Eighth Crown

Chapter 797: Ability to anchor the self to the anchor point (3/3)

No matter what, it's better to be blocked.

Even the contradictions and denials between the two personalities are the same in this regard.

Since the reason for the urge to kill is that the two personalities negate each other, then as long as you find an object that can be affirmed by both personalities, this problem can naturally be resolved.

"The fundamental solution is to find such a presence that both you and we can be sure of, and use it as an anchor to anchor your self."

Liu Xia gave the answer she thought of, and continued to tell.

"As long as you can fix yourself, without the urge to kill, what does it matter if you kill someone? Taking a step back, if you are a person who recognizes the value of life, there is no problem with killing yourself as a way to protect yourself."

The two rituals are the heirs carefully cultivated by the Liangyi family.

She is by no means the kind of person who would be taboo about killing. As long as it is the target of the killing, she can act decisively. The reason why she can't kill now is just because she imagined her own ending on her grandfather, and doesn't want to kill her. Self-destruction.

But as long as she can resolve her inner conflicts, gain a firm self, and be proficient in murder, she will become the best killer.

"Fixing the anchor of the self..."

The two rituals fell into contemplation.

According to Liu Xia, finding the anchor point that can fix her self is the key to alleviating her murderous impulse and personality denial.

To be honest, even she has to admit that what Liu Xia said is indeed very reasonable. If you want to ease her urge to kill, you should not think about how to deny the other party, but find a common topic with the other party.

This is basic knowledge in human relations, but the Liangyi family has never thought of this... It may have been thought of, but the anchor they found may not be hard enough.

After all, since it is an anchor, it must be strong enough to withstand the wind and fire. No matter how the world changes, you must be responsible for the object you are tied to and never fall off her.

This kind of anchor point can give her a real sense of security, so that she can never leave.


In the midst of contemplation, a soft sound came.

The two rituals were stunned for a moment, and they couldn't help but raised their heads and looked at their left hand.

She didn't know when her hand was held by the teenager next to her, and the slightly cool hand made her somewhat hot body feel a rare coolness.

"You want to stay with me all day, don't get lost here."

Lucia calmly held her hand.

The two ceremonies were slightly stunned.

It turned out that the two had walked into the city unknowingly. The streets in the early morning were unusually lively, with almost people coming and going, and they could get away if they didn't pay attention.

She watched Liu Xia hold her hand and frowned.

But she hesitated a little.

And just when she hesitated, Liu Xia had firmly held her hand, and without any intention of letting go, held her hand, squeezed away the crowd in front, and led her forward.

She has lost the opportunity to withdraw her hand, and he has taken her whole body away.

The two were like pairs of butterflies wearing flowers, leaving an invisible trace in the endless stream of people.

"Anchor... what?"

The two rituals lowered their heads, and while being led forward by him, they looked at Liu Xia's hand holding her wrist.

The unremitting pursuit of the door, the support of her parents and brothers, and the rescue of her from the enemy that night, all these scenes passed through her heart one by one.

The two ceremonies fell into silence.

And behind the two.

Esdes' eyes were like nails, nailed to the hands that the two were holding at the moment, his eyes were extremely sharp, as if he wanted to poke a hole in the two's hands.

Although she knew that Liu Xia must have come out to see the two ceremonies, she really did not expect the progress between the two to be so fast. No, it should be said that Liu Xia's methods are quite strong.

She could see clearly from the back, Liu Xia was guiding the whole process, threading the needle and thread at the right time, and while drawing out the softness in the heart of the two ceremonies, she also buried the nails in her heart that could not be pulled out——

Estes is almost certain that Liu Xia must have used the ability of future vision, and deduced the future of this segment many times, so he found the most suitable future.

Estes gritted his teeth in anger.

In comparison, she definitely spent more time with Liu Xia. After careful calculation, the two of them had been together for almost eight months.

But the relationship between the two is still the same as before. He still only treats her as a companion and subordinate. Facing her gestures, he always looks indifferent.

On the contrary, as soon as he came back to this world, he immediately began to take the initiative, using the future to deduce repeatedly, and in a very short period of time, he found a way to improve the relationship between himself and the two rituals.

Under his active attack, even the two ceremonies didn't last long, and now it looks like it was broken.

If things go on like this, with Liu Xia's offensive ability, it won't take long to determine the relationship, right?

A big word "Dangerous" appeared vaguely on Esdes' head.


With her face extremely gloomy, she squeezed a piece of the metal railing beside her with force, causing a few passers-by around to cast their horrified gazes.


Liu Xia noticed Esdes's stalking, but ignored it, and calmly started the first date with the two rituals.

Just as Estes guessed, in order to spend the day perfectly, he did deduce countless times with his future vision, and found the best world line from it.

After that, Liu Xia didn't choose to do something too fancy, such as setting off fireworks. From his perspective of the future, the two ceremonies obviously rejected that one.

He just took her, like a normal couple, and began to stroll the shopping street and entered the cinema and video game city.


"Wouldn't it be boring to go shopping with me?"

The two ceremonies were faced with a dazzling array of commodities, but they still had a cold look on their faces, obviously not interested in anything in front of them.

She looked at Liu Xia's face, and he didn't seem to see any embarrassment or disappointment on his face. She just continued to walk with her as usual, as if she really planned to spend the day like this.

"Since I have decided to chase you, then I will tolerate everything you have."

Liu Xia said with a normal expression: "If I can't even do this kind of thing, I'm not worthy of pursuing you."

The two ceremonies were stunned again when they heard the words, and then their eyes flickered slightly.

Immediately after.

After a moment of silence, she closed her eyes.

When she opened her eyes again, the cold look on her face disappeared, replaced by a straightforward smile, and her movements became more casual.

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