Eighth Crown

Chapter 833: boring desire for survival

A corner of the jungle.

Astolfo was leading an artificial man, walking quickly through the barrier and the trap, heading down the mountain.

He was in a very happy mood, because his own personality was very innocent, and because of the evaporation of rationality, he almost did what he thought of, never thinking about the consequences, and never being trapped by troubles.

And, from his perspective, he doesn't think there's anything wrong with what he's doing.

Behind him is a male android, wearing a white shirt and a black gentleman's short jacket. Because he was just born, his face looks a little neutral and his body is very slender. No one will doubt the girl.

He's an android born of himself.

Although the Yog Domirenian clan has created many artificial humans and given them high-quality magic circuits and common sense, in essence, they are just like robots when they are just born. Even if they die, they will not Will frown.

Although they are lives, they have no self at all, just like a program written by a computer, their personalities are very mechanical.

But there are always exceptions to everything. Among the many artificial humans, there is a very rare special individual who has awakened himself and developed the instinct to escape, escaping from the petri dish.

The most primitive instinct of life is to survive and reproduce. Only a life with this primitive instinct can be regarded as having a self.

He escaped from the petri dish and was supposed to be captured by the patrolling androids soon, but he was very lucky to meet Astolfo.

After instinctively asking for help, the innocent knight rationally evaporated on the spot and hid it. At this moment, when everyone was dealing with the Red Servant, they returned to the castle and tried to take him to escape from this devil's cave.

However, the behavior of this Servant as a humanoid was still seen by the stone bird familiars scattered throughout the jungle, and was known by Danick.

in the forest.

"Hum hum hum~~"

Astolfo pulled the android and quickly shuttled through the forest, his eyes were full of happiness, not the slightest unpleasantness.

The android was dragged away by him, obviously a little unable to keep up with his footsteps, so his feet were a little staggered, and probably because of the lack of awareness of the current situation, the expression on his face was a little cowardly and confused.


At a certain moment, a slender flame of sword energy came from the side, carrying the scorching high temperature, swept past Astolfo, and baked the ground along the way to coke.

"Wow wow-!"

The flaming sword qi flew past his face, causing Astolfo to be startled. After exclaiming, he hurried back a few steps and patted his chest with lingering fears.

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to have thought of something, and his face suddenly stiffened.

Immediately, a young man with a magical beauty, holding a long knife with a radiant light in his hand, appeared in front of him unhurriedly, without the slightest smile on his face, looking like an ice cube, looking directly at him Eyes could not help but make people feel cold all over.

"Ah la la la..."

After Astolfo saw Liu Xia's face clearly, he suddenly took a breath of cold air, and a few wisps of sweat appeared on his face, and then whispered to the android behind him.

"I didn't expect the worst guy to come after us... I'll block him, you run away!"

Quite polite.

Although the strength is not strong, but also worthy of the name of the twelve warriors.

But to no avail.

"Give it up, you can't escape from my hands."

Liu Xia said coldly: "Rider, take that android with me, and then go back to the castle with me."

In fact, he doesn't care about androids or something, but he doesn't plan to tear his face with Black now, so it's okay to perform the duties of a Servant.

"I reject!"

Facing Liu Xia, although Astolfo was under great pressure, he still refused Liu Xia's proposal without hesitation, and a very reluctant smile appeared on his face.

"I promised to protect this child, how can I give up halfway!"

The android behind him glanced at him, his eyes moved, and then turned to look at Liu Xia, but the moment he saw Liu Xia's eyes, he was shocked and quickly turned his eyes away.

Unlike Rider and the magicians who looked at him, this man's eyes were like a severe winter that was enough to roll up a blizzard, and just looking at it made him feel a deep sense of palpitations.

"Do you know what you're doing?"

Liu Xia tilted her head, "Has your actions been approved by the Master?"

"No! But I know my actions can never be wrong!"

Astolfo answered very succinctly, but the firmness in his expression did not recede in the slightest.

"I didn't want to see this child die as experimental material, so I saved him. Is there anything wrong with this behavior!"

This guy has a bad and good personality, and with the state of evaporating rationality, trying to control this kind of Servant is really difficult in a sense.

"Wrong or not has nothing to do with me."

Liu Xia raised the He Dao in his hand and said calmly: "But your behavior has caused trouble for the entire Black camp. This is a fact. I will say it again, bring the android and go back with me."

"My answer will not change! I refuse!"

Astolfo's expression remained firm.


The next moment, Liu Xia's figure disappeared from the spot in an instant, the terrifying speed even surpassed Astolfo's reaction speed, and came to him in an instant.

Immediately, under a gust of strong wind, Liu Xia kicked down his stomach.


Astolfo was completely unable to dodge, and was kicked by Liu Xia. The severe pain caused his eyes to widen instantly, and he almost vomited the gall in his stomach.

Then, under a huge force, he flew out uncontrollably, and after knocking down several big trees, the castration barely stopped, but the whole person twitched, and he couldn't stand up for the time being. .


The android came back to his senses and hurriedly looked at Astolfo who flew out backwards.

But the next moment, his eyes suddenly darkened, and the light from the moon seemed to be blocked by most of it.

He trembled slightly, then turned his head stiffly.

Liu Xia's figure had come to him at an unknown time, and he was looking down at him, his eyes without the slightest emotional fluctuation seemed to have sentenced him to face the death penalty.

"Don't...I don't want to die!"

A strong desire to survive burst out from the bottom of his heart, the magic circuit opened automatically, and the magic that was born with it shined on the magic base.


But immediately, his eyes went black, and under the severe pain in the back of his head, the whole person directly lost consciousness.

"Boring **** for survival."

Lucia said indifferently.

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