdes.

But unfortunately, it seems to be temporarily unavailable.

"Fortunately, the young lady of the Slaughterhouse was not forcibly summoned away, so we let her follow Lixiang and enter this singularity together. She is in that cage."

Shion looked at one of the two boxes on the side and said to Liu Xia.

Either way, this is a very unreliable choice.

"Zi Yuan, prepare another box and let me go there together."

Liu Xia did not hesitate, and immediately opened her mouth to Shion.

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