Eighth Crown

Chapter 1246: This is just the beginning

"Hmph, it looks like that, but it's just the way it looks."

Matsudaira Nobutsu heard the words, but just glanced at her lightly, and his expression was full of irony.

"What's the meaning?"

Both Fujimaru Rika and Kasuga Bureau looked surprised.

Ryuxia and Seshoin's expressions remained the same, and they looked in the direction behind Matsudaira Nobuzuna in unison.

"Although I don't really care about a mere Servant, it still annoys me when you do this."

The petite girl walked out of there as if nothing was wrong, with no injuries visible on her entire body, and her delicate skin was not even bruised, let alone burns.

She glanced at Kasuga Bureau with disgust, and then glanced at Liu Xia with a gloomy expression, but ignored Liu Sheng next to her, and then snorted.

"Forget it, this is just the beginning. Anyway, there is still time. Before that, I will let you enjoy yourself for a while. When the time comes, I will love you..."

She looked at a few people contemptuously, then waved her hand slightly, and her figure, together with Nobuzuna Matsudaira next to her, directly blurred from the room and disappeared in front of them.


Fujimaru Rika was slightly surprised.

"How did it do that? It was clearly destroyed by the thunder, but it appeared so quickly. Is it resurrected with immortality, or is it just a clone?"

The Kama who appeared later was exactly the same as the Kamorgan who appeared first, and there was no difference at all, but the previous Kama had indeed died under Parvati's thunder.

"As far as I know, Kama has no such power."

Parvati reappeared, frowning secretly as he looked at the direction where Kama disappeared.

"Kama has arrows that can arouse lust, and there is no special power other than that. Even if she descends as a servant of the gods, she should not be able to change into a clone, unless her spiritual foundation is mixed with other The power of the gods."

If it came with the Alterego class with multiple divinities, Kama might indeed contain the power of other gods in his body.

"But we didn't detect the reaction of the compound divinity here. It should be Kama there. It's really weird."

Zi Yuan was also confused, and with her knowledge, she couldn't come up with any clues.

Kama itself is only the **** of love in India, and the more famous legend is that it only angered Shiva and was burned to death by the flame of the third eye.

"Could it be because of Da Ao? Da Ao enhanced her power?"

Liu Shengzongju took a few breaths and gradually recovered. Hearing that, he made a guess very calmly.

"It's not impossible, but there's no direct evidence of that."

Shion pouted and spread out his hands helplessly in the image.

"If we don't want to find out the secret of her being able to clone, I'm afraid we won't be able to easily defeat her and rescue the trapped people."

If the number of avatars is limited, that’s all, if there is no limit on the number, it will be incredible.

"Liuxia-chan, what do you think?"

Fujimaru Rika turned to look at Liu Xia and asked expectantly.

"I can't see it either, but it shouldn't be as simple as a clone."

Lucia shook her head and replied bluntly.

"In any case, now I just have to keep moving forward. Maybe I can identify the true body of her ability along the way."

It's not as simple as being a clone.

Even if it fell into his eyes, the two Kama that appeared one after another were definitely true followers of the gods, not something as fragile as a clone, but an undoubted entity, as if one Kama was copied and pasted into two. all the same.

"From the experience and data of Chaldea, each beast has its own unique characteristics, or power. If Kama is also a beast, then this proliferating power may be the embodiment of her characteristics."

Lucia thought so in her heart.

Judging by all the signs, Kama is likely to be the other half of the third beast. As one of the evils of mankind, no matter how incredible the power is, it is not impossible.

"Since there is no clue, we can only move on."

Fujimaru Rika nodded and stepped forward firmly.

In any case, it is impossible for them to give up those who were captured by Kama and their followers, and it is an inevitable trend to enter the depths of the labyrinth.

"Wait a minute, look at the ground behind you."

Just as they were about to start, Shion's voice suddenly sounded again.

"It seems that something has fallen where the maids and ghosts appeared before."

Fujimaru Rika looked according to the words, and found that there were some strange things falling on the ground.

One is a flat golden metal box, in the shape of a sachet that can be hung around the waist, with a pattern of cloverleaf on it, and the other is a card with a similar blood flower painted on it.

"Is this... Yinlong and flower tiles?"

Kasuga Bureau stepped forward and looked at these strange drops.

"The three-leaf sunflower pattern is the family crest of the general family. Could it be the general's belongings? But this number is slightly more."

There are two printed cages and two flower cards each. If it is said to be the general's belongings, it is too much.

"It doesn't look dangerous, there are no curses or phase traps, and it's fine to pick up."

After Shion made some probes, she made a security clearance.

Liu Xia didn't notice anything special from those items, so she didn't speak.

Fujimaru Tachika saw Shion's permission, but Liu Xia didn't stop her, so she stepped forward and picked up several printed cages and flower cards.


When reaching out and touching the seal cage, Fujimaru Rika suddenly froze for a moment, and then looked dazed.

"Your Excellency Lixiang?"

Noticing that she seemed a little lost, Kasuga Bureau came over and shook her hand in front of her.

Fujimaru Tachika was in a trance for a while, and then came back to her senses under the call of Kasuga Bureau, and patted her forehead in confusion.

"I thought I heard something just now?"

It looked like she was waking up from a big dream.

"Voice? Could it be that there is a residual memory on the seal cage? Lixiang, what kind of sound did you hear?"

Shion suddenly became interested, and asked Fujimaru Rika.

"I couldn't hear it clearly either. It seemed that some high-ranking person liked dogs very much, so he ordered everyone not to hurt dogs, which caused complaints... Later, someone was comforting him, it was a very sweet woman's voice. sound."

The girl frowned and pondered, and said the unclear memory intermittently.

"This seal has the words Tsunayoshi written on it. If I remember correctly, it should be the name of the fifth-generation general of the shogunate."

Liu Shengzongju cast a torch-like gaze and landed on the seal cage in Fujimaru Rika's hands, reminding him aloud.

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