Eighth Crown

Chapter 806: So powerful that no comparison is needed at all (3/3) (revised)

What did they see?

If it weren't for the fact that the Servant's ability value panel had nothing to do with dazzling eyes, they would almost wonder if their eyes were blind, so they could see this terrifyingly powerful panel!

All the basic ability values ​​have reached the highest A-level, and the durability has even reached an exceptional level! Just looking at this basic ability value, this heroic spirit is definitely the top of the top, the strongest of the powerful!

And what happened to that string of inherent skills?

Including the magic eye of the god's domain, the most advanced alien bloodline, the resistance at the spiritual level, the peak of skills, the peak of magic, etc., covering all aspects, without any shortcomings, a total of eight inherent skills!

The average Servant only has three or four unique skills, right? Having four inherent skills is already a very powerful Heroic Spirit, so what level of Heroic Spirit is the Heroic Spirit in front of them that has twice as many skills as the powerful Heroic Spirit?

Although he couldn't see the Noble Phantasm of this heroic spirit, his Noble Phantasm would definitely not be bad, and just looking at his basic abilities and skills, he was already terrifyingly powerful.

No, this can no longer be described as powerful, it is simply an exception! On the outside! Out of spec!

He is the symbol of victory itself! There is no point in comparing at all!

As long as you see such a panel, you don't need to fight, you don't need to prove it, any master will firmly believe that this Holy Grail War must be his own victory!


your real name?

Compared with such a powerful strength, there is no need to care about the real name!

It's better to say that the summoned dragon slayer Siegfried is not the one who will definitely be summoned. Siegfried is powerful, but I am afraid that it is not comparable to this heroic spirit. Moreover, Siegfried There is also a very fatal weakness.

Just looking at this panel, Gold couldn't help shaking with excitement, his breathing became abnormally rapid, and even his face couldn't help but turn red.

Even Danny on the side couldn't help breathing disorderly, even with his mentality, looking at Gold's eyes, he couldn't help but show a little jealousy that couldn't be concealed.

Such a strong heroic spirit, to be summoned by this second-rate magician, is simply a **** luck.

Thinking of this, even Danick couldn't help but regret it a little bit. If he hadn't summoned Vlad in advance, he might have a chance to summon this heroic spirit now.

Once he gets this heroic spirit, the mere red side doesn't need to care at all. If he wants to win the Holy Grail War, it's as simple as finding something.

At this moment, Danick even had the urge to **** Saber over.

Fortunately, his reason will not be evaporated by greed, knowing that this is not suitable for this situation, so he suppressed this desire.

"What's the matter, Danic?"

Vlad sat on the sofa with the goblet in his hand slightly, his orange eyes swept around Danick and Gold, and then suddenly made a sound and asked Danick.

"What do you see?"

The Servant cannot see the Servant's ability value, that is the Master's privilege.

"Yes, I'm sorry, King."

Danny quickly returned to his senses, turned around, and instantly adjusted the expression on his face, bowing his head slightly towards Vlad.

"Saber's ability value is very good, I am afraid it is not inferior to you, this will definitely become the cornerstone of the king's victory!"

In fact, in order to take care of Wang's self-esteem, his statement has been very euphemistic.

Liu Xia's ability value is not inferior to him at all, but surpasses him in all aspects.

The moment Danny lowered his head, he glanced at Vlad without a trace, and saw his ability value in his eyes.


Class: Lancer

Master: Danic Preston Yogg Domirena

Real name: Vlad Tepes

Attribute: Order, Moderation

【Ability value】

Muscle strength: B

Durability: B

Agility: A

Magic: A


Noble Phantasm: A

【Class Skills】

Against Magic (B): The ability to gain resistance to magic, roughly speaking, to nullify magic of the same level or lower. In the case of rank B, it can neutralize the magic chant three or less, and it is difficult to hurt him even if he uses great magic, ceremonial spells, etc.

【Inherent Skills】

Protector of the Kingdom (EX): By obtaining the leylines in advance, a specific area is regarded as "own territory". During the battle in this territory, Vlad III, the king, was able to obtain a combat power correction comparable to Berserker's A-rank "Frenzy".


Only one agility can be compared with Saber in terms of basic ability value, and the others are crushed in all directions.

There is only one [Ghost General of Protecting the Country] in the inherent skills. Although he can get a terrifying combat power bonus within the territory, there is no other effect other than that, and he is still crushed.

Vlad Tepes.

Also known as Vlad III, he was the king of Romania in the past, with the synonym of [Punctured]. It is said that he stabbed more than 20,000 soldiers to death with wooden stakes in the battle with Turkey. According to the statistics of the Holy See at that time, He even stabbed to death more than 100,000 people in his life, and his brutal and **** personality is famous far and wide, rivaling Hercules and King Arthur in Romania.

To a certain extent, the strength of a Servant will be affected by the Master's qualifications and popularity. For example, Vlad III has a great strength bonus in Romania, which makes his combat power soar several times in one breath, reaching an exceptional level. of power.

Originally, he should be Black's trump card and the key to victory. That's why Danny was so respectful to him and willing to treat him with the courtesy of a courtier.

But now it seems that, even if you only look at some of the exposed panels, Vlad III can't compare to this Servant named "Cangmi Mu Liuxia". This Servant is the trump card in the current sense.

In fact, Vlad III still has a hidden power, but he himself is very secretive about that power. Just compare.

Thinking of this, Danick's idea of ​​wanting to win Saber became stronger and stronger. After all, after defeating the red team, it was a civil war for the black team. At that time, I am afraid that no one in the black team will be the opponent of Gold and Saber.


Vlad III glanced at Danny, and then at Gold, who was so excited that he couldn't help himself, his eyes flickered slightly, and then he lowered his head and took a sip of red wine, after all, he did not continue to ask.

"Gold, being able to summon such a powerful Saber is itself a testament to your status as a first-class magician."

Danny turned around immediately and spoke to Gold in a friendly manner. His attitude was completely different from the previous indifference, but his eyes showed a calculated meaning.

"Go back first, then there will be a time when you and your Saber shine..."

Thanks for the 10,000 point reward for the chess piece who read the book silently! The level of the Noble Phantasm was added in the previous chapter, but I forgot to add my apologies.

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