Eighth Crown

Chapter 1264: How are you wearing his clothes?

outside world.

Edo Castle, at the entrance of Dao.

At this time, it was only a few hours before everyone entered the Great Olympics, the sky was still as clear as a wash, but the sun was gradually setting westward.

With a flash of purple light, Fujimaru Rika, Parvati, Goldruff, and Matsudaira Nobuzuna appeared here without exception.

"Liuxia sauce...?!"

As soon as Fujimaru Rika appeared, both hands subconsciously grabbed forward, but unexpectedly grabbed empty space.

"Is this... outside?"

Parvati looked around at the surrounding environment, and after confirming that he was out of danger, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, his face full of the look of the rest of his life.

"To put it mildly, this time I was really saved by Mr. Liangyi... Lixiang, how are you?"

Parvati looked at Fujimaru Rika with some concern.

Goldruff and Nobuzuna Matsudaira still had the same expressions on their faces that they had not recovered.

"Well, I'm much more awake."

Fujimaru Rika came back to her senses and smiled reluctantly at Parvati, still panicked in her expression.

"You go first, I'll deal with it here."

Before the transfer, Liu Xia only had time to say these words to her, and then launched Shangri-La without any delay, and teleported them out.

The only thing that fell into her last sight was the back of Lucia standing alone in the cosmic starry sky, facing Beast.

"We have to go back quickly, the opponent is Beast! With despairing power, if Liuxia-chan is alone, it will be very dangerous...!"

The orange-red long-haired girl gritted her teeth, turned her footsteps resolutely, and planned to walk towards the Great Ao.

"Wait a minute, Lixiang!"

Parvati quickly pulled her back.

"The reason why you were able to escape the Tokugawa transformation was probably because you left the Daou Labyrinth. Once you step into it again, you will definitely fall under the control of Kama again, and it will really be over by then!"

According to Kama, she was nourished by Fujimaru Rika's degeneration to complete the process of reincarnation. Once Fujimaru Rika enters, the ghost knows whether it will make her stronger.

If it was as she had guessed, it would be the meat buns hitting the dogs, and they would never return, let alone helping Liangyi Liuxia, it would not be worth the loss at all.

"Calm down, I heard that Mr. Liangyi can even defeat the giant king of flames in Northern Europe. Even with Beast as an opponent, he will not be defeated quickly. What we should do now is to believe him and find a way to solve Tokugawa. Only then can we send rescue soldiers to help!”

Surtur, the giant king of the end of flames in Northern Europe, is said to have the terrifying power to destroy all civilizations on the earth. He may not have the powerful characteristics of Beast, but his strength will never be much weaker than Beast.

Liu Xia, who could even defeat Surtur, would never lose in a short period of time even with Beast as his opponent.

"makes sense……"

Fujimaru Rika forced herself to calm down and tried to convince herself.

Liu Xia sauce is very strong and has many methods, so even if he is against the beast, he will not necessarily suffer. Besides, if he can send them out, he will not be trapped in it.

After thinking about this section, the girl was slightly relieved.

"Di Di!"

The sound of communication sounded from Fujimaru Rika's watch.

"Senior, this shows that your reaction appeared at the entrance of Daao in one breath, are you all alright!"

Mash's big head appeared on the screen, and he glanced at Fujimaru Tachika's whole body with force.

"Ma Xiu, if you care too much, you'll be messed up. Doesn't the instrument show that Lixiang is in good condition?"

Shion pushed Matthew's figure away from the monitor and looked at a few people with a serious look.

"Although I don't know what happened to you just now, but from the conversation, it seems that we have encountered a terrible situation. Are humans evil? It's really... a situation that is completely beyond expectations."

Shion was amazed.

Who would have thought that an unimaginable enemy like Beast would appear in this incident? Although there are also experiences of being hostile to other Beasts in the records of Chaldea, the real occurrence of such a situation is still in the Sea of ​​Wandering After the first time.

Shion couldn't help but feel excited about this, and on the other side was also on guard.

"Wait, what exactly did you experience on the fifth floor?"

Then, Shion's figure was also pushed aside, and a handsome beauty full of neutral charm appeared on the screen, looking sharply at Fujimaru Tachika.

"Why are you wearing his clothes?"

Fujimaru Rika lowered her head, feeling a little embarrassed.

On the fifth floor, because her clothes were taken off by her unknowingly and disappeared, she could only put on Liuxia's clothes to resist the heat.

This whereabouts fell into the eyes of Miss Liangyi, but she really jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it out.

"Predecessor...Senior! Are you really and Mr. Liuxia—?!"

Mash rushed back to the screen with tears in her eyes, watching the tears welling up in Fujimaru Rika's eyes.

"Nothing really happened to us..."

Fujimaru Rika felt that she was innocent and tried her best to prove her innocence, but she was too persuasive to explain with Liuxia's clothes on her body.

Moreover, they were going to enter the fifth floor of the Great Australasia, which was designed with the precepts of abstinence as the core. After they came out, it became like this. This did not arouse the suspicion of Matthew and the two rituals, but it was abnormal.

"My name is Shion, prepare a box for me immediately!"

From the wristwatch, there were vaguely the two ceremonies shouting vigorously towards Shion.

"I...I'm going too!"

There was also a choked cry from Matthew.

"Ah... I'm so hard..."

Fujimaru Tachika sighed in the sky.

"Huh? Huh! Huh?!! What's wrong with me?"

So much so that she didn't have the heart to listen to the confusion between Goldruff and Matsudaira Nobuzuna.

However, it's better if they just transfer their spirits, at least they can be a help in the next battle with Beast. As for a little misunderstanding, it's not too late to clarify.

After all, nothing really happened between her and Liu Xia-chan. As long as she made it clear, Mash would definitely understand her... well, probably.

Small eggplants are good, but they are too jealous.

"Rumble rumble rumble ---!!!"

Suddenly, with no response from everyone, the entire Edo Castle suddenly shook violently, as if the ground beneath his feet was being stomped on by some giant titan.

At the same time, under the horrified gazes of several people, the majestic whistling sound, centered on Dao, roared away in all directions, like a hurricane taking root here.

The roaring flame was derived from the great mystery in front of everyone's eyes.

"that is……?"

Everyone in the field was stunned, and involuntarily cast a stunned look at the sky.

There, the outcome is decided.

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