Eighth Crown

Chapter 1260: A true beast of success

"It's despicable!"

Fujimaru Rika gritted her teeth and glared angrily at Kama.

Not only is this kind of use of the obsession of dying people very despicable, but she also has to tell her own conspiracy to attack and ridicule others after the event is completed. This kind of character is even worse. !

"What are you talking about, I fulfilled her dream and let her witness the generals of later generations with her own eyes. I gave her love, how can it be called despicable?"

Kama's face was full of disapproval, and he did not regard his actions as evil at all, but instead claimed to be love.

Immediately afterwards, she turned her gaze to Fujimaru Rika, her eyes gradually becoming dangerous.

"Okay, it's your turn next, Fujimaru Rika... You also give me this fall and become the resources for my ascension!"

She smiled leisurely, and her eyes released an unfathomable light like a black hole.


Under the guidance of that light, Fujimaru Tachika groaned violently.

Her face turned pale, her eyes gradually lost focus, and her eyes quickly became struggling, as if she was struggling back and forth between confusion and sobriety.

"I... Who am I? What do I do?"

Her eyes gradually lost their light, as if gradually forgetting everything in the past.

"Lixiang, take out the seal cage."

Until this moment, Liu Xia finally spoke up and gave pointers.


Kama raised his brows when he saw this, and a meaningful smile appeared on his face.


Confused, the red-haired girl didn't know what to do, so she blindly followed Liu Xia's instructions and took out Yinlong from the pocket of her windbreaker.


At this moment, a total of fourteen metal boxes burst into dazzling light.

These rays of light combined, suspended, and formed a barrier that seemed to be enough to block all interference, protecting Fujimaru Tachika inside.

"How am I... I recovered?"

Fujimaru Tachika was stunned for a moment, and then came back to his senses, heaving a sigh of relief full of the rest of his life.

The feeling of forgetting everything just now made her almost shudder, but fortunately, she subconsciously obeyed Liu Xia's instructions and took out the Yinlong she picked up on the road.

A total of fourteen Yinlongs were suspended in mid-air, completely isolating Fujimaru Rika and Dao, forming a wonderful balance.

"How is this going?"

Fujimaru Rika looked at those cages with surprise.

"It's the credit of Tokugawa Celebration's Yinlong."

Standing beside her, Liu Xia was also covered by the barrier, and she explained calmly after hearing this.

"Kingxi Tokugawa was the last general of the Tokugawa shogunate, and he even killed Tokugawa's rule with his own hands, so it can almost be said to be the old enemy of Tokugawa and the nemesis of the concept of Tokugawa."

As a concept, Tokugawa permeates every part of this maze.

But if Tokugawa Keiji, the last general of Tokugawa, was buried with his own hands, it would be equivalent to the nemesis of the concept of Tokugawa. Since this seal cage is made of Tokugawa Keiji's soul, then this seal cage can of course be blocked. The Tokugawa transformation of the Great Ous Labyrinth.

This is probably the reason why Kama hid Tokugawa Kei's seal behind the slate. She definitely doesn't want this kind of thing to be found.

But...will it go so well?

Liu Xia vaguely felt that something was not right in her heart.

These seal cages are all made by Kama himself. It makes no sense that this seal cage may hinder his plan. Putting it behind the slate is too much of a play.

It's like it's clearly there for you to go and get it.

"Huh, huh, huh... You really did use that cage!"

As if to confirm Liu Xia's bad guess, Kama suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed as if he saw some big joke.

"How stupid! To use something given by the enemy so unguardedly, so unsuspecting makes my stomach hurt from laughter!"

"In this great mystery, Tokugawa is supreme! Of course, only Tokugawa can use Tokugawa, right? Fujimaru Rika, you pushed yourself into the grave! In this way, no one can stop Tokugawa. melted!"

"Come on, incarnate as Tokugawa, that is the final destiny."

Kama had a smile on his face, and his tone was seductive.

The sweet voice seems to go directly to the deepest part of the human heart, even if you don't want to listen to it, it will be as pervasive as the tide, making people gradually forget themselves in confusion.

The cage itself is a trap!

"I'm... Tokugawa?"

The orange-red long-haired girl frowned slightly and muttered to herself thoughtfully, then suddenly she no longer hesitated.

"By the way... I'm from Tokugawa!"

This is the power of Dao, the magic organ, not simply brainwashing, but directly tampering with cognition, changing her thinking circuit, and making her think she is Tokugawa's general in her heart.


Kama's face showed a deep joy, and he waved his fist to express his joy.

As Fujimaru Rika gradually became Tokugawa, her body also changed.

The curvature of the body has clearly matured, and the tulle draped on the body disappears at some point, showing a body curve that is not inferior to Musashi at all. Because there is no clothing to cover it, it looks enchanting.

From a girl of thirteen or fourteen years old, she has evolved into a mature woman in her mid-twenties.

At the same time, a pair of pitch-black horns shaped like ox horns also grew on the top of her head, bent up to the sky, and her limbs were inexplicably covered by azure flames, as if she had become an elf of a flame demon.

That is the horn of the demon, and it is also the symbol of the beast, that is, the crown of the beast.

The so-called celestial devil refers to Mora, the mortal enemy of Buddha Sakyamuni, who is the mortal enemy of Buddha.

"I see, I didn't expect you to have the identity of Moruo."

Liu Xia was still very calm, not disturbed by Kama's actions at all, and suddenly realized.

"No wonder you have the potential to become a Beast. Since you are an enemy of Buddha, it certainly makes sense."

He should have thought of it earlier.

As the side of Beast III, Sesshouyuan had a pair of demon horns growing on her head after her successful reincarnation, but that was because she herself had the quality to become a demon, and it was a symbol of her potential.

On the other hand, Kama is the opposite. In mythology, she is not only Kama, but also has the side of Mara, the enemy of Buddha. It is because of this that she became a Beast.

Sessho-in was transformed into a beast because it was enough to become an enemy of Buddha.

Kama was transformed into a beast because he was the enemy of the Buddha himself.

There should have been such a connection between the two, but Liu Xia didn't expect it.

At this moment, by degenerating Fujimaru Rika, who had successfully defeated Seshoin, into Tokugawa, Kama obtained the strongest evolutionary material and was transformed into a real beast in one breath.

"It's too late to realize this now."

Kama opened his arms contentedly, enjoying this hard-won power, looking at his new and complete posture with satisfaction, and sighed contentedly.

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